Hello everyone,
As said in the "Spidermonkey 52 upgrade" thread, we will (very soon) be moving from VS15 to VS17. This upgrade is necessary to support Spidermonkey version 68 and 78 (our target at the moment), which require newer versions of the standard.
The Windows autobuild will soon be switched to this compiler, so please report any issues you might encounter.
If you were compiling 0 A.D. yourself on Windows, you will need to download VS2017 Community Edition.
VS2017 comes with its own dependency installer, you ought to be good to go with the "Desktop development with C++" option.
At the moment, we have some issues with debug tests, but that ought to be fixed quickly and the rest of the game ought to work fine.
You may also report issues here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5862
Edit: update-workspaces.bat will already generate solutions that ought to be compatible.