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  1. saludos encontré una buena pag en español sobre los carolingios y quería compartirla porque ya quiero ver a los scolas repartiendo Scola es una caballeria de elite caracterizado por usar capas blancas pienso que podria ser un campeon ahora comentare estas fotos que publico 1° son soldados comunes infantería, caballería con cota de malla y un arquero 2° son francos entrando en un fuerte sajón en Alemania 3° muestra la cantidad de jinetes francos 4° es un campo de entrenamiento franco notese que estan aventando lanzas , aparte el jinete de cota de malla en la izquierda tiene el casco típico franco 5° un Scola 6° jinetes carolingios https://arrecaballo.es/edad-media/el-imperio-carolingio/
    2 points
  2. Seems to me that Vanilla is becoming the game engine because of its minimalistic conservative approach while DE is becoming the main game because its ambitious approach. Don't let me choose because I like both approaches.
    2 points
  3. See DE for a semi working version of the ishtar gate.
    2 points
  4. Fixed next release by putting all elephants, siege engines and ships on a strict diet. See the screenshots https://code.wildfiregames.com/D253#9665 And if the passage is too small (alpha 21), you have to take ships.
    2 points
  5. Some commonly used armies, massed Athens: Phase 2 sword champs + slingers. Phase 2 sword cav. Phase 3 archer + citizen spears Brits: Phase 2 sword cav or slingers. Hero Cunobelin (OP healer) non aggressive + slingers and/or sword cav. Carth: Archers + eles. Sword iberian cav + Marhabal. Gauls: Sword cav + fanatics. Slingers. Iberia: Fire cav + spear cav to block. Fire ships. Slingers + rams. Mace: P1 spear cav. Spear champs + hero Philip. Rams + hero Demetrius + citizens Maurya: Archers + eles. Sword cav. Charriots (hard to get). Persia: Archers + eles. Sword cav and/or charriots + hero Cyrus. Pto: Range units + Cleopatra + eles. Rome: Phase 1 spear cav. Citizens + hero Marcus + rams. Champion sword cav Sele: Archer cav (+ Antiochus + charriots). Sparta: Skiritai + skirms (+ spears). Leonidas + champs + champ skirms (+ skiris). All civs strong but some (pto, sele) might run into trouble (no good army early). OPiest civ: Persia, if you can mass charriots very fast (min 10-12). Then brit: slinger + cunobelin. Late mace: full champion army. Best player by far: upgraded borg-, when he started harrasing early with cav. Strongest players: (borg), (defenderbenny=ww_butcher, vercingetorix, liberty, zoro), (feldfeld, JC, arcadius, physic, temple) Early phase 2 (3-4) only for sword cav or fanatic rush. Big citizen army to defend more important than early phase 3. Capture faster but destroy garrisoned buildings. Cav rush is very effective now. Hope to see you fighting for the highest ranks soon.
    2 points
  6. los nordicos llevaban a sus mujeres a la guerra y estas tambien eran ferozes guerreras y sientoque merecen un lugar en el mod , http://www.abc.es/cultura/20140903/abci-mujeres-vikingas-guerreras-201409031235.html Las mujeres iban a la guerra De modo que las mujeres podrían haber acompañado a los vikingos varones en sus primeras invasiones por Inglaterra en un número mucho mayor que lo que se creía hasta el momento, tal vez escondidas bajo una apariencia guerrera masculina. El estudio se ha centrado en 14 entierros vikingos de la época. Seis de ellos pertenecían a mujeres, siete eran hombres y uno era indeterminable. «Los ajuares funerarios podrían haber engañado a los investigadores anteriores sobre el género de los invasores vikingos», sugiere el estudio. Un esqueleto con espada y escudo era tomado por masculino, habitualmente, pero ahora ya se está comprobando cada caso con análisis y ADN. «Además de espadas y escudos, se han encontrado broches ovales que sin duda pertenecían a las mujeres vikingas de la época», que completan las conclusiones de la investigación arqueológica. También han ayudado los isótopos que se encuentran en sus huesos y revelan el lugar de nacimiento, a pesar de la dificultad. Skjaldmö = Shield Maiden yo pensaba que podían ser unidades normales pero se les quitara su bonus de agricultura ,o por una mejora puedas reclutarlas desde las casas y solo en la segunda edad lo que le daría jugabilidad ,porque hay que ser honestos su early es bastante dificil y esta unidad le ayudaría , se tendría mas completos los ejércitos y daría mas variedad perdón pero no soy bueno para escribir ingles apenas y lo entiendo saludos y sigan así
    1 point
  7. For now you can set the difficulty per AI bot, just click the little gear next to the AI name and choose another difficulty setting. There are most likely many things which can be fine-tuned, and the AI behaviour could change between the difficulties. for now the default AI difficulty simply means that it will do its best without any bonuses.
    1 point
  8. I just wanted to say that I support Lion.Kanzen's first proposal. Sure it's not original, but " 0 A.D. Alpha 22 Vae Victis " sounds pretty badass. Plus it has two "V"s.
    1 point
  9. I. Have. Working. Merc. Camps. In. DE. There is no need to wait until part 2 unless by choice.
    1 point
  10. 1+2 -> Yep, wall placement code is odd, leaves gap, can't continue walls if the turret is missing. Will be tough to fix 3 -> Had proposed some patch to make this an actual gate, but the model guys weren't really happy with it, wanted to improve it, and that's where we left last release. What was there actually todo @stanislas69 ? Making sure the towers don't overlap? The entire thing just being too huge for a gate? Only found this screenshot in the irclogs Afaics it historically was part of a wall too
    1 point
  11. If you can't find your ally's trading post, assign a cav to guard HIS trader. You can also "guard" your AI ally's soldiers to find out where they are going. Can be handy.
    1 point
  12. The shared ally vision technology technology at the market seems easier (and cheap enough, perhaps making it more expensive might make players reconsider). But the trick seems handy for diplomacy games and neutral players
    1 point
  13. As I expected, I can't find the replay file for this one.
    1 point
  14. Also, batch size 1 popular but since I can't handle so much clicking i go with bs 2, wich is good and i think borg uses that.
    1 point
  15. Since the Batch Training Size can now be modified in the Options Menu, I believe that it could play a significant part on Build Orders.
    1 point
  16. Hi alekusu! First of all: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha21 http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha22 Don't really think there is one that is best. Mauryans, britons, gauls, spartans, macedonians, athenians, carthaginians, romans, iberians, persians seem to be the best ones, i.e. all but ptol and seleucids X) - What is the worst civ in Alpha 21 and why? Not particularly happy about ptolemians not having infantry champions, but ptolemians much better this alpha since elephants got buffed much and they get infantry champions in alpha 22. Wouldn't really call any of the civs bad. Seleucids are slightly slower to train champions and you have to decide between chariots and swordmen champions. Phase 2 faster than in alpha 20 now, maybe minute 8? Depends on how much population you want. Phase 3 should be done reached at minute 12-14 maybe. Slingers, skiritai, elephants if done early, spear infantry champions, roman cavalry champions is what I recall. slingers, skirtai, spear infantry were nerfed in alpha 22. Iberian fireships, naked fanatics strong too. Not that much. One measurable change is that arrows aren't as accurate anymore at range. If they don't it's their own fault. Corrals are (still) really good to replace females on fields later on, since one cavalry gathers food much faster than a female (5x without upgrades, 2x if females have all upgrades IIRC), and the cavalry can be used to fight too. Fish still 2x faster than women on fields and you can train fishing ships from a dock simultaenously with women at a civic center, so if you have fish close, there is a significant advantage. Much stronger, catapults too. But you need to guard them, back them up with citizen soldiers too More useful after they were buffed by causative, but depends on the situation. Temples are still more useful, but you can't build them in enemy territory. That's a major change in Alpha 21. It's economically not useful anymore to destroy buildings with infantry and cavalry, since they have much more armor. Also champions more expensive and much slower to train. Still quickly, the old "300 pop in 16min" thing should still work. Probably borg- Delenda Est is nice, but you might want to ask niektb for a greater list
    1 point
  17. Best and worst factions: Even I can't tell But I'll just comment based on popularity: Best: Britons Worst: Carthage Phase 2: 4-8 mins Phase 3: 10-15 mins OP Units: Slingers against buildings (especially Phase 1), Spear Cavs for Rushes, Boudicca's Aura Build Orders - Can't comment. I think your old videos are still applicable. You just need to update it to Alpha 21. Corrals because, for some reason, Cavalry Rushing has become popular Rams / Elephants - Still your typical siege weapons. Ranged Siege Units are nearly impractical Capturing Champions destroy/capture faster Garrisoned structures are much more difficult to capture Lowering a structure's HP will make it easier (hence siege weapons still play a role) Booming to 300 at any time. Not good (Just because of Alpha's lag issue) Best player (at the moment): borg- Sometimes I think PhyZic. Other Notable Players: Jeane Claude, and soloooyo - These guys have playstyles that are worth noting. Special Strategy: Gauls' Naked Fanatic Rush, Iberian Fire Ships, Iberian Siege Horse Hit-and-Run Tactics, and yes Slinger and Cav Rushes. The Persian Chariot Rush, though viable, is not used often (at least in the replays). Getting Champions and Heroes (Not sure. Maybe ASAP as you as you get to City Phase?) Mods: DE - I don't feature this because my graphics card just can't do justice. DE is made to be played with graphics maxed. Terra Magna - The "new" kid. I was told that Rise of the East merged with the Mesoamerican Mod to make this
    1 point
  18. Más amor para las vacas merecen todo jajajaja vacuna=vaccine Vacuna=bovine literal transactions Spanish
    1 point
  19. Oh, no Vacuna please...it means vaccine in spanish and also means "related to cows"
    1 point
  20. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/02/viking-warriors-battle-reenactment-360-vr/
    1 point
  21. My chauvinism forces me to suggest Vercingétorix
    1 point
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