The last match has been played, we can now start the 2nd round! Standings are here as always:
But first I have an announcement: the new version of feldmap (0.2.1) has been signed! It is now available on This new version drops the quite imbalanced Nubia biome, so now we can drop the previous convoluted biome rules, and back to simply a random biome setting. Note: if you previously installed feldmap manually and wish to update through, I recommend you first delete the mod to avoid bad surprises.
Round 2 matches:
@ValihrAnt vs @Edwarf @Feldfeld vs @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD vs @Dakara @MarcusAureliu#s vs @Philip the Swaggerless @borg- vs @chocapoca @rm -rf vs @BeTe @alre vs @seeh
The deadline for this round is Wednesday 23, 23:59 UTC. If all matches are finished sooner we could try to get closer to the original schedule but that's not a priority.
Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences.
Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.
EDIT: I see there is a new Community Mod version released, please update and use it for this round!