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  1. Hello everyone, As said in the "Spidermonkey 52 upgrade" thread, we will (very soon) be moving from VS15 to VS17. This upgrade is necessary to support Spidermonkey version 68 and 78 (our target at the moment), which require newer versions of the standard. The Windows autobuild will soon be switched to this compiler, so please report any issues you might encounter. If you were compiling 0 A.D. yourself on Windows, you will need to download VS2017 Community Edition. VS2017 comes with its own dependency installer, you ought to be good to go with the "Desktop development with C++" option. At the moment, we have some issues with debug tests, but that ought to be fixed quickly and the rest of the game ought to work fine. You may also report issues here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5862 Edit: update-workspaces.bat will already generate solutions that ought to be compatible.
    2 points
  2. cant wait to see units getting stabbed through buildings xP
    2 points
  3. Is there a way thru the console or UI to see how many hours I've played 0AD? Also when is an estimated time of arrival for alpha 24? I'm super excited! Thank you to the 0ad team for the game, I've spent entire days in it and I've still much to learn.
    1 point
  4. @LordGood @Alexandermb@wackyserious@Stan` blender 2.91 is released https://www.blender.org/download/releases/2-91/
    1 point
  5. I remember that some games were called in a way that suggested that it's an automated host. It's quite a long time ago though, and I thought it was mostly a joke with no real automation. Is there something I missed? We wouldn't even need someone to let his PC running to make this happen. A cloud instance running a hosting bot probably wouldn't be that expensive to run and it could be more reliable. I've considered making something like this, but it seems there would be a lot of work with the interface to allow setting all the parameters via the chat (so that the user is not required to install any special mods). There should probably be only one owner of the host, who would be able to set the map parameters and maybe allow others to only set their civilization. And it would be possible to pass on the ownership to a different player. The host should automatically close in certain situations to prevent blocking resources. And it should be possible for a player in the main lobby to ask the server to open a new host for him and make him the owner. This seems like quite a lot of work to make it work, but it would be a great help for people who can't host their own game. Or maybe also a good alternative for rated games because the host can't just close the host and claim it was a crash.
    1 point
  6. Hello everyone, I have just committed SM60. I'll be around for any bug report should I have missed something. The most interesting thing about this upgrade was that we now compile the game using the C++14 standard. Now, I will work towards using Visual Studio 2017 (I'll make another forum post about that), and once that's done, we can start looking at SM68.
    1 point
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