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  1. A demo on how you can use the waterfalls actor files (water = water terrain)
    4 points
  2. Just wanted to post and update and let you know that this task is not dead. The new units are currently in the training camp learning some cool moves. Can't post every single animation done since the gifs would take forever to load but I made some so you can take a peek of what we have in stock. Javelin attack: Archer attack: Walk cycle relax: Walk cycle ready: When I have some time I'll be streaming the process of the creation of animations for these new meshes if someone is interested, although it's much more boring than a modelling or sculpting session. I hope you like them. You can also check Jos3BV work on female animations in this thread:
    4 points
  3. Toggling between "relax" and "ready" idles/walk/run cycles when enemies are nearby or on sight is a feature in my wish list. So ideally they would get in combat position by themselves. I think this would make units look more alive and realistic. If this feature cannot be implemented, I hope at least to be able to use it when the units are tasked to attack or like you mentioned when a defensive stance is used. I agree with your critique on the walk cycle. Also the plan is to have different walk cycles depending on the equipement of the unit, specially the "walk/run ready" cycles
    3 points
  4. Hi, the Capitoline rooftiles can be bronze like this: (Parthenon tiles should remain white tho) Bronze tile texture attached. Spec and Normal map already in game.
    2 points
  5. The Temple of Vesta and its beautiful aura, "Eternal Fire."
    2 points
  6. Yay, I finished all the units for the fourth civ: The info on them: Annnnddd now I vanish for 2-3 months as my day job halts it all. See you guys then with the roster of units for the next civ.
    2 points
  7. Third civilization, coming right up: And some details on their units, of course:
    2 points
  8. Nothing special to mention but Rise of the East has been updated to Alpha 20 (along with some fixes thanks to our great testers! ) http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote/downloads/rise-of-the-east-20 How to install: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod!
    1 point
  9. Played the Frontier Map (Alpha 20) with 2 human players allied against 1 Petra bot. Lots of warnings and errors, see log attached. interestinglog.html
    1 point
  10. Got any quick reference for this variation? My focus at the moment is animations and new horses (I need them for cavalry unit animations) but a simple longer tunic variation should be easy enough. Would the length on his right leg be enough? I could modify this variation to go all the way to the other leg as a tunic.
    1 point
  11. It can't be done in a mod, as it needs engine modifications. But that doesn't really influence the complexity of the problem. There's an advantage that with the current game, it already keeps the network lag caused by players. So now the host should just calculate some good default from that every x turns (f.e. make sure 90% of the turns fit in the given turn time). Other games probably do this differently. They could already start the animation before the command is and to the host. So just to provide some user feedback. This would probably give better results visually, but making a distinction between real and virtual commands well be hard. I do understand the mouse issue now. So I guess it's mainly because your mouse is to precise, and it starts drawing a rectangle to early. I don't have a gaming mouse, and I'm not that fast to move, so I never really make an accidental bounding box.
    1 point
  12. Yesterday I was introducing my friends to 0 A.D. and we did some multiplayer games via LAN connection. They were thinking similarly: nice overall impression, but they immediately noticed the 500 ms turn length. We were three human players and no AI and there was nearly no lag at all, so I agree to reduce turn length at least for LAN connections. Apparently other games manage to be more fluent, even when played over the internet. For example in League of Legends reactions are so crucial that similar turn lengths would totally destroy the game. However they use separate servers for each (part of a) continent so this should help with this problem indeed. Taking only physical properties into account (the very hard limit for connections of all type), a signal travelling in a cable needs about 100 ms to cross half the globe (the longest possible distance on earth surface) and about 67 ms if it propagates as an electromagnetic wave through the air. Double the values for client → server → client. Of course you can't assume that the signals travel directly and each device has to process the information so it adds additional delay.
    1 point
  13. Besides the lobby, you can also host and join a game via direct IP. Use the Multiplayer --> Host/Join option in the main menu for this. The people who join will need to enter the hosts IP. So give only your friends the IP and let them join.
    1 point
  14. Wishlist: Additional body mesh (Tunic extending down to the middle of the lower leg) tunic_long only extends above the knee, maybe something like a middle ground between the healer mesh and the tunic_long mesh, would be nice to have. Source: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?670449-Umayyad-Caliphate-Units-review
    1 point
  15. It's a little big, compared to something like the Great Pyramid and Hanging Gardens in the game. I think could have these change: - Maybe reduce size slightly, by 10% and reposition model to be centered correct. - Bronze roof tiles. Probably use the Parthenon rooftile texture for base and make bronze variation of this texture. - Some of the UV mapping texture stretch, can be fix. - Weld some of the model's seems for less aliasing when rendered. - More bronze statues along front of roof. This already look great so far, but can be improved to be perfect.
    1 point
  16. The game settings also have an option to set a "cease fire" time if that's more what you want.
    1 point
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