It was probably obvious that I've not been around there parts in awhile, and thanks to people posting news here in my absence... probably obvious that Hyrule Conquest sort of fizzled out and more or less was stopped. After taking a break for a few months I'm considering making an effort to try and continue sometime in the next few weeks.
In addition to the reasons mentioned in other posts (Burn out and fatigue, being dragged away by Star Fox Event Horizon), there have been other reasons that contributed to Hyrule Conquest fizzling out over the last several years: namely that I've not had any person skilled in creating components dedicate the time needed to finish the remaining features of this mod. While Exodarion and Askarus have done wonders in the past, both have more or less moved on to other ventures and I've been left with massive missing features that were planned still waiting to be done. If anyone here has the skill to implement any of the following features, please do not hesitate to contact me:
- Multiple unit types in a single Battalion: I suspect this is probably not too difficult, but at the moment our Battalion system can only include one type of unit per battalion. We need to be able to have multiple unit types in a single battalion for things like banner carriers, healers, and captains. In addition, I'd really like the ability to manually train things like Banner Carriers and Captains that appear with the battalion rather than from another building. Alternative, being able to "attach" something like a captain to a selected Battalion would work.
- Replenishing Battalions: I would like to implement a feature where Battalions slowly replenish lost troops under certain specified conditions in their templates (Anytime, Within Territory, etc)
- Enable Swimming Animations: A feature I have long requested since as far back as 2017, units being able to automatically switch to a set of swimming animations when they move from land into water. I have numerous units that at the moment just walk on or underwater instead of properly swimming as they should. It looks terrible and after over a half a decade I'd love to finally have this feature implemented. I imagine they'd just need some kind of "swimming" variation for the normal animation sets, something like "swim_run, swim_walk, swim_attack_melee, swim_attack_ranged" etc.
- Glow Shader: Another feature I have been practically begging for since as far back as 2017. I have seen various implementations of this in screenshots but it has to this day never been released. There are many ghostly units and creatures known for their glow effects that are missing them and they look terrible in the game at the moment.
- MP4 Support: A very low priority feature but one I would still be interested in. There are a variety of pre rendered cinematics I have made for the game and there is currently no way to play such videos during the game itself. We had worked on a very sloppy alternate solution, where a youtube video just pops up in the middle of gameplay but obviously this is extremely unprofessional and looks bad. Honestly any video format would probably be nice, just MP4 seems really common and takes up little space and has been easily implemented into other open source engines I currently use.
- Someone that can fix everything 0AD updates break: By far one of the biggest hurdles Hyrule Conquest has faced over the last several years and has contributed to killing motivation is nearly every feature we've added breaking with a new version release of 0AD and setting us back in time for months, sometime almost a year. Someone who can help with this in the future would be fantastic.
If I cannot get these features implemented then I'm sad to say that Hyrule Conquest will never be completed, at least not to the objectives that it was trying to achieve since I started in 2017.