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  1. my favorite thing about this is the stone bit looks kinda like an anchor haha
    3 points
  2. For random maps a very simple form of wind erosion can be applied with globalSmoothHeightmap giving it an asymmetric smoothMap: erosion_demo_simple_wind.zip More complex forms of erosion are planned
    2 points
  3. Nothing special to mention but Rise of the East has been updated to Alpha 20 (along with some fixes thanks to our great testers! ) http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote/downloads/rise-of-the-east-20 How to install: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod!
    1 point
  4. My major critique of your buildings is you make roofs bendy like a kids game (AOEO). Try to match style of other civs mang. Other than that your directions is good. For the dock, maybe put a trading ship and some upturned fishing boats? Blacksmith could have less of a wall, since others aren't so blocked off from the outside world. The corral is super good (probably the 1 or 2 building where a bendy roof is justified, is more rustic). I have no problem with the "temple" style in the back of the dock. Look at the Athens shipsheds in Piraeus (they use pseudo-temple style). Maybe these columns can be wooden versions of the ionic column.
    1 point
  5. No, in ~/.local/share/0ad/mods directly (not in the mod folder).
    1 point
  6. I think I'm finished map_Dueling_Cliffs.zip
    1 point
  7. The dock makes me think about pegasi architecture, in your ponies mod but I think it's pretty.
    1 point
  8. In both the Collins dictionary and the Oxford dictionaries ( both considered to be the most "official" dictionary in England) malus does come up but with a different meaning. Malus Pronunciation: /ˈmeɪləs/ /ˈmɑːləs/ NOUN A plant of the genus Malus (family Rosaceae), which consists of deciduous trees and shrubs grown ornamentally and for their fruit (apples and crab apples) in the temperate zones of both hemispheres; (in form Malus) the genus itself. Adopted as a genus name in J. Pitton de Tournefort Inst. Rei Herbariae (1700) I. 634.Valid publication of the genus name: P. Miller Gardeners Dict.: Abridged (ed. 4, 1754) II. However Bonus does come up as a real word with the meaning implied (see 1.3) Bonus Pronunciation: /ˈbəʊnəs/ NOUN 1 A sum of money added to a person’s wages as a reward for good performance:big Christmas bonuses 1.1 British An extra dividend or issue paid to the shareholders of a company. 1.2 British A distribution of profits to holders of an insurance policy. 1.3 An extra and unexpected advantage:good weather is an added bonus but the real appeal is the landscape Just because a world originating from Latin is absorbed into the English language as a viable word, doesn't mean that its obverse is feasible. That should be the end of the discussion, bonus is an English word and malus is an English word, however it is used to denote a genus not a negative effect.
    1 point
  9. You can use the shift-key to queue up the gather commands, then the unit should drop off the gathered resource before moving on to the next.
    1 point
  10. I just tested it, and if you start the simulation test in Atlas, then saving the actor file does trigger hotloading. But it doesn't work in the actor viewer AFAICS.
    1 point
  11. When a building ends up in the FoW, it's replaced by a mirage that copies the stats from the building as you last saw it. The problem with the markets was that the target could be a miraged one, and when the trader got close enough to get it in his vision again, that miraged market would disappear. So the trader had to update his target correctly.
    1 point
  12. Well, I'm sure you and the modders team have vision and perseverance
    1 point
  13. @Lion.Kanzen In theory it is. I know @sanderd17 managed to do it somehow but ran into graphical trouble. Still I guess It would be nice to have that patch maybe there's an easy fix.
    1 point
  14. PS doesn't have restrictions on what you can do with your content (like any decent program), so it's safe to use. Though there are some pieces of software (most notably some cloud software) that try to restrict what you can do with your own content. Luckily this trend isn't very successful so far, so you're fine with most programs. From an ethical PoV, I always prefer open-source software when it's available. But ethics are quite personal, so I won't dictate what you need to use. (if everyone on the programming team had the same ethics as I did, we wouldn't even be able to release the game for Windows and Mac, since nobody would be able to compile or test it there).
    1 point
  15. Yep, not much wood on the steppes - that's why the nomads (Mongols, etc.) learned to make laminated bows from horn, sinew, and bone, with just a thin strip of wood as the core. I agree that farming should be difficult, but there should be large herds of animals for meat.
    1 point
  16. I have made some progress. Here's a short report: With another approach (I think it's about the 20th) I managed to get stable, riverbed-digging water erosion. It now calculates the acceleration (so driven by gravity) which seams to make the difference. Some screen-shots of the same terrain with a different amount of water erosion cycles applied. On tiles with water texture the water hight is more than 1/16th (~6%) of the maximum water height on the map. (So where no water texture is there is really not much water) Lighter water tiles mean the water runs faster, darker mean the water runs slower. The other tiles are just painted by height. 20 cycles: At first the water gathers... 50 cycles: ...and forms rivers. 100 cycles: Then it reaches a stable state (It rains all the time and the water slowly drains/evaporates). Sadly the erosion process is really slow... I'll post again when I produced a random map with this. The files: FeXoR-hightmap2013-9-14.zip
    1 point
  17. I haven't looked into the code, but there's a few things I'd like to see first. Like custom Javascript brushes, for example. I'm thinking we could have a general system where you can select, for instance, the "biome-alpine" brush and paint it over the terrain, and it changes the terrain textures and objects to match that biome. Such a brush system could also be made to modify the terrain in specific ways, with erosion being one of them. Let's say we'll simulate erosion as the carrying of dirt by water as it flows downhill. Here's a super-simple way to model it: Create a temporary texture that is several times larger than the piece of terrain you are eroding (eg 8x) and copy into it the terrain heights, with blurring/filtering to avoid jaggedness from stretching. In each texel store (at least) two values: the interpolated height, and the amount of water flowing through it over time. "Rain" water in a Gaussian shape at the middle of the brush. Texels that receive water add it to their water amount. For each texel A that has water in it, find the lowest-height neighbouring texel B that is of lower height than that A. Move water from A to B until their (height+water) values are equal, or A runs out of water. Depending on the amount of water that is moved, move with it a corresponding amount of dirt (lower height of A and add it to B ). Repeat from 3. Heightmap values become the average of the texels' heights. Modify textures based on finer data in texture. This will probably need a separate result texture to do properly, though good news is that all the simulation should be straightforward to do on the GPU.
    1 point
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