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  1. A. Current Biremes (light warships) B. Current Triremes (medium warships) C. Current Quinqueremes (heavy warships) D. Dudes collecting seashells by the sea shore (for scale, with the dock) So, I'd say the light/bireme class would remain the same size as they are now, which is A. Then the medium/trireme class (B) would be shrunk down to the size of A, but would be bulkier and have a foresail. Quinqueremes (C) would be shrunk down to the size of B. They'd retain all their detail and come with a catapult aboard.
    2 points
  2. For what it's worth, the wikipedia describes them as infantry, including their role on the battlefield and other duties, while citing sources like Thucydides. Screenshots of Chinese books don't help me a bit, so I can't really judge how credible their claims are.
    2 points
  3. When I started playing the scenario Battle of the Tiber was really frustrating to me. In V 0.25 0AD Rome has the worst starting conditions (no starting population) and because the bridge is the only connection between the two map areas Rome is always in the middle of the batteling. I was raided to end before I even really started to play. So I modified the map, first intention was to introduce treasures to give rome a starting burst, but then I made it to a plentyful treasure area. Also added some wild animals and other features to make the map more interesting, and learning to use the map editor ;). Another introduction was a crossing ability in the middle of the map. There I called this versions "Rome with crossing". I now have several verstion. This is one I want to present here, maybe someone is interested to try it out. This is the xml-File wich should work when placed in ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios. Is it fine to present a modification in this way here in the forum? I do have some more modified map. From Battle of the Tiber and some other maps. Rome-with-Crossing8-w.pmp Rome-with-Crossing8-w.xml
    1 point
  4. What I mean is whether the Sciritae should have been designed as cavalry rather than infantry units in the game, based on historical reality.
    1 point
  5. The battle results vary when you use a formation. From what I tested flank gives the "best" result with 18 kill vs. 43 losses. Other formations I tested gave these results as number of kills with 42 losses: Box 16 Close order 12 none 9 Phalanx 8 This is the replay with flank formation: metadata.jsoncommands.txt
    1 point
  6. @rm -rf vs BeTe bete-vs-rm-rf.zip
    1 point
  7. Sounds are already played when units spawn from their production building.
    1 point
  8. Or you can just decrease their health/armor. You can introduce vulnerabilities a bunch of ways. My point is that ships don't have a "natural size" as you originally suggested because the scale of the game isn't truly "natural" (and nor should it be--I don't want to zoom in and out x1000 to see my units on the Mediterranean map or wait several days for them to walk across it).
    1 point
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