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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. For all the ones that are against abortion, when does the sperm/egg (can't remember the name for it right now, so you'll have to live with this :P) become a human being? And what defines killing? Is the death of cells considered killing? Then think of how many cells cutting yourself kills.

    Also, it might be a good idea to remember that a fetus does not have a brain to start with. It takes a while for a brain to be formed. If you don't consider it a human until after that, why not allow abortion before it happens? If you consider it a human before the brain, what makes it a human?

  2. Just like every language, english evolves. Personally, I don't much care for grammar in any language as long as it doesn't go overboard or isn't legible. I'm not saying you shouldn't use formal language in formal texts, but in an essay or such, if you don't completely follow the rules of grammar you can actually get a richer language. Think about putting an exclamation mark right in the middle of a sentence, for effect. There's no other way to get that effect, and since it's clearly understandable, what's so bad with it?

    I'm of the opinion that the written language is less important than the spoken language. Why? Since that's the "original" and allows for more natural conversations, while written language is always comparatively stiff.

    Back on the idea of grammar and correct use of language... Isn't language used to convey a message, feeling or such? Does it really matter how that is done, with correct grammar or not? Are you reading the text for the grammar or are you reading it for the content?

  3. First off, if it's a vacuum, that's a part of something larger, then time will exist. Time still exists outside the vacuum, and since time, to me atleast, is universal, time would also exist inside the vacuum.

    Removing the outside though, and thinking that there's nothing, but a vacuum, I'd say no. That relates to my original answer, that time is something that allows us to observe change. In other words, without change, there is no time.

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