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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-09-07 in all areas

  1. We are playing this game from internet cafe so that's why(same IP address) we all banned i think... can you do something about that please ? "by the way myself(who opens this topic) not playing this game anymore... so because lack of English my friends asked me to open this topic..." ~edit Our in game nicknames; hsynersoy YilmazGNG M.T ~thanks
    2 points
  2. There are two Mauryan "Trade Convoys" upgrades. The second one should probably be called "Armoured Trade Convoys" as it provides armor.
    2 points
  3. Signing Up: BaskomWelford CST or GMT-5
    1 point
  4. Yeah, a middle-Hellenistic helmet. Pilos with, as you indicate, a bill in front and cheek pieces.
    1 point
  5. Another classic but was released in few languages.
    1 point
  6. Now THAT'S an argument. It's one of the reasons why board games (like chess) have trouble getting into the Olympic category.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Hello 0 A.D. Community I've made a map that has an symmetric layout with a coastline design. The map should be balanced, but If you find anything that needs be added, changed or removed please let me know. The map is low on wood but abundant in stone, metal and fish, with each starting position having a shipwreck (treasure) to help get started. Coastline (2).pmp Coastline (2).xml
    1 point
  9. Sure, you can have your holiday there, but bring sun lotion!
    1 point
  10. Hey guys! Quick update on the tournament! I just wanted to let you all know thank you for your continued support of the event I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me There was something that I wanted to address with the ruleset. Most of the rules as well as the tournament schedule will remain the same except for the Hero selection system and the way judges will be issued out. Hero Banning System This idea was given to me by Feldfeld and it is something I personally agree with. Due to certain heroes becoming a bit of an issue within the metagame as of recently. Because of this, the hero banning format was created. The way this will work is before each set, both players will ban ONE hero from the opposing faction's list of heroes. For example: Let's say I am going to be playing as the Kingdom of Hyrule and my opponent will be playing as the Kokiri. Both players will select their civilization and then message a judge which of your opponent's heroes you wish to ban. So for this example if I am playing as the Kingdom of Hyrule, I will tell the judge that I wish to ban Saria. Simultaneously, the other player will tell the judge who they wish to ban so for this example let's say my opponent wishes to ban Link. After both players tell the judge what they wish to ban, the judge will let them know what heroes they can't play and then the players will continue on and play the rest of the Best of 3 set. Should either player intentionally select a banned hero, a judge should be alerted and informed so that they may issue a strike to that player as well as a lose of that game but not the set. So let's say for example if Link was banned but I picked Link anyway and played him, a judge will be informed and it will result in me automatically losing the game. Judge Issuing There are currently 3 judges involved with the War of Twilight team at the moment. These judges being users rain_ironwolf, Darkinterloper, and Exodarion. You will need to get in contact with at least one of these judges before you and your opponent can play your match in order to issue out hero bans. You will also need to get in contact with one of these judges should your set go to a third match in order to have them issue out a double blind rock-paper-scissors. Lastly, should any of the rules be broken or any unsportsmanlike conduct is seen, please send a replay + a screenshot of the discrepancy in question to one of these judges and they will address it as soon as they can. Replays This is just a friendly reminder that after EVERY tournament set, either you or your opponent will need to send a zipped file to one of the judges with all of the replays of your match. These replays need to be in individual folders in order to distinguish between games. For example: Let's say you send a zipped file of your match to a judge and you played 3 games within that set. You will need to have 3 folders in that zipped filed named game 1, game 2, and game 3. You are not required to name them this just so long that it is clear as to which game is which within the match. THANK YOU EVERYONE I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT SO MUCH!!! I CANT WAIT FOR THE TOURNAMENT TO START!
    1 point
  11. yeah but its more late byzantine I wanted a late Roman empire with excubitors then varagian guards. but I still play it. just its strange being late medieval vs ancient Greeks xD
    1 point
  12. I don't see anything wrong with that. Each has different limitations and strengths. The ram is powerful in melee, it can even defeat (or gravely wound) the mighty war elephant, while the catapult has no chance against elephants, or cavalry in general. The ram is also much more manoeuvrable (no pack-unpack) and effective at destroying buildings. On a side note, the ram is quite powerful against troops also, so much so that there are a lots of discussions whether it's too overpowered or not.
    1 point
  13. @wackyserious He could make changes with colour easily.
    1 point
  14. I liked the charge, but that was about the only nice thing, it looks like a pretty dull game. It'd be nice to have (some) cavalry charge like that in 0 A.D.
    1 point
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