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Posts posted by Tonto_Icy_Tripod

  1. I'm assuming that reply was meant for me? I don't really see what you mean by the first one, but of course the answer is no...

    By your same logic, I should go to a KKK rally and shout obscenities because there's no other way for me to let them know I don't like what they're doing.

    Well yeah, in a way. Take the nazis instead. Atleast here in Sweden it's a big deal that children are taught how bad what the nazis did, since knowledge like that will allow them to make better judgements.

    Not saying anything doesn't necessarily mean not having an opinion, but it sure means that it isn't a pronounced one. Now, seeing as the case was pretty obvious, not having an opinion on it would hurt the management I think. What I'm trying to say is, if NFL doesn't clearly say they oppose what Janet did, that basically means they support it (it doesn't really mean that, but the effect would be the same). Now, whether they want to support it or not is up to them, and I don't really know what I think of it (I've been going back and forth constantly...can't really make up my mind), so I'm not gonna pass judgement on what they chose to do.

    Ugh, typing in a fast reply box makes it way harder to type coherent replies :P

  2. Thanks for the replies :P So sticking to some sucky DDR RAM won't really hurt me then :P

    So, moving on then :P

    Graphics cards? Nvidia and ATI are both releasing new cards pretty soon, right? So, that leads me to two questions:

    1. PCI Express support. Is that really needed? Wouldn't it be just as easy (and cheaper?) to get a mobo with no PCI Express support and a card with AGP?

    2. Any idea when they'll be released? If it's gonna be late in the year I'm not sure I want to wait... If there's gonna be some really neat performance boost though, maybe I will :P

    And since I like asking right now, do any of you know of a good online store that ships to europe (sweden in specific)? Newegg is the only store I know of in the US and they don't ship here :P Seeing as the dollar lost something like 30% of it's value compared to the SEK, it'll almost certainly be worth it ;)

  3. You can't really expect something like this to not be broadcasted around the world over and over again, can you? So I guess making sure that it's noticed that the act wasn't appreciated is the only way for the organisers to go... That is, assuming they don't want this to happen again ;)

  4. If we're gonna stay realistic then, you couldn't have more than 2 ships on a screen at once (you can't have them next to each other because of the oars).

    So while I agree that bigger is better if you're going to have realistic naval combat, you also have to remember that there's a limit to that as well. Half the size of the ship in the pic Michael posted would be the best for that cause I'd say, but I'm sticking with my idea of aok size ships if it's going to be aok style combat ;)

  5. Oki, so continuing on the memory issue, DDR2, how much faster will that be then? Will non DDR2 RAM fit in DDR2 DIMMS?

    Trying to put this into perspective: I'm hopefully gonna be building my own comp later this year. Seeing as I've got a 1GhZ Fujitsu Scaleo (you can't find it on their sites...don't ask me why, cause I don't know), and I'm thinking of something along the line of a 939-socket AMD64. After that though, it get's tricky :P So I'm just trying to find out as much as possible about all kinds of stuff ;)

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