So for lessons learned here, the reviewer sometimes (often) just looks at the code so always start the game with your changes . It's bitten me a bunch of times in the past.
As quick fix, you can switch modes using alt+W several times and it'll sort itself out.
Today, I tested the latest SVN20379 and found a strange problem: the blue, tiny grid on the sea. Why is this happening?
I play the map is the isthmus of Corinth (2)
While SQlite claims they're able to do that ( I did did a quick test to verify that it works for EcheLOn and edited the sqlite-database file using sqlite3 while EcheLOn was running and it worked perfectly well. Suddenly my test account had a a rating of 5000. ;-)
Assuming there'd be multiple threads for rating updates, then the GIL itself might cause game updates to take ages, which is an issue since it impacts the main functionality. Not having different functionality in the same bot reduces the chance that a failure in one of those features takes down the lobby.
One of the reasons was that ratings had some issue and that being in the single bot made the lobby unusable. Another of the possibilities that allowed was to limit the resources the rating bot could use, not that that was ever done.
Merging them is a bad idea, the bots do different things and should not be one bot. Else modifying something about ratings requires taking down the main lobby functionality (match making). Using threads also will not solve anything since the bots are still in python and the GIL is still existent. What would most likely make more sense is to stop forwarding rating messages and instead send them directly to the corresponding bot. Also being able to run a lobby without ratings is something that should be supported (mostly because that requires fewer dependencies and setup that might not be wanted).
Bear in mind that the 'hippeis' title was from an earlier date probably before hoplites were deployed by and large. If I am not mistaken, this group was not mounted at all. Rather, they were simply the best of the best, being deployed on the right flank with one of the kings.
Ah yes resources have different meanings.
And there is missing sim rounding in some places (after modifications). (Missing, I don't say if it's right or bad)
health is decimal
resources are integers (not need to cut the unit in which we count it, else we had to count it in another unit, if someone think what I say didn't mean anything, he is right, that's why we have to have integer resources)
Not that much actually pathfinder was designed to handle paths concurrently but that requires some changes. worked, but I needed to copy data for the short-range pathfinder too iirc.
@JuKu96 It's not really single threaded. But some of the big stuff AI, Pathfinder and NetClient are running in the same thread.
Well life caught him back and he now has other priorities than to work on the best RTS to date.
@JuKu96 You could try starting off were Andy left the patch. See what he did analyse and then fix it and port it to that would lift the task from elexis shoulders. As someone who has been here for 6 years trust me the hardest part is not contributing. It's starting to code. Once you breach that barrier things start to get easier. I didn't even know I could do big patches or C++ before then. About documentation. we are improving it slowly by enforcing jsdoc and doxygen.