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  1. Desktop 2020.11.17 - Desktop 2020.11.17 - Desktop 2020.11.17 -
    2 points
  2. You can just edit template_unit now
    1 point
  3. So, as the mod gets bigger it gets harder to do everything myself. As I've been working on the hero features, I've had the idea to rebalance the tech costs of the game as well. But this in itself is a large task and the hero features aren't done. Here's what I'd like to do: All techs (besides Phase techs and other techs listed below) will cost an amount of Glory, plus 1 more resource. Village Techs: 50 Glory Town Techs: 100 Glory City Techs: 200 Glory Empire Techs: 400 Glory Then by building type, the "other" resources are these: Civic Center: Food or Wood, later Stone or Metal, and Glory Barracks: Food, Glory Arch Range: Wood, Glory Stable: Food, Glory Blacksmith: Wood and Metal, no Glory (except the Forging and Metallurgy techs, which are only Glory) Arsenal: Wood and Metal, no Glory Elephant Stables: Food or Metal, Glory Fortress: Metal or Coin, Glory Shipyard: Wood or Metal, Glory Dock: Wood, Glory Temple: Coin, Glory Storehouse and Farmstead: Food, Wood, or Metal, Glory So, I need one or more persons to maybe submit some patches over at Github if you are interested in helping. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est
    1 point
  4. Hey! In the first one player left. In the second one player resigned and immediatly closed game. In both cases i didn't get any points. Regards. commands.txt commands.txt
    1 point
  5. @gameboy try to test again it should be fixed.
    1 point
  6. @gameboy @OptimusShepard MSAA https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/24188 was just committed.
    1 point
  7. commands.txt @user1 My username: quierohasercaca the other guy: Titiboi92 i was wining a game and titiboi92 disconnect the game, also he was rude in the chat
    1 point
  8. @user1 My user: PurpleMotion Playing against: Ryan2012 He was the host and guess has the entire map visible, obviously had a plan. Rush me at the start and failed. Then when I starved him of resources decided to quit the game. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  9. @user1 My user: PurpleMotion I was playing with Ramon3000 He was the host. During the entire game he was messing with his connection and kicking me out of the game, I had to rejoin several times, finally I told him that if he does it again I will report him and the game was stable from that point. I took his civ center and he decided to do it again and ended the game without resigning. Since he was kicking me out the replay is short but I have added the final screenshot that should match and chat, you can verify this behavior from anyone who has played him before, as I noticed observing some games. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  10. Following @Itms lack of time recently, I have taken up the mantle of the spidermonkey migration. For SM52, most of what he had done is directly usable and I plan to commit the upgrade in the upcoming days. I will be uploading patches to Phabricator, but for those using git, you can access the whole thing here: https://github.com/wraitii/0ad/tree/sm52-clean My plan is to try and move rather quickly up the ladder, since we need SM78 for Python3 support (which we need to not be dropped by linux distros), and that will take 3 more rounds of upgrading.
    1 point
  11. Steps: 1 - Find the folder where you other replays are stored. Something like : C:\Users\xx\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23 where "xx" is specific to your account . 2 - Make a folder there with a particular name (like "why you should believe goat in the future") so it is easier to identify in the future if needed) and put your files there 3 - Open the file "commands.txt" to make sure it uses the same mod as the one you are using. In this case, I guess you are not using autociv you should remove the autociv reference in the file. At the end of the second lines repeated below, you would therefore delete what I have put in bold: start {"settings":{"PlayerData":[{"Name":"Mord (1422)","Civ":"gaul","Color":{"r":86,"g":180,"b":31},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"bbleft (1622)","Civ":"brit","Color":{"r":150,"g":20,"b":20},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"Palaiologos (1506)","Civ":"kush","Color":{"r":220,"g":115,"b":16},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"MICKY (1392)","Civ":"brit","Color":{"r":160,"g":80,"b":200},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1},{"Name":"Dizaka (1536)","Civ":"iber","Color":{"r":50,"g":170,"b":170},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1},{"Name":"PhyZic (1728)","Civ":"cart","Color":{"r":64,"g":64,"b":64},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1}],"VictoryConditions":["conquest","capture_the_relic"],"CircularMap":true,"Size":320,"PopulationCap":200,"StartingResources":300,"Ceasefire":0,"RelicCount":13,"RelicDuration":25,"WonderDuration":20,"RegicideGarrison":false,"Nomad":false,"RevealMap":false,"ExploreMap":false,"DisableTreasures":true,"DisableSpies":false,"LockTeams":true,"LastManStanding":false,"CheatsEnabled":false,"RatingEnabled":true,"Name":"Hyrcanian Shores","Script":"hyrcanian_shores.js","Description":"Each player starts in a coastal area between forested hills and the Caspian Sea.","Keywords":[],"Preview":"hyrcanian_shores.png","TriggerScripts":["scripts/TriggerHelper.js","scripts/ConquestCommon.js","scripts/Conquest.js","scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js"],"VictoryScripts":["scripts/TriggerHelper.js","scripts/ConquestCommon.js","scripts/Conquest.js","scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js"],"mapType":"random","Seed":849785415,"AISeed":3698933882},"mapType":"random","mapPath":"maps/random/","mapFilter":"default","script":"hyrcanian_shores.js","gameSpeed":1,"map":"maps/random/hyrcanian_shores","matchID":"01ED52B5DADDA511","timestamp":1586817370,"engine_version":"0.0.23","mods":[["public","0.0.23"],["autociv","0.16.1"]]} 4 - Just play the replay using your 0ad game as you would do it for your own game You can play a mod if you are using too many mods but you can play a replay if you don't have the mods the players was using when he played the game (unless you do the steps above). A good practice should be for posted replays to have extra mod removed but unfortunately, nmost of th etime you will have to do it your self in most cases. Even a monkey should be able to learn the trick! Enjoy!
    1 point
  12. Sad times . @Dizaka and I uninstalled and gave up It was such a great game.
    0 points
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