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  1. And it's a lock! This is getting uncivil and I don't see it coming back.
    2 points
  2. See here for related discussion. I've started working on a concept for our user interfaces and will showcase some of the new layouts below. The new theme will be rolled out throughout the game, but will not influence the in-game HUD, the main menu screen, or the new website design for now. I'm going to focus on the windows that need the most work. Here are some windows using the existing UI theme: **** Work in Progress warning **** Here are the windows using the new UI theme: On flat white and black backgrounds: Thoughts: I focused on making the design more modern, clean, and legible. The thick gold frames are gone, being replaced by a solid top frame with an optional title area, and a lower 'weight' frame to hold it in place. This somewhat resembles the structure of a Roman Standard flag. I'm using a temporary background pattern texture that comes with Adobe Photoshop for now just to quicken the design process, but this will be replaced with a compliant texture. That's it for now. Hope you guys like it!
    1 point
  3. Dear All I hope this is coming to the right place. I just wanted to give my thanks to those in this community who have worked on 0 A.D. I'll tell you why; After ~25 years with Microsoft I've just installed Ubuntu on a machine for the first time, and was scouting around for software to download. Was delighted to come across this game, which appealed to me for a number of reasons. Firstly, having cast around a quick google to see if it was actually any good I was delighted to read that it's closely based on the Age of Empires series. I don't mind saying that AoEII was the absolute top game of my Childhood, and having been denied it in recent years has been a great pain to me. Secondly, I have a couple of degrees in military history etc and my fiancé is a classicist; clearly the subject matter of 0 A. D. is of immediate interest in that sense as well! Have only played one game so far (and got my @#$% handed to me on a plate, was playing with what I remember of pure AoE II tactics and was totally over-run by the CPU opponent) but really enjoyed it. I appreciate it's a product in Alpha and there are a lot of bugs to deal with and functionality to build in, however it's great work so far. I'm afraid I'm not a programmer or modeler, or else I'd be chomping at the bit to get involved and help develop. Again, good work. I'll be very pleased to watch your development closely. Perhaps after I've played some more games I'll have more feedback than just 'Great subject matter'! Oliver
    1 point
  4. I am apologizing to the dev members involved in the black death post yesterday for the disrespect and uncivil tone.
    1 point
  5. I'm not just talking about from a realism standpoint. Just from my own perspective a giant pile of wood and statues meant to be set on fire is not very compelling for a Wonder, which is supposed to be a structure that defines the pinnacle of that civilization.
    1 point
  6. I'd like to add that the plowing concur above video is not relevant to the game : until 500 A.D., it is safe to assert that asymmetrical and deep plow was unknown. That's important whether you want to picture such ploughed fields. Until then, and as in some Asian and African countries nowadays, or in vineyards or rocky soils, freshly ploughed fields were more flat and barely scratched (the earth is simply cut open and not moved one or both sides). Also with such artists working on props, in case you want to differentiate between civs, we could start looking for references about ancient agriculture. For instance the French wiki page about Agriculture in Antic Greece is comprehensive and well referenced.
    1 point
  7. Nar Its been my wish for about ten years to have a strategy game that looks this good with maps this big! I'm gunna finish it. Guess you'll just have to wait Well i probably could take a break at some stage and just put together a normal size map in this style. We'll see. Got a big software launch end of this month i gotta get cracking on with too! Appreciate the comments and feedback. Le-roy
    1 point
  8. @Lion.Kanzen:If you try to save a loaded again, you will find the enemy's army will not attack like a flood, like you, they will guard their buildings and resources, and workers will no longer collect resources, and they stood beside the building next to the resource does not move . @wraitii: Tested again and found a new error: <h2>0 A.D. Main log (warnings and errors only)</h2> <p class="error">ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/UnitAI.js line 1755 TypeError: cmpFormation is null ()@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:1755 ([object Object],"INDIVIDUAL.COMBAT.ATTACKING")@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:376 ([object Object],[object Object])@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:284 ([object Object])@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3737</p> <p class="error">ERROR: Script message handler OnMotionChanged failed</p> <p class="error">ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/UnitAI.js line 1755 TypeError: cmpFormation is null ()@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:1755 ([object Object],"INDIVIDUAL.COMBAT.ATTACKING")@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:376 ([object Object],[object Object])@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:284 ([object Object])@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3737</p> <p class="error">ERROR: Script message handler OnMotionChanged failed</p> <p class="error">ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/UnitAI.js line 1755 TypeError: cmpFormation is null commands2.txt
    1 point
  9. Nope, that's me committing debug by accident. I'll fix it.
    1 point
  10. It was never built. I'd rather they have a real wonder when we have so many other great structures from this age to choose from.
    1 point
  11. If part 1 of 0 A.D. will just be a skirmish/multiplayer game where you can also make new units/maps in the editor, not many people will start modding. Triggers will attract many scenario designers... So many historical scenarios to recreate.... In my opinion, triggers should be part of part 1. I for one want to start making scenarios with triggers.
    1 point
  12. Many fans are asking about campaigns (or scenarios with triggers). I myself am also a big single player fan,I don't enjoy multiplayer games that much. But if I can 'relive' history, instead of random deathmatches I'm excited. I wish that triggers make it into part 1. I think people expect it. If we don't add campaigns, at least allow the community to start working on them.
    1 point
  13. So after a month of patience my art gets overwritten anyways? The tower itself is not a difficult mesh to create. I do not mind recreating a different texture for the tower, but if you retexture it for yourself, then there is no point in giving me credit to the piece. That would be kind of a D move, bro.
    1 point
  14. I have to admit those slingers are an absolute pest lol And the way I like to play, generally stirs abit of bothery against Wraiitis bot on higher difficulty levels. Used to an AI attacking with 3 maybe 5 units early in the game... But this AI swarms the village with an entire army. Which is actually something that's new in this genre. Because now you can have proper contest. Interesting to see how his bot evolves over the course of alphas Having battled both Spartans and Athenians, Spartans use fewer units compared to the Athenians. I think maybe in time you could focus on making the Athenian navy strong as well. Because next to the Phoenecians these guys were the mightiest at sea. Sparta had a strong army, but few, as indeed how the AI applies. For the Persians though, in terms of numbers these guys put everyone to shame. Everything was bigger, lots of people, but inferior. So their navy and units need to be very very cheap but not so strong. And I haven't played in the lobby yet, because I'm waiting for a new router and ISP change, but certainly accept the dual If you play as Persians, then I will play as Macedonia... That should be pretty epic
    1 point
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