As some of you might have noticed development has nearly come to a halt a while ago. This was not only caused by issues around the initial attempt at releasing Alpha 23, but also regarding how development was done, and a certain number of internal conflicts. A few people were not quite happy with where the development was going, or how the team "interacted" with each other. A long time ago the team at least had each other's backs in cases of conflict. Apparently this ceased to be the case a while ago.
You might now wonder why this sad story above is the start of this communication. Well, some of us decided that we were not happy with this, and after each and every one of us stopped considering the current team in this state to be good steersmen we decided to give the whole community an alternative.
Please let us introduce you to Fork AD.
The amount of changes that have been made to the code since we forked is greater in number than the amount of changes to WFG's SVN repo since May. That may not sound like a lot, until you consider that we've been at this for less than a month, and WFG allegedly has a lot more active members.
Now we know you've been craving to know some details of what we've changed so far. Apart from fixing some glaring bugs in the code that were even pointed out to WFG when they were noticed, we are updating a lot of things so we don't place users of our code at risk. There also is a lot better Single Player support, though one could blame that on most of said code effectively being unmaintained, better mod support, improved development tools, a bunch of housekeeping that was needed, and more.
If you now ask yourself when and where you can download Fork AD, we still have to defer you to a later point. We will release for all supported platforms, which are still Linux, macOS, Windows, and BSDs, once we are confident that we are releasing something that fullfills your expectations, and is something we can be proud of.
Although the progress has already been substantial, we are always open for reinforcement, either from new people or from those disappointed or demotivated by the WFG direction. Artists in particular are very welcomed.
As said before, the state of that fork is not yet publicly available, but all information will be given on our website when available.
Meanwhile, you can reach us at
Kind regards,
fatherbushido, leper and mimo.