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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. You mean there are jokes that are meant to be offensive?

    There are two blonde carpenters. One of them is putting nails in the boards on one of the walls of the house they're building. The other comes over and asks:

    Why are you throwing every second nail away?

    Oh, it's cause they're the wrong way around. I can't put nails in with the head first.

    Noo, you see, they're supposed to be on the other side of the house!

  2. You're probably asking for messengerRNA (mRNA) as that is the kind of RNA that copies the data in the DNA and brings it out from the nuclues so that you can actually produce amino acids (which are used to make proteins).

    Reading the French though, I'm getting the feeling you're asking what is the code for starting an aminoacid (as in, A, C, G, U in some order), and I've got no idea then...

  3. pro:

    Canada vs US (number of guns vs number of gunrelated crimes)

    You could probably argue that with the amount of guns on the blackmarket today it'd be virtually impossible to enforce any form of stricter gunlaws, so why bother anyways? You're just spending extra taxmoney to no use.

    What else, what else? National rifle association? I'm sure they'll have some nice statistics you'll be able to use.


    You'll almost certainly hear something about how guns make it easier to commit crimes. That means that, if someone is going to attack you for whatever reason, if he can't have a gun you are in a better position than if he can.

    How bout something along the lines of, "If the offender has a gun, then allowing guns will allow me to have arms to defend myself". And the counter to that would be that you're basically forcing people to carry guns, making impulsive violence all the more dangerous (notice how everything relates back to making violence more dangerous? That's simply cause that's what guns do)

    Oh, and I'm sure you'll hear something about how it's much too easy to buy ammunition (anyone remember bowling for columbine? Those kids that bought ammunition? Disregarding the rest of the movie which I'm sure people have pretty different opinions on, notice how easy it was to get ammunition for anyone there).

    Europe ought to come up in some form or other too. Probably regarding the relation of number of guns vs gunrelated crime (which is countered by looking at canada as I said above).

    That's all for now, I'm out of ideas. Good luck with your speech :P

  4. Quacker also has a good point, sometimes prison life is better than the criminal's previous life.

    That can depend on two things, either his life before sucked or life in prison is just awesome. Agree?

    If it's the first one, then isn't that also a responsibility of the state? I mean, I'm not saying everyone deserves an apartment on manhattan or such, just that for prisonlife to be worse than life outside, you'd basically have to be homeless...

    If it's the second, then the answer isn't to kill the person, but make prison life worse. I really don't see how you can reason that prison being too good justifies execution :P

  5. It is what is called a deterrent. If you kill the killer then he cant kill again. that is specific detterence.

    And if you put him in jail for life he can? You're either not making sense or you're telling us you don't think prisons are secure enough. Make your pick...Personally I'm of the opinion if it's the second, make the prisons more secure, but that might just be me...

    Also, if you kill a murderer then it will also cause general deterrence. Many people that may have thought of killing but did not in fear of getting the death penalty.

    I don't have time to dig up a source for this right now, but I believe it's been proved that the death penalty in fact doesn't have this effect. If anything, it's the other way around :P

    And if you are going to use the logic "Executing a killer is bad because we are doing the same thing" Then you are horribly wrong. If you say that you will have to think of this too. We wont be able to take back with force what a burglar took from somebody. A police officer could not speed to catch a speeder.

    Perhaps, but in the first example, the burglar is not the rightful owner, so you can take it back. In the second, if he doesn't stop, he's evading justice or whatever it's called, so once again, you're doing less. By killing a murderer you are doing as much as he did.

    Oh, and what do you people think about the Chicago incident where a lab testing DNA was found to have done wrong on several occasion. I believe it was something like 800 cases... Let's just assume that 10 of these led to a wrongful indiction and thereby you have wrongfully killed 10 people. Do you want to have it on your conscience?

    Ok, school now, I'll post more on this later :P

  6. Make it illegal. There are people who don't even know which way to shoot the things, why should those same people be allowed to actually make the bombs`? :P Make it licensed in some way, or forbid it completely. There doesn't have to be a huge punishment, just make it illegal so people will think twice before doing it. If they do it anyways, well, you couldn't really have stopped them anyways most probably...

  7. I believe it's meant to work so that the text is simply transferred into a standard reply option thingy? Atleast that's how I've seen it work in all other forums with this kind of setup. If that's not how it works, then why even have the button?

  8. When using the "fast reply" option to write a reply, clicking on "more options" will have the same effect as clicking reply. It's not a hassle, since I know all the smilies I use by heart, but I think it'd be a good idea to fix it anyways :P

  9. I have a hard time understanding why people think it's worse to be killed straight away, meaning you're done with your suffering after the execution, compared to having to rot away in a cell the rest of your life... That really isn't the point of this thread though.

    I see it something like this;

    the Iraqis' deserve to sentence saddam. However, I'd let everything wait a year or so until the situation, hopefully, has stabilized a bit. Somewhere along the lines sovereignty really is the key to this arguement, but as we've seen in the past that's not really enough to argue for it though.

    The Hague just won't get it. Bush is almost guaranteed to make sure of that, so there's no real point to it in this case. Otherwise that'd be my second choice...

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a country called "sea something" that is simply an old oil-platform off of Norway's coast? More importantly though, there are hardly any laws there, and it's mainly used for various notso good websites.

    Argh, that all seems like it's some sort of sci-fi idea I've got, but I feel pretty sure I've read about it somewhere, and right now I don't have time to go look for it. Technically, I don't have time for this either, but I don't care :P

  11. I think it's great that they caught him. It might not make all too much of a difference, depending on why the resisters are fighting the US. If they're fighting for being loyal to saddam, they ought to stop, but otherwise (as in; they see the US as occupants and just want them out) then the warfare will prolly continue...

    Oh well, time will tell what effect it'll have. Right now I'm also wondering where he'll be prosecuted.

  12. Without having visited the site, I'll just say a few things:

    If this was to be controlled, who would have the authority? The US? The EU? Couldn't be, so it'd have to be some organisation that has authority over the entire world. In theory that'd be the UN, but I doubt many countries would give up their sovereignty to the UN even in this matter. I could be wrong though, I don't really know...

    Another problem is the massive amout of data on the net. It's practcally impossible to control the flow of information. I believe there was/is a country doing that. NK might be it, but I'm not sure. Anyways, they're spending tons and tons of cash on keeping the information the way they want it. In the end, that's not going to cut it. It's a futile attempt to control the media, and it's not going to work. The same problem will arise if you want to control the sites published on the net.

    Ok, that might've been a bit of rambling, but hopefully it was atleast legible.

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