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Everything posted by Barcodes

  1. maybe you should consider adding upgrades to the fort, similar to how stone towers are
  2. I understand why people might disagree as if u micro them perfectly they are impossible to hit pretty much so there should be restrictions on how much the soldier can shoot. Like only until 90 degrees or something and then say ur running away u can't shoot.
  3. I feel like chariots need to be changed because barely anyone actually uses them and they have a much higher hit-point than other units so they aren't the ideal choice of champion. The suggestion I'm proposing is to allow the soldier who shoots to be able to shoot at enemies while the chariot is moving. It would make sense for this to work because the guy shooting isn't controlling the horses dragging the chariot so it's actually realistic. I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this as I think it should be a thing already.
  4. Requirement to stream every game played for money and problem solved
  5. Unsure why this is a thing but as we know there is a limit of how many units you can select (limit 200). Although this isn't a problem for most games, in 1v1s, this can affect gameplay as you can't select all your units depending on how much pop you're playing with.
  6. You don't need to be good to play for money. Instead, you can just play with other lower level players. For example, I see @Norse_Haroldfrequently hosting TG's with lower level players so they could all play for money there and then OP players play against each other to ensure fair matches. In relations to your point about player's considering themselves as friends, I agree with that and you will obviously still be able to play the game for free/how it is now but implementing an opportunity to play for money would benefit 0 A.D. as it will motivate players to improve and grind the game to get better. Maybe wagers shouldn't be implemented straight away, instead we should create regular tournaments (on weekends depending on popularity) where we all contribute to a prize pool like you mentioned. To ensure no cheating happens, we can require players to stream their gameplay and if we suspect them cheating, we can review the footage and deal with it accordingly.
  7. You will get used to losing, trust me, but there would be no better feeling than enjoying 0 A.D. and winning money to go along with it. In terms of players skill gap, we can enforce balance similar to how we do TGs but obviously we will make sure its as balanced as possible. Playing for $5-10 is pretty chill and I don't see why anyone would have a problem with losing a game with that and it makes it more interesting as you aren't totally wasting your time playing. In addition to that, players will be more eager to improve making it more competitive thus making balancing easier in the future.
  8. never said it wasn't, but playing for money is a lot more fun i can say from experience
  9. its not the traditional type of gambling as it's based on skill on who will win
  10. increase the damage for sure! i love my elephants! they're expensive as it is and counter able quite easily especially in team games
  11. you haven't mentioned the most important factor, most elephants = win!
  12. people will actually fully balance games and everyone would try a lot more instead of just suiciding
  13. I've been playing wagers/tournaments on games related to COD/warzone/fortnite for a few years now and would like to see some sort of wagering system here. Regular tournaments or ability to wager in games would make the game a lot more competitive and fun as you will actually be playing for something unlike now where the only option you have to play for something is points and that is limited to 1v1's. How it would work: Tournaments: We all send an entry fee of like $5 or more to someone to hold and they pay out the prize pool to winners. Wagers: You either pair with someone on an enemy team and trust them to send money to you if you win OR send money to someone reputable to hold the money as a middleman. If this gets enough attention I may be able to get it implemented on a website like checkmategaming.com or theesportshub.com and it will be much easier to arrange wagers/tournaments.
  14. @Norse_Harold@Stan` I just checked and as soon as it hit 3gb ram it crashed, at 30 mins ram was 2.8gb 3gb hit at roughly 33 min mark
  15. I disagree with 3, restricting/banning profanity, unless its extreme like child pornography, is what ruins a game in my opinion especially on an adult game, if you get offended about what someone says on the internet then you should stop using it.
  16. just had this happen in a game, min 28 all players got oos
  17. not sure why it's not already a thing but when you make a new cc/military colony or taking one, you should get a pop bonus
  18. only the ones needed to play like autociv feldmap community mod
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