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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-19 in all areas

  1. Love this game! Not just fun to play, but also historicaly accurate. Well done on adding Greek quotes too.
    3 points
  2. I’m locking this because it’s going absolutely nowhere except up in flames. Burzum, you need to show a bit more respect to the staff. I definitely don’t mind a topic about potentially nerfing infinite farming, but this isn’t that topic.
    3 points
  3. This discussion really is a back and forth with little headway on either side, but I'll throw in my thoughts. So, lets reason from a purely historical context. Now, farms were not truly infinite par-se but that was the effective result in the short term historically. Did sieges where the enemy became starved happen? Yes, but why? They starved not because their farms weren't infinite, but because their farms were outside their defences and the enemy destroyed them. If they had payed to defend them they wouldn't have starved. This same metric already applies in 0 A.D. If you want to pay the significant cost to wall in and defend your farms they will be secure, but otherwise they could be destroyed and your civilization would effectively starve. This has happened to me. I don't think any changes need to be made to make it more accurate.
    2 points
  4. Like farms, suppose we can plant forests with a diverse range of seed, once forests become barren. But trees have to take a long time to grow, otherwise this will be unrealistic.
    1 point
  5. That actually reminds me about the original plan for the farmstead/food gathering: To have the farmstead come with something like 6 plots of land around it (only those which would fit on the map would actually be placed), and then on that plot of land you would have been able to place either a farm field, an orchard or a corral. And only there. If we'd went with that way we'd not have had to try and do all these things to get around people placing farms wherever etc =) But I guess there are other benefits to doing it the more flexible way (Though the "hierarchy" of fields etc being tied to a farmstead is kind of a nice concept, at least in theory )
    1 point
  6. I'd really like something more organic than a hard limit. Perhaps add an "Unfertility" aura around buildings in general, except a mill which would work opposite? And you'd have a nice overlay when placing your farms? And then we could have pretend-farmlands by placing invisible static entities with that aura too. (can auras decrease by distance?)
    1 point
  7. This may look a little more recognizable.Though, it may look more recognizable what weapon-type he is if the sword didn't overlap the body (he held it straight up so it overlapped the darker background instead).
    1 point
  8. Forgetting my own suggestion was a sign for bed haha Anyway, I agree that way is a relatively simpler way to achieve the same thing (even suggested it myself ). There main advantage to wratiis way of implementing it, in my tired mind last night ,was that it automatically removes diminishing returns, which I disagree with in this instance. I imagine that is is a relatively trivial do change in the current form though. Back to diminishing returns. It isn't something that I see adding anything to the game, if anything I would argue it takes from it. It becomes a 'noob trap' because it causes sub optimal gameplay with no way to know that it is sub optimal. It has inherent difficulties with communicating in this instance. It doesn't add any depth gameplay wise either. Theres a restriction on the number of workers already so I can't see why it's in place? If it were to reduce the early power of farms there are other ways of achieving that without the nuanced issues that diminishing returns introduces. (requiring a farmstead, increased build time, cost, lower rate + more techs, fewer workers per field (potentially another tech to increase this)) Thought this would be a good time to bring it up since we are talking about farms.
    1 point
  9. Mmm? .PSD is probably broken, so I'd stick with the .tiff Athenian Marine_alpha.psd Athenian Marine_alpha.tiff
    1 point
  10. lol go for it Plumo I can't do photoshop format in GIMP, I can send a PNG through. I collapse all my layers towards the end anyhow
    1 point
  11. @Romulus: Let's end this discussion. By all means make a mod that does not have infinite farming and does exactly what you want, I'll be glad to try it out and so will many other people. However infinite farming is a design choice that seems settled for most people and I believe we're no longer doing any constructive arguing. We seem to be repeating the same arguments over and over on both sides and that will lead us nowhere.
    1 point
  12. Ok so I was maybe out... How about 59 minutes? Yeah, which is I said a Gaia mechanic. Gaia automatically grows trees after long periods of time. Okay let me be honest and tell you why I had this idea... Think of AOE days... I love keep the match going on forever. I'm just like that... I love to maintain a game and keep it from ending. But in AOE you get those times where look at the deforestation, and land been stripped of everything that was on it, and you think... Man... Its a shame. How nice if you could see the trees grow back and animals respawn... (Specially the fish for the love of christ) but you always feel "darn" that sadness that there's nothing more but barren land. Kills the game... Imagine a game that lives like nature....... Think about it
    1 point
  13. The height of units is controlled by cmpPosition. Basically, UnitMotion changes the 2D coordinates of an entity, and then registers it in the Position component. When you then query the 3D position of the unit, the height is automatically calculated from information s.a the height offset, the terrain height and the water plain height. This position it's then used to render the entity. In the scripts, there is a UnitMotionFlying component that allows planes to change height. Though that component is used without pathfinder, and it's just a test.
    1 point
  14. yeah, thst why open this one. And the Stan art topic. Now Wraitii suggestion in an other bonus from water source. Now we need aquaedutcs and other water forms.
    1 point
  15. ill have to also suggest and argue that farming as to also be equally as complex. The mechanics of making water accessible to farm. You cannot farm with NO water.
    1 point
  16. I took my sweet time putting the recording together, but I don't think I want to work on this anymore xP
    1 point
  17. YES!! And another thing... We need a loyalty thing where allies lose or gain loyalty towards you and a script that makes allies respond to most commands when the loyalty is high. If loyalty is low the script needs random possibilities that either make the ally rebel etc.
    1 point
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