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Hello community, I've recently remember about some news I read much time ago related with new faculties establishing in my country universities (Spain), fully dedicated to games development. From a quick search, I've found the following: DigiPen (in english) ESNE Universidad Complutense de Madrid Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Máser I am not aware if this has become common on many other countries over the years, but it may be useful to get some extra pair of hands in the development and artistic design of 0AD by collaborating with this particular institutions. I am sure it would be a nice curricular achievement for most students and an opportunity for 0AD team.2 points
Well, my main point was mostly that it might be common around here to say things more directly than it seems like you are used to. I.e. instead of trying to be nice and polite and sugar coat everything someone might just say directly that "this could be improved" or "that is not as good as it could be, do that instead". (And yes, you did not ask for the comments to be deleted, but I didn't feel like keeping them would improve anything, but rather be at risk of causing more unnecessary drama.)2 points
Yes, you said it is not easy, I mentioned one way to improve it for the future. (Though considering that you have been able to create a fair amount of new maps in short time, it either can't be that difficult or you are skilled. If it's not that difficult then anyone can create documentation for Atlas, if you are skilled then you hopefully would have a lot of useful tips and tricks to share.). @Lion.Kanzen's comments were rude, but he was immediately told off by another forum member, so why take one comment as representative for the entire community? I'll go ahead and delete all the irrelevant comments from that thread, but I generally don't want to censor things which is why I was a bit reluctant to do it in the first place. My priority is not to defend, but at the moment rather to try and figure out what it was they did that caused this reaction from you. Especially since no one has said anywhere (if I'm wrong please point me directly to what was said and where) that your contributions would not be appreciated, just that we naturally listen to those with previous experience when making decisions. We are not all expert map makers, or map makers at all, so we need to get the help we can in figuring out how to make sure that what gets put into the game is as good as possible. If anything we might be a bit too relaxed for you it seems, you might have preferred if we were more formal. I mean, people are offering suggestions by mentioning them without any surrounding "if you would allow me to point out a way in which you could improve" or similar.2 points
As for what niektb might have said in PMs I can't have any comment as I don't have access to them. As for IRC, I did see what you wrote and got in reply in http://irclogs.wildfiregames.com/2016-03-27-QuakeNet-%230ad-dev.log. The only thing that looks a bit rude is leper's comment about committees, but that is only because we have had bad experiences with committees not working in the past. I don't expect you to know that, but it's an example of how things can easily be interpreted as worse than they actually are. The "meh" that follows your question isn't polite I give you that, but it's followed by helpful advice, so it doesn't dismiss you as a map maker. Apart from that all I see are comments for how to improve your maps and similar. If you are not prepared for criticism then I don't see why you are interested in having them in the game. And all they said was that since niektb has got experience with making maps his opinion is valued, not that no one else can create maps. About reporting bugs on the forums or Trac: Trac is certainly the best way, but we want to keep the possibility to report things on the forums as well as Trac might be a bit intimidating for new people. I understand that this can make things a bit confusing, but hope that the benefits outweigh the downsides. I don't see what the problem is with not seeing the difference in this case, a suggestion is a suggestion regardless. It's not as if an official team member automatically knows the answer to all issues, so sometimes looking at an issue from different directions is needed. "The game lags" is an issue, but it's not a specific bug that can be fixed in one specific way. To be able to fix the issue you need to find the exact cause to determine what you can do about it. Once the exact cause has been defined it can be tracked and hopefully fixed, but until that it can't really be taken into account. We don't have access to your computer, so we can't know if it's an issue with the game, the settings, the operating system, the hardware, or something else. We need all the help we can get in figuring it out, even if that help sometimes comes via people who are just repeating something they've seen in another thread or something from their own experience. There certainly can (and should) be more documentation, so as you learn you are definitely welcome to help out in that regard. We do have the wiki editable by anyone who has registered, and if one doesn't want to post things there one can post a tutorial or something in the forums. If it's useful and well-written enough it can be given more attention by being pinned at the top of the appropriate forum etc.2 points
Have you tried to redefine the key associated to the Pause in your user.cfg file, associating it to a letter for example, so adding something like [hotkey] pause = "X"; Have a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths for the locations of the files.2 points
@AtlasMapper: the lag caused by many trees is caused by the renderer. Many actors will result in the same lag.2 points
You can also try to contact De La Salle University Ubisoft recently established a studio here in our country, and has partnered with the university to create and offer a new major in their computer science program, which is video game development.2 points
Alternative: Reduce wall turret range (and look into reduce Fortress range too). They are suppose to be defensive, after all, not offensive. This benefit all attacker units equally.2 points
Are there people around here that would be interested in testing the release candidates from our mods?1 point
Hello, I have a problem with the new version 0.20 in Manjaro (archlinux) if 0ad run in the terminal, throws me the following error: / Usr / bin / PyroGenesis: error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.57: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory I find this library on any side, as I can fix? Thank you and thank you for this incredible game that will last for the rest of the centuries!1 point
You are talking about too much micro (like WFG team member @sanderd17 said). I to come up with idea to include slaves with less micro that have at least chance of be implemented.1 point
Say a global pool @ 30 slave per player. Slaves get more expensive as limit get near. (start out @ 25 F, 25 M, when pool limit reach, last Slave cost maybe triple). 2 player match, global limit is 60. 3 player match, global limit is 90. etc. So you buy them and the limit goes 45/90, 46/90, 47/90, etc. When one dies one more become availabl. Since they are great gatherer, give them lifespan. In my mod the life span is about 8 minutes.1 point
Unfortunate, right now not possible to change build limit base on tech, only remove build limit. This because build limit is determine by the Player.js file, not the entity templates.1 point
Right. Enslaving specific unit is tedious micro (unless it happen automatically, I would still like Female Citizen to convert somehow, maybe when player defeated?). Better to make that part more abstract and make it some kind of pool.1 point
I have something like this in a mod: Male Slave (Servus) 25 25 1 Trained at Storehouse Gathers only. Good at mining and dying. Female Slave (Serva) 25 25 1 Trained at Farmstead Gathers only. Good at farming, foraging, and dying. Can only train 30 slaves. They slowly die as they live so you must replace them periodical. There are two tech relating to them. You can only choose one or the other tech. Slave Quarters 600 400 Slaves cost 0 population. Slave Markets 600 400 Slaves training limit removed. Instead of being trained at the storehouses and farmsteads, it would be neat to train them at Market with a global pool number that can be train. And then as the global limit is being reach the slaves start to cost more (supply and demand). That take quite some code though. Since the Principate Romans have a 100% professional army, the citizen concept is change a bit to this: Roman Citizen (Civis Romanum) 50 2 Trained at Civic Center Builds civic and economic buildings, gathers resources (but not very well). Very good at building. Because of greater health and great aura effect, cost 2 pop. "Slave Ownership" aura: Nearby slaves gather +25% faster. Range: 15 meters.1 point
See https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/48795, linked in #0ad today in IRC. Says they just resolved it.1 point
I understand about reality of bow range, but this is video game where "large battles" only have about 100 men per side and you can build a city in mere minytes. And also like you kind of say already, archer in 0 A.D. have unlimited ammo. So, I think for range we should think about balance first.1 point
@super, the main reason this isn't implemented yet is because we don't like the micro management. For every attack, you would need to select if you want to kill our enslave, and after the attack, you have to lead your slaves to safer places to work. That happens while you're very busy with the battle. If you can find something that requires less micro management, you may be able to convince us to implement it.1 point
This commit is only supposed to give a starting boost when no resources, so it will help in your case but will not enough to ensure a full food production. Currently the AI only builds one corral. I'll complete it soon to make several when farm fields are disabled, but will need some trials to find the optimal value. If you are interested in doing such tests, that would be great.1 point
@mimo Regarding this changeset http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/17971 If I disable the farm field templates on certain maps, f.e. on winter/snowy maps, will the AI still be able to successfully bloom and expand around the map with only the corral as a food source?1 point
After a little testing seems that helps my problem. You are incredible. I will let you know if the problem will appear again. You've really made my day. Thank you guys! And now I have to find the most useless key to bind the pause to...1 point
Yes, i have this file. It can be a memory leak, this would explain the fact that I often don't manage to finish a game. system_info.txt1 point
Yes the trees will definitely cause performance issues as the pathfinder has to deal with each entity(tree) separately there by increasing memory usage and computation time and will do so for every rendered frame,one of the reasons the map Belgian Forest has so much lag Enjoy the Choice1 point
Edited to include the alternative Thus I'm not sure if it's a good idea because wouldn't those structures have less range than ranged units themselves?1 point
I have experiment a lot with Delenda Est (local copy), by making it so only 1 arrow come from towers, fortress, etc. and only other arrows come from propped garrison units. For instance, you cannot pack a bunch of soldier into Fortress and get 20 arrows and soldiers stay safely inside Fortress. No, those unit who are archer show up outside on battlements and then they shoot at attacker. Arrow shooters are vulnerable to counterattack and as more defender archers die, fewr arrows for defense. Fortress become strong defense point, but does not have offensiveness without vulnerable archer on top. I have made so only archer or other infantry ranged garrison show up on battlement: This can be done easily for Wall turrets too. Only a few of the turret need redesigned for propped unit1 point
I don't believe walls are overpowered at all. I am one of the first players to use the turret spam bug, (which I no longer use), but overall, one (normal) set of walls around a weak players civ only gives them about 20 seconds to prepare even if you attack with about 20 champions. 40 for Carthaginians. So no, I do not think walls are overpowered, only turret spam. As BadMonkey showed, 1000 champ deaths, only because of turrets not walls. And could that not be solved by limiting the amount of arrows which could be fired in a certain radius?1 point
I'm on w7 64bit. When the game crash, the screen freeze and 5s after, the cursor change to a loading cursor. The screen still freeze until I press Ctrl+Alt+Del in order to kill pyrogenesis.exe directly on the task manager. I don't receive any logs at all.1 point
Thanks for your interest! Here is the first candidate for Millennium A.D. 20: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9fdaxnufpri1qt/millenniumad_rc1.zip?dl=0 Install Instructions: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod!1 point
I'd agree with Mr.Monkey, but remember the game is in alpha stage and doesn't even have some features enabled which will turn guides and tactics into some 'use this (exploit) / (forgotten unit balance) until next version', and then people crying because in the following version this has been fixed and they get wiped again (which, btw, is the story of AC from 0.93 to And please, by all means, do not take AC as an example of absolutely nothing if you wish any sort of success to 0AD. My main suggestion, if there is a plan to open pandora's box (aka Multiplayer Forum) is to think about clear forum rules, give moderators shiny and fancy ban hammers and make it clear for players they can't cry on forums each time they loose a game about balance or who ever is hacking or not. I'm not against multiplayer or 'competitive scene' (if you like more this term), I just don't want devs to feel pressed and commit mistakes just because there is noise on forums. One last though, before getting into competitive 0AD as a way to attract new players, I think we really need a full and deep revision of the game balance, unless we want to see only the dominants bretons/macedonians in every match, or things can really get nasty.1 point