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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2025-01-16 in Posts

  1. I'm unsure whether this is just a glitch or an underdevelopment but in real life you cannot shoot arrows, rocks or javelins through a wall. Those rocks aren't paper thin, they look like they could withstand a shot from a Panzer and stand there unfazed like Donald Trump when some loser tried to assassinate him. Anyway, this would be a great feature for iberians as currently it doesn't make any sense how people can shoot anyone within the iberian walls.
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone! We are now in Feature Freeze for A27. With the new git workflow, a few things have changed (improved, we hope). The nightly-build tracks the state of A27 and can be used to test the new version. It is generated daily, and you can get it using SVN. Detailed information can be found on the wiki if you try to build the game on Unix, please note that the build process has slightly changed. you need to run first libraries/build-source-libs.sh, then build/workspaces/update-workspaces.sh, then make as usual Mock Release Bundles are also generated daily, from the nightly build. They can be downloaded from our Jenkins build system. Future RCs will be taken directly from here. For now, we have a few bugs to fix, you can find them on the Alpha 27 Milestone of our bugtracker. A higher overview of the release process can be found at [RELEASE PROCESS] Alpha 27 Contrary to previous releases, we are able to use a git branch for preparing the release. Thus, the contribution workflow is not stalled during the process. We are still merging the work of devs and contributors into the repository, for inclusion in the future releases. The preparation of Alpha 27 is made in parallel, and not blocking. That said, most of our energy is dedicated to the release, and you will experience delays in us reviewing contributions. Please make sure no mods are enabled when testing the game. Note that the "spirv" mod for Vulkan shaders is obsolete. The nightly build and bundles already contain the shaders. You can delete all trace of this spirv mod from your computers. It will not be needed anymore. What should I test? Everything What should I report? Not everything. We must fix regressions (stuff that used to work, but doesn't work anymore) and critical issues that would prevent the users from playing. We cannot reasonably fix all the existing bugs in the release. Critical issues include crashes and multiplayer OOS. How to report them is detailed in the ReportingErrors wiki page. With the new daily generation of testable game versions, it is absolutely necessary to check you use the same nightly build (version is displayed in the main menu) without any mods when testing for OOS. Happy testing!
    1 point
  3. I've thought about it before. Its an idea with a lot of grey area. Should they block vision too? How would the implementation work to try to shoot over the walls? I'm sure it could work, but it would take a lot of figuring out, and I'm not sure if it fits with the abstraction level of the game. @Grapjas this could be something interesting to try out with your mod.
    1 point
  4. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08409-6 potential for a civ/team bonus
    1 point
  5. Local ratings mod tries to do this. See the current last posts there about my opinion on it though. I looked a bit how other games do it and currently I think the team elo system in this video makes more sense to me. How it really plays out needs to be tested ofc.. LR also tries to show the development of the player. When I look at my stats it shows no improvement. I rejoined after a long break and one would expect to start lower and improve when I get the timings better for the development of the civilization.
    1 point
  6. Most people put the first one that appears in their language.
    1 point
  7. To be honest, its really not that many. The situation could be greatly improved without removal with: better organizing map categories like I tried to do ("Default" category problem), and folding 2,4,6, and 8 player versions of skirmish maps into one map. I think the redundant maps could be removed entirely, and maybe some of the niche maps like snowflake sea rocks could be a good fit for community maps. Maybe I misread but are you advocating for removal without advocating for it ? I'm confused. It's not that many yes. But if you consider ten maps per alpha updated with an alpha every year that's still about 25 years of upgrade. My point isn't to burn all maps and start again. It's just let's consider the fun and most played maps and make them the prettiest we can and keep the rest in the community mod for people who need more. Hiding maps behind options is as good as putting them in a mod IMHO. It also makes the download smaller which reduces costs with the bandwith and our finite server space. Also most scenarios are broken and not really playable. A three map campaign by @Vantha would be a much better advertisement than 70 maps Another problem we have is that most people making videos always pick the worst looking ones which is terrible for the game's image >< (Ducks behind the alpha label)
    1 point
  8. We have: 81 random maps. 74 Scenario Maps 2 Tutorials 77 Skirmish Maps If one uses the Replay Pallas as data for MP games, 80% of the 800 or so replays there use Mainland or Mainland Balanced. This is a great idea. Take out all the maps you believe don't have the necessary standard for 0ad and put them in a mod. If someone desperatly misses them, they can install the mod. If nobody misses them, the mod just won't get downloaded. My plan originally was to ask @andy5995 to put them in the community maps mod. So keep say 40-50 in the game and the rest into that mod. Scenarios that are used to test or debug the game would go into a special mod yet to be named Demo maps would go in a mod for modders. A24 also had a shitton of features. I've seen a few pople working on differientating civs again. Interestingly though the reason all civs have those three new buildings (and yet not the artillery towers was because we didn't waste the art I believe it was one of the biggest reasons civs lost differientation along with the people pushing for historicality. We had a weird combo on that alpha.
    1 point
  9. One thing I have noticed that 0.A.D doesn't have much presense in any content space or social media space. This is one of the reason we have such a smaller player base. Even die hard RTS fans never heard of this game. There are few things that can done to increase 0.A.D. presense and hence increase player base. Uploading match videos on Youtube: We have very limited Youtube channel who used to upload gameplay video with commentry (0ad newbie rush, Valihrant, Tom oad etc). These channels are highly inactive. hence follwojng things can be done. Just create a gmail like 0adusername.0ad@gmail.com, and create youtube channel. Top players like @borg- should create a Youtube channel and upload their gameplay videos. With or without commertry. Other frquent players can also create a youtube channel and start uploading game play videos. Player who are good at gamplay commeting can take replys from other players and uplaod on their youtube channel. Asking people to try 0ad on RTS youtube channel: There are many RTS youtube channels, where youtubers post their content and they have many followers and viewers. Followong things can be done. During live youtube stream if any, if you are watching the stream. Post the 0ad trailer and download link and request players to try this out. Commeting on newly uploaded RTS content to try out 0ad. If you follow any channal then put a request on their channel in comment to try out. There are many gamers who try new games, if you can acceoss such gamers, tag 0ad. Promoting during live streams: You can do the same youtube promotion on any other live streams if you watching one or follwing one. Promoting on gaming disucssion websites, only related to RTS threads: Many websites such as quora has many questions where people ask games they can try or RTS they can try, if you come accross such Q&A, you can tag 0ad and ask them to try. The 0.A.D community can only expend if all existing player base who likes the game are willing to take share 0ad. This requires only small effort from our side. @Stan` Can we add these sharing messages in lobby? @borg-, @Lion.Kanzen, @ValihrAnt, Do you guys wants to add anything?
    1 point
  10. Missing a few years ago and old players. Our time was spent having fun, without personal attacks or anything like that. I've been online since the first lobby, where there were a maximum of 10 players, and I've been present in all subsequent versions, and I can say with certainty that this is the worst generation of players 0 AD. You've managed to divide a super small community into small groups that hate each other. Moderation was never necessary for things to go according to the rules, the fact now is that most of you are rude and can't follow the minimum required conduct. Anyway... I won't go on here, I don't usually share this type of topic, but I thought it was necessary this time. Hugs to everyone and a great year ahead.
    1 point
  11. @poised you can toggle the summary charts by pressing "Ctrl+Tab" at any time while watching a replay. I know this is not exactly the solution to what you are asking for, but it's a good approximation and a viable solution that does not require tweaking the code. In my opinion, this is satisfactory enough.
    1 point
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