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  1. This guide is conceptual and visual about mesoamericans cultures, this in order don't make mistakes like others RTS representing the culture of the ancient of the land where I'm ( Honduras in my case).
    1 point
  2. Dwellings typically depend on the availability of water. A good location is one that has good and sufficient water supplies. Should we therefore possibly add a kind of water supply concept ? How would that work: - CC could get a population bonus of a few percent if there is a river/lake next to them. For this we would need adding a "water source" tag in the code to designate a lake as supply source, and add an associated aura (this may however turn out to be complex as these are new objects and they are irregularly shaped). build a wells (that has a water supply aura next to the CC. - production system for crops now including water as a new aura or resource? How could that work? again, either build your fields next to a river or lake, or build a well next to your fiield. Cannot build more than, say, 4 fields per well. Rice would need more water, of course. Just an idea.
    1 point
  3. Hi, I'm still new here and trying to learn my way around the forum. I have two three four questions. If I can receive a satisfactory answer for each, I promise I'll go away I would be very grateful. Question 1: How are units assembled? I've seen Props > Helmets & Props > Shields, but helmets and shields do not a unit make. Question 2a: Are there body meshes for units? (e.g. if existent, I would like to find the body meshes for the Iberian and Kushite units) Question 2b: (body meshes cont.) If applicable, where are these body meshes located in trac browser? Question 3: Does this forum have a comprehensive collection of screenshots / pics of completed units for each civ / faction / empire? Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards, ttm
    1 point
  4. I think other than opensource dogmatism about not depending on GAFAMS (here Microsoft) and Gitlab being hosted on Azure as well, I think the main reason is we've been bitten in the past by such services, suddenly adding requirements like repo size and file size (Recently source forge asked us to delete some old releases to save space for them) Phabricator was maintained by Facebook and used by Blender until it wasn't. That's why Gitea has been chosen, and is in good way with @Itms's work. Moreover we always provided mirrors for those that prefer to use those services. The lobby is on GitHub, and it has attracted nobody more than it did when using the old SVN workflow. The community mod is hosted on Gitlab, @real_tabasco_sauce can probably tell you if they feel it's better or not. Well, it's as simple as that, the dockerfiles are there if you're on linux, and you just have a simple shell script to run. https://code.wildfiregames.com/P241 The main problem we had was cloning 10GB, so we mount volumes instead to reduce the load on the server. Installing wxwidgets on Windows https://code.wildfiregames.com/P196 Building on Windows https://code.wildfiregames.com/P195 Regarding macos, it's always been an issue, they break stuff on a monthly basis (New xcode version, boom), and it's still a miracle that the team managed to keep making releases for it. We always had to keep the CI on the lowest macos we support here it's 10.12, which has caused issues, and I bought a mac to tackle the rest, but now that I'm retired, I don't know who will keep on the patches coming. EDIT: Phab's down again, but I think I also had a script there for macOS, assuming of course no Xcode update broke it. EDIT2: Github seems to be moving on with this copilot thingy, and whether or not we want to train it more than we already did (Chat GPT 3 has the entire 0 A.D. codebase inside it) is also a concern.
    1 point
  5. Trees, units, buildings from an art perspective are actors, you find these xml files under art/actors. There is an introduction to actors on the wiki. The schema is named actor.rng and can be found in the source tree.
    1 point
  6. what I did as start is making a resource of water and splited it to two: well water (but it includes river water etc) groundwater for well water I made templates for wells and invisible templates that's meant to be placed on lakes and rivers (because this is the easiest way to distinguish between salt water and drinkable water without hardcoding and breaking maps) for groundwater I also made an invisible template that would serve as resource. action/reaction auras can be used to make the plants and wells reduce the groundwater while these plants and wells get benefits from it. the problem is if you want some quantity limitation for groundwater you have to use scripting instead of auras.
    1 point
  7. I had the same doubts, since I don't know 3D I never asked anyone. binaries\data\mods\public\art\meshes\props\new I found some Heads there some bodies here binaries\data\mods\public\art\meshes\skeletal\new
    1 point
  8. But this will be mostly useful, many civs can use this unit instead default ram with wheels.
    1 point
  9. Ram very similar to AoM Norse siege ram.
    1 point
  10. Aztecs, and even classical Maya would be too late-period for 0 AD (if someone were to mod in civs that would work alongside vanilla) The Zapotecs seem to have existed at just the right time though, well, if you can dig up any information on them that Lion hasn't already.
    1 point
  11. What do you know of the Zapotec cities and culture specifically lion? Around the classical age. Just... curious
    1 point
  12. I think that in some civilizations, women's appearance is not modest. I would be happy if their appearance in the game would be changed to a more modest appearance. If you don't intend to do it with everyone, is it possible to at least have such an option?
    0 points
  13. Because this is a game in the Christian hemisphere. While I am not going to say everyone affiliated or who uses it is Christian, it is published in a mostly christian society. Thus, I hope you can see why someone would have a legitimate concern about proper decency.
    0 points
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