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  1. Hello, This is some results that I got with the non-visual autostart : The settings used : - All results are on the map 'Acropolis Bay (2)' (no modifications). - Only Petra players. - Only in conquest mode. - Only 4 civilizations used. - 200 games for each result (one row in the table beneath), with an AI seed from 0 to 199. (Some games didn't finished, 400 000 turns and still continuing.) Players win percentages with the specific civilizations : All the plots (made with R language) showing the evolution of the win percentage for the first player (ID=1) : Plots.zip This shows the win percentage for a civilization against another one on the Acropolis Bay : Note that this is only with Petra players, and if I'm not mistaken, Petra doesn't adapt its strategy in function of the civ its playing. This shows the advantage of the starting position for a specific civilization on the Acropolis Bay : I wrote a Java program to run multiple games, save the summaries and analyze them. But it will be better if the the possibility to run multiple games and save the summaries in a file is integrated directly in 0A.D. Possible improvements for the non-visual autostart: Like mimo said, - add an option to run multiple consecutive games with the same settings but different seeds. - add an option to impose the same civilizations on all players. - write the summary in a log file as a JSON object, to be easier to parse later. And when you run multiple games, write all the summaries in the same file, maybe in an array or something like that. I thought of a JSON summary that will look like that : { "aiseed":0, "map":"Acropolis Bay (2)", "victoryconditions":"conquest", "victoryduration":0, "totalTurns":15000, "players":[ { "playerID":1, "ainame":"Petra", "aidiff":5, "state":"won", "team":-1, "statistics":{}, "civ":"brit" }], "extra":[] } The "extra" attribute will be an array of object where we could add additional informations, and if possible from anywhere in the code, especially from the AI. For example, the AI I worked on, uses different strategies over a game, and it's important to know what strategies were used to analyze them later. And maybe, if it's possible and useful, parallelize some games, to speed up the process. This will also help not to block all the games when there's one game taking too much turns, as long as all the games running are not endless.
    5 points
  2. If weapon switching is possible, multi-role units will indeed fit the Chinese Champion quite nicely. There were numerous "guard" units during Han period, although Qi Men, Yu Lin and Hu Ben are some of the more famous ones.
    3 points
  3. Dear members of the community, it's been half a year since I took the lead of 0 A.D. (time flies so fast!) and I would like to give you some news of the team and tell you what we've been up to. Programming We faced big issues in the programming area during 2016. The game is more and more complete, and, as a consequence, more and more complex to maintain. With each new feature come new bugs, and we must be very careful as it is easy to create regressions, i.e. bugs that were fixed but reappear due to another change. The number of things to keep in mind when we change parts of the code also increased drastically over time. There are several ways to address this, and we decided on a new programming workflow, in which all our patches are reviewed to avoid oversights. On top of preventing a lot of mistakes, the mood has improved as we have clear and, it seems, efficient, rules. The review process mainly happens on our Phabricator instance. It is integrated with a set of automated tools that help us automatically catch mistakes (with linting) and prevent regressions (with unit tests). Some of those systems have just been set up and we hope we can tweak them over time to continue increasing our efficiency. In the near future, we will look into using our AI to automatically test the game. This new workflow also proved helpful to handle the stream of patches from occasional contributors. Some of the contributions were especially welcome and we are happy to have a working review process again, otherwise we would have lost the great work. We are looking forward to welcoming some of the contributors in the team when they are ready. Speaking of which, we are delighted to highlight the arrival of @s0600204 in the team! s0600204 made a lot of important contributions throughout the years and the team was unanimous in proposing him to join us, which happened a few weeks ago. Art The artistic team didn't rest on their laurels either. As you already know, the new unit meshes, along with brand new animations, are now in the game! The cavalry units are still missing but they are being prepared and you can expect news in the near future. We also started working on new icons for a variety of units, structures and technologies, and you can already see a lot of them in the development version of the game. The new units are a great milestone in the development of the game and we already have plans for the future and possible areas of improvement. We'll keep you updated! Acknowledging our design issues Despite all those great news, a few of you have rightfully expressed their disappointment about our need for a better gameplay design. The original vision of 0 A.D. founders is, naturally, not easy to follow when the project has accumulated more than a decade of various contributions. We received interesting gameplay proposals from dedicated members of the community but none of them met the unanimous enthusiasm of the team, which led to more frustration for both sides... This is the topic on which we will focus our team discussions now. The ultimate goal is having a modern game design document that revives the original goal of the founders while properly allowing people to contribute to it. Nothing is decided yet, but rest assured that we are taking the issue seriously, even if it takes us time to reach a decision. A new release is near! Our next announcement should be the release of a new Alpha version, which is exciting. I'm not going to detail its content, but you are encouraged to test the development version, and help us catch some bugs before we start packaging it. Last minute additions may or may not happen, depending on the nastiness of the bugs that might delay the release, the weather, or the astral conjunction Just stay tuned! Thanks for your support, your enthusiasm, and for being the best community we could dream of.
    2 points
  4. IMHO, if you don't have battalions and formation fighting and charges and trampling and cool realistic stuff like that to provide, essentially, countering by proxy, and you instead keep mosh pit combat with single soldiers, then hard-counters are necessary to provide the tactical element to the game. The transition away from hard counters was too soon, because the tactical element they provided was not replaced with formation bonuses and penalties, charging and trampling, and other cool tactical things.
    2 points
  5. Thracians are definitely something I'm interested in for Delenda Est. Kushites, Thracians, and Scythians.
    2 points
  6. I'm sure he is misinterpreting your suggestion.
    2 points
  7. I know the odds of anyone taking this seriously enough to even consider adding them into the game is almost none I just thought maybe haha. I just think as the game did originally have only one Greek and one Celtic faction it wouldn't hurt to add another different Greek faction and a mashup of Celtic, Greek and Persian influences in the Thracians. Even if the Thessaly faction idea is pointless I think the Thracian/Odrysian Kingdom is unique enough to warrant a place in 0 A.D. But please bare in mind I am no historical expert and there could be things I have listed that might not be accurate. Thessaly Icon could be a Horse's Head Strengths - Good Melee Cavalry i.e Lancers and Swordsmen - An ability that adds faster production of Cavalry Units - Cavalry Have a Slightly Better Line of Sight Weaknesses - Hoplites and Melee Infantry are weaker than traditional Athenian or Sparta troops - Can't think of more but obviously the faction would be balanced Additional Troops Thessalian Riders (Sword Cav) Thessalian Lancers (Slight buff to the normal Thessalian Lancers) Thessalian Hoplite (Like normal Hoplites only a little weaker) Heroes I can't say I know any Thessalian Heroes Thrace/Odrysian Kingdom (Fusion of Celtic/Greek and Persian Influences) Icon Rampant Thracian Pegasus Strengths - Strong Swordsmen/ Flaxmen - Access to both Greek and Persian Mercenaries Weaknesses - As like the Romans the Thracians have no archers - Rely solely on Slingers and Peltasts for their ranged - No champion cavalry maybe Additonal Troops Thracian Falxmen Thracian Kingsguard (Champion Swordsmen Unit) Thracian Swordsmen (Citizen Soldier Version Slightly Stronger) Heroes Teres I Sitacles Seuthes III
    1 point
  8. I've had a hard time trying to find good information on Han Dynasty Palace Guards to be frank. Even from Chinese sites information is sparse compared to those from the Tang Dynasty and later. The Yu Lin are probably the most well known from the Western (Early) Han. I've not come across any sources that discuss the exact weapons they use at great detail but based of most depictions and general knowledge that Chinese Palace Armies are trained to be proficient at all the main weapons: especially bows, spears and lances, you can do quite a lot with them in 0AD. If weapons switching is possible with the game's engine, the best way I'd say to have them is to have a cavalry and infantry version and both can switch between bow and spear. If that's not possible just have them as either one or the other depending on gameplay and balance needs. Another thing you can maybe possibly do is to rename the Government Center to Palace, and have it be a prerequisite to unlock these champion units, or have champion units and heroes be trained there only, to reflect the notion of them being Palace Guards. EDIT: wowgetoffyourcellphone & wolflance: It seems you guys have found better sources than I have. Do you mind sharing them with me? I'd like to use them for reference/art purposes.
    1 point
  9. For somelse can be interested in know
    1 point
  10. http://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est/downloads/delenda-est-alpha-21-release A22 is going to be 10x better even without fundamental changes in gameplay.
    1 point
  11. And don't use your pc to mining bitcoins like Utorrent
    1 point
  12. For downloading torrents, try qBittorrent. It's open-source and cross-platform. https://www.qbittorrent.org/
    1 point
  13. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Thracian_treasure https://www.google.com/search?q=Thracian+pegasus&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS543US543&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzqY6HoKHUAhUm_4MKHZZBBmYQsAQINA&biw=1600&bih=721
    1 point
  14. Look up Jason of Pherae and his son, Alexander of Pherae. Thessaly was briefly one of the strongest polities in Greece under their leadership.
    1 point
  15. Pre Macedon they had the Thessalian League if I am not mistaken, forgive me if I am wrong I don't know loads about Greek history
    1 point
  16. What I'm getting from those threads is that the counter-system was removed as: An experimental removal of feature. A way to solve imbalances. I don't know about the first reason. It's still subject for a debate that I won't be bothered much because of DE. But I'm witnessing a better way of solving things now: Removing Overpoweredness rather than Removing Imbalances.
    1 point
  17. Number 2 is a legacy thing from several Alphas ago when rank upgrades where a thing.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. The Kingdom of Kush: Documentaries (screenshots) In this post, I will be discussing three different documentaries about the Kushites, and providing screenshots. The documentaries featured are: Discovery Channel - Nubia, The Forgotten Kingdom PBS/National Geographic - Rise of the Black Pharaohs PBS - Africa's Great Civilizations (ep. 1- 2) All three of these documentaries will offer a concise description of Kushite/Nubian history and offer rich visuals, as well as archaeological excavations. A good stop for anyone trying to get a quick insight in to this complicated history. One of the most useful references I was able source from these docu's, is a complete three-dimensional reconstruction of the Amun Temple in Dangeil, including the temenos walls and gorgeous pylon gate: Nubia, The Forgotten Kingdom (2003) This one hour documentary about the history of the Nubian Kingdom (Kush) features two archaeologists, Julie Anderson and Salah Ahmed, as they unearth a massive temple to Amun in the ancient Kushite city of Dangeil. It also narrates the history of the war with Rome and features some modest historic reenactments, as well as impressive 3d reconstructions of the entire Amun temple complex, both exterior and interior decorations are clearly shown. They made one major mistake, in erroneously identifying the reigning queen at the time of the Roman war as Amanishakheto, while in actuality it was Amanirenas, probably due to the documentary being made in 2003, when the exact dating of the ruling monarchs was more sketchy. Rise of the Black Pharaohs (2014) A more recent, and visually compelling documentary about the history of Kush, centering on the 25th dynasty and the Napatan period. This 54 min long docu focusses on the earliest archaeological excavations, and the controversial history behind this history. The archaeologists Geoff Emberling and Tim Kendall re-examine an ancient Napatan pyramid and the spiraling peak of Jebel Barkal, still bearing 2700 year hieroglyphs commissioned by Taharqa himself. Africa's Great Civilizations (ep. 1- 2) In Africa's Great Civilizations, Louis Henry Gates travels all corners of the continent, visiting archaeological sites and talking to experts and historians about a number of great African civilizations. The first two episodes talk extensively about Kush, and features some very nice cinematography, and shots of statues and reliefs. The narrater over-emphasises the blackness and Africanness of the people he's discussing (as if to prove the point that Africans achieved high levels of civilization throughout history), but a lot of really nice information is shared. Definitely worth a watch. Quality torrents of all three documentaries exist, but shhh, you didn't hear that from me….
    1 point
  20. dedicated server: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3556
    1 point
  21. This is my feedback regarding Promotion Animation: I don't like it. How about following the Red Alert 2 tradition? A Promotion Visual popping over the unit's head It's a little bit like the Move Order Visual you're currently planning out.: Static Variant Rotating Variant
    1 point
  22. @s0600204 had a working patch for a library. BUTTTTTTT, back to the TOPIC of the thread. What I propose is something like this. @fatherbushido
    1 point
  23. Hmm, that is what we call "structree" in 0 A.D. and is generally already in the game. The "Library" is this thing: errr, all I'm talking about is showing the Civ Bonuses and Team Bonuses in Structree.
    1 point
  24. I doubt someone will be able to create the ultimate guide yet as there are probably many changes still to come for the triggers, for now one will probably have to rely on e.g. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Triggers and learning by editing the existing trigger maps. Not sure how much sense Javascript code would make to someone if they are not at least decently comfortable with English though, so maybe he should wait for when/if we have GUI triggers in Atlas
    1 point
  25. I agree with this. Just thinking about it, if Skirmirshers and Archers had the same role, then you could definitely see both being used. For example, a large group of archers will be able to do massive damage over time on another army. However they're going to need the mobility to be able to use that range as well, to the point where you could see people facing archers being forced into one of two situations: -going back to their base under the protection of buildings -using fast cavalry that archers won't be able to hit and run So it becomes a VERY interesting positional fight. If the archer player remains out of range of the other army and is careful enough with his anti-cav to keep cavalry off the archers, he can retain an advantage and do damage over time. The moment the cavalry breaks the anti-cav lines and gets to the archers, the archer army is forced to fight, which allows the cav-based army to catch up and engage. So the archer army has to be careful to never really be caught out in the open or else they won't be able to disengage due to cav's mobility. I'm very excited to see what's going on here. E: Stamina looks very interesting, I can't stop repeating it. Does Stamina affect Attack speed and movement speed? I'm guessing that defensive stances are less taxing on stamina than aggressive stances?
    1 point
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