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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-11-14 in all areas

  1. Do you want to help out with improving the game, but don't have the skills or time to help out with art or programming? Do you want to improve the game by playing it? Then this is your chance! We have come to the conclusion that we need to begin testing thew game more seriously to improve the balancing of the game. There are still some gameplay features left to be implemented, but the game is close enough to being finished that it's worth keeping it fun to play. Starting to test it more seriously at this point also means that we will have the system set up once we reach Beta and that we will be better prepared to bring the game through the Beta phase as quickly and as well as possible. To this end we have set up a Gameplay Testing forum, please check it out and if you have some time and are prepared to follow the simple procedure outlined please help out by playing some test matches. Before you do please read through the rules, it's not a good use of your time if the results can't be used We will be comparatively strict with the moderation in that forum, to make sure it's not flooded with comments that makes it hard to find the valuable information. If you want to discuss the gameplay balancing etc, please do so in the relevant forums.
    6 points
  2. Need to change the units in the list to {civ}_infantry_spearman, etc.
    4 points
  3. I have for quite some time felt that 0 A.D. deserves a more passionate and active project leader than me. I still care for the project and its progress, but I don't have the same interest in it any more. That might be fine for a semi-regular contributor, but it's not ideal when you're the project leader. Now I've found the perfect replacement: Nicolas Auvray, also known as Itms on the forums and in the IRC channels. He has been a part of the project for several years now, and has proved to be a valuable contributor, a sensible and thoughtful leader, and a good friend. I asked him whether he wanted to take over the leadership, after careful consideration he said yes and we presented the possibility to the team who agreed it was a good choice to move forward with Nicolas as the leader. I have confidence he will revitalize the team and work to guide 0 A.D. through the Alpha process and into Beta and beyond. I will still be around to help out with administrative tasks, being a part of Wildfire Games is too great to miss out on completely. Please also welcome Imarok who just became a part of the team! He's been an active and skillful contributor for quite some time now, so it's nice to be able to encourage that by welcoming him into the team.
    3 points
  4. This forum is primarily for discussion for gameplay balance in format of: Topic: Subject to be tested (e.g. Early game Cavalry Skirmisher rush) and description. Replies to Topic: Replays of games (1v1s are best) that involve the subject of testing. Analyze the game (mistakes, well-executed aspects, etc.) and write a summary. Commentary of balance is encouraged, but must have a replay reference. Also, please include the revision of the game that was tested! Proposed balance changes will be written by team members for visibility and comments in this forums as well. When a new balance-changing change occurs, topics of outdated revisions will gain a new post with the changes. Do note that in order to keep this efficient, topics created may be edited/deleted/moved/merged to make the format of this subforum concise and consistent.
    3 points
  5. Nothing special to mention but Rise of the East has been updated to Alpha 21 (along with some fixes thanks to our great testers! ) http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote/downloads/rise-of-the-east-21 How to install: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod
    2 points
  6. I am deeply honored to become the new Project Leader after Erik, who has been an incredible source of motivation since I first started to contribute to 0 A.D. As a programmer of the game, you should expect my first objectives to be related to the technical side of things. I would like to improve the environment of the programming team, in order to make the development less difficult and stressful; and I also plan to focus my programming activity on the libraries we use, and on communicating with the teams who create those. If we improve that environment, we can recruit new people and have more workforce to push the game towards Beta. However, I also want to be an actual leader for the project and its community as a whole, so feel free to contact me if you think something is needed in some area. I will be far more active in the forums than before, and I'm eager to discuss with you all! Finally, I would like to thank everyone for being part of such a great community. The game would be nowhere near its current state without you, and we can accomplish even more great things together!
    2 points
  7. Player 1 Strategy: Devote your economy early game to town phase relatively quickly and build a Tavern to train Naked Fanatics in small numbers. Attack the enemy base early with Fanatics with or without supporting Citizen Soldiers, raiding vulnerable targets. Player 2 Strategy: Given that Player 1 will employ the Naked Fanatic rush, build your base and train units and attempt to make the decision to train Fanatics a penalty to Player 1's economy (each Fanatic trained could have been a citizen soldier that can gather). Please post your replays here.
    1 point
  8. That's nice to hear. I'll tell him straight away.
    1 point
  9. BOOM Mayorcete here. I told him about this days ago and he says he was part of the 0 A.D. team when it was still a mod for AoE2. Maybe he is talking about that mod about romans? Perhaps somth after that? Anyway. Look at this Rise of History. His team really ended up creating a really nice game with a really nice AI. Also. He showed some egyptian units and stuff. Material I haven't seen anywhere else. I do believe he is very capable of doing all this stuff himself, so I see no need for him to "steal". I do of course see that some of the 2D art comes from 0 A.D. and stuff like that but... meh. I don't really care. Even tho... He said that a lot of things the community complained about where just placeholders. So it is suposed that he took those things at the beginning, yes, but he was going to replace them (and as far as I saw he replaced a bunch lot of material). Anyway, as I stated before I don't really care about who made this or who made that. What I really care about is enjoying and promoting these 2 projects and anything similar I can find. I can tell you I love 0 A.D. and I love Rise of History because I love Age of Empires and your fine work. All I can say is that I wish you could get along and even share the community " I " am building from making video content out of your games. Here is my advice, 0 A.D. team. Talk to each other and try to find out what he did and what he did not do in 0 A.D. or anything related to Wildfire Games. In case he is really taking somth from you to use it on his mod (and in case he is not using it as placeholder for now) just go and ask him for credits. That's it. As simple as that. Now with that said I'm off to record some nice stuff for YT. This very day I'll be streaming 0 A.D. testing that Pompey map.
    1 point
  10. Sent the following email to him:
    1 point
  11. Congrats Nicolas, and thank you for your leadership, Erik. Here's toast for both of you, and for the future of 0 AD!
    1 point
  12. Another thing to note: when I captured a Chinese civil center, it allowed me to train Chinese units even when playing as another civilization. I did not check all buildings, so I don't know if it was just the civil center. Normally, you can train the same type of units in a captured structure, but only from your civilization.
    1 point
  13. Just for the record, farms were finite prior to Alpha 14 and many players found it a bother to have to replace them (and the indication that the farms had run out was usually that they couldn't train any more units due to lack of food - trust me, that was not a good feeling to have :P).
    1 point
  14. The main reason to have a tool to take those screenshots is not because it's easier to use, but because it could enforce a standard format. 400 x 300 px² are used, but the image size must be 512x512 px² The preview image should show the entire map (see Red Sea preview image) and use as much of the screenspace as possible (well picked inclination) Some maps might look better with size normal, others better with size large. The used pixels of the resulting image should remain identical.
    1 point
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