When beginning wall placement it would be good to allow the player to begin placement in a "red zone", that is, allow the placement to begin in a location that a wall could not actually be placed, and then as the player moves the mouse to the end point the wall placement should begin at the first point between the potential end point and the beginning point placed in the "red zone".
As it is now, the wall placement requires too much time to begin, where the player is forced to carefully line up the beginning of their wall with the end of a "red zone" so as to ensure there is no leak through which a unit could pass through.
If there are two "red zones" (such as two non-passable cliffs) that a player would like to wall off, it would be nice to quickly click in the middle of one of these "red zones" and then click in the ending "red zone" and have the engine figure out where the wall is actually going to begin in the same way that it figures out where the wall should actually end.