Thankyou @GunChleoc, @leper. But I wont have the attention span while the weather is good enough to be outdoors. Best I learn the game and its ethos first anyway - it is a long time since I played anything similar. Cant have a developer who cannot play the game.
I was playing as roman again and could not find how to access some of the features. This may be because they are not implemented yet and if that is the case then no problem, but if I am missing some trick/technique then maybe others are missing it too.
"Special Techs or Bonuses: Roman Logistics (Army Camps and Siege Walls no longer decay), Sibylline Books (greater vision for units and buildings), Marian Reforms (unlock the Marian Legionnaire), Testudo Formation (a slow formation that is nearly impervious to ranged attacks), Citizenship (armor bonus for fighting in home territory), Socii (allies gain armor bonuses when fighting in Roman territory)."
I found Sibylline books, but no logistics, no marian reforms. Nor did my temple prevent my buildings being captured.
Oh, and I laboured mightily to create a wonder and then activated its special. I got a 50 bod boost in population max, and felt underwhelmed. Maybe it becomes important when I get better at playing.