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  1. Guys, I have successfully modded siege weapons to be able to be build in the field by soldier! Behavior isn't 100% satisfactory, but is 95% of the way to what I think want to be. The only thing is that the Onagers swivel (this is right word?) too fast. I think they should swivel slower to face their target. Other than that, my new Field Artillery tech work wonderful! Right now, the tech, Field Artillery, is only enabled for the Principate Romans. I will enable them for other catapult civs eventually. Research Ballistics at Fortress. This both unlock ranged siege weapons and unlock Field Artillery tech at Fortress. Research Field Artillery to allow Principate Roman infantry soldiers to build stationary Onagers in Neutral, and Enemy territory. So very good to siege cities! I think I will make stationary Onager catapult the field artillery for the Principate Romans, and then allow Heavy Ballista, a packable, moving siege weapon, for building at Fortress. Right now the field Onager cost more and take longer to build than Onager at Fortress. They also still cost housing. Another change I make is to have the Flaming Munitions tech swap actor of the Onager to make the stone go to flaming only after researching the tech. This reminds me of Age of Mythology how they did this and make a visual understanding of the effects. Guys this make me happy that these thing is achievable with the current engine.
    2 points
  2. Square maps are deprecated. So no, they will not be added back.
    2 points
  3. Basically no, since my mod doesn't contemplate including new art. It concentrates more on improving gameplay experience and balance of vanilla 0AD. As I told @elexis, this mod more than a game it's a pool of concepts and ideas for the main game, using existing resources. The Mead Hall is very similar to the Longhouse, so I'll use the Longhouse as the actor, or maybe I'll modify the Longhouse directly as I did with the tent. But thx anyway
    1 point
  4. Yes good point ... grep -R "\"CircularMap\" : false" * amazon.json: "CircularMap" : false bahrain.json: "CircularMap" : false belgian_uplands.json: "CircularMap" : false, caledonian_meadows.json: "CircularMap" : false, corsica.json: "CircularMap" : false howe_sound.json: "CircularMap" : false latium.json: "CircularMap" : false marmara.json: "CircularMap" : false mediterranean.json: "CircularMap" : false ngorongoro.json: "CircularMap" : false phoenician_levant.json: "CircularMap" : false pompeii.json: "CircularMap" : false red_sea.json: "CircularMap" : false rouen.json: "CircularMap" : false wall_demo.json: "CircularMap" : false
    1 point
  5. A bunch of random maps are square too
    1 point
  6. Sorry wasn't aware of that ... good to know. There only seem to be 3 of them left ... ~/grep -R "\"CircularMap\": false" * scenarios/Arcadia.xml: "CircularMap": false, scenarios/Campaign Test Map.xml: "CircularMap": false, skirmishes/Watering Holes (4).xml: "CircularMap": false,
    1 point
  7. I was just wondering if you'dneed 3Dmodels About the gauls/brits festivity thing why not just use the tavern building ?
    1 point
  8. Like what you're doing. Since I've got a mod where I want to implement as much bonuses and techs as possible, we could finish the ticket's auras and get them inside our respective mods. Feel free to try and use some of the techs I've implemented. Mod is there:
    1 point
  9. Mead Hall: Those were places of reunion and festivity for the Celtic cultures. The building I'm using as actor will be the Longhouse from the editor, thought I'm not sure if these Mead Halls were actually there in the times of Vercingetorix and Boudica. I also searched a bit about longhouses but all the celt architecture I could find were rounded houses, so the concept is still in the air. In any case Mead Halls would be like similiar to Persian Halls, getting champions and maybe other bonuses. Marian Legionnaires: As the Marian Reforms tech from #4084 which were marked as done (was it cancelled?), the editor still has those units which were meant specially for implementing that tech. Original concept for Marian Reforms was to upgrade all citizen soldiers into champions, powerful but incapable of building other things than military buildings. I decided to rework the tech for various reasons: Legionnaires shouldn't be treated as elite troops, since they became the main body of the Marian Republic, that'ld lead to more boring champion spam. They inherit from citizen swordsmen now. Replacing all citizens for units that can't build non-military structures is a heavy debuff a civ which controls late game shouldn't have. The tent-building mechanic fits way more, since Marian Reforms did also created the concept of the Contubernium, actually known as squads, composed by 8 man who lived in the same tent. That's why tents increase Contubernium unit limit by 8 each. Same goes for the Macedonian Military Reforms tech, with the 16 Lothos pikeman line groups, which I also reworked. Macedon and Rome are the weakest civs in phase 1 and 2. But if they survive till age 3, they should be able to turn the tables with powerful, almost abusive techs and units that can smash opponents into pieces. That's why the units from Macedon and Rome reform techs have the same skill of breaking poplimit, since they built empires from small countries. Sambuca: Siege weapon for Rome in phase 3. It was originally thought as a naval warfare siege engine to allow getting troops to the enemy coastal walls, used for the first time by general Marcellus in the siege of Syracuse. This is a ground adaptation but the concept is pretty the same. This works by sticking the sambuca's mouth into the wall, then you garrison troops and ungarrison them so they eject at the other side. Gastraphetes: Siege weapon for Macedon in phase 2. Alexander was the first known general to use war machines directly against troops instead at siege. It's mainly a huge handheld crossbow with slow recharge yet terrible projectile speed and reach. The Macedonian Army used them until they replaced them by the heavier Oxybeles.
    1 point
  10. Yes, it's my fault; fixed. Thanks for testing svn, the multiplayer svn games didn't start yet.
    1 point
  11. [Video] HannibalAI Group Interaction (Hannibal by agentx, Group Interaction plugin by worlddevelopment.foranepicworld) Difficult to see in the video, but dynamic group interaction can be seen in occasions, e.g. at the beginning when units are still idle or when they are freshly recruited or when a new project, e.g. a construction, is started. What it essentially means is that there will be no idle units. It was coded such that groups can detect when they need manpower and not only request it in the AI but also from other groups. e.g. under attack the Hybrid AI (note agentx reserves the othello Hannibal label for him) is - unlike other AIs in 0AD - capable to summon all spared workers in a defensive formation. Also group leadership is coded, such that more fancy strategies like direct officer targeting and destruction/disarray of army formations are possible. Imagine the beardy general that you try to catch because he is so experienced a strategist that you fear at some point he - or his lord - might turn against you, the yet peaceful ally. -- That the Hannibal AI is great work (of course the other bots are, too, they all build on each other) is not doubted, it's just that some parts need to be redesigned. The HybridAI is not HannibalAI, it is an entirely different approach, basically it is a hybrid between Leviathan and interaction between parties in the corresponding spheres of influence.
    1 point
  12. I know I understood the first time, I just do not want to break @Pureon's model
    1 point
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