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  1. The posted screenshot shows a failure loading a saved game, not saving it Did you try saving the game with one version, then update SVN, and try loading with another version? As others have said, that won't work - we don't yet make any effort for saved games to be compatible between different versions, the game changes too frequently. If you saved and loaded with the same version, that would indicate some other problem.
    2 points
  2. I would say both Technically it will most likely be a completely separate game, but we do intend to include the civs from part one. So if any new features are added new civs should also be able to make use of them, you should be able to play with a part 1 civ against a part 2 civ, etc.
    1 point
  3. It doesn't matter. If you only care about reaching that number you'll most likely not make very good posts, and then they will get deleted, and you will not reach the number anyway I think it's 1,000 or so though, so it's not something you should reach within a month or so, but perhaps rather within a year or so if you're reasonably active If you have a title you really want to have you can always just ask us beforehand and we might change it
    1 point
  4. Too many formations will clutter the UI, the ones we have are fine, I've used lines and flank formations to envelop missile cavalry and such.
    1 point
  5. This would not work if somebody has moved countries or for multicultural countries.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. there's one thing that i keep forgetting: is Part 2 planned to essentially be an expansion pack or a separate game, e.g., could civs from each one be present in the same random map/scenario as the other?
    1 point
  8. If we really need to see nudity* and more blood, someone is bound to make an unofficial "Rated M" mod. I'm assuming the game itself is going to be released with a E Rating in mind. *While I don't necessarily believe that nudity for historical accuracy's sake is particularly offensive, I can understand that some people may have some misgivings about nudity in general, and it seems more acceptable to censor nudity in this situation than to allow it in order to allow more people to enjoy the game.
    1 point
  9. I think the most memorial part of Age of Empires 1 were the sounds the buildings and units make, and the music that played. Heck, I still blast original age of empire music in my car at traffic lights.
    1 point
  10. SVN does not provide a new pyrogenesis on Linux Lion one has to build it from the source code oneself.It is only provided for Windows as most M$ users do not have access to Visual Studio or the inclination to learn how to use it.Newciv from what I can read on that screen capture it can not rebuild the game state because of serialization errors which as feneur said is to be expected with differing binaries and any major change in Java Script as well.BTW do you run the svn version in user or system land I find that running svn projects in user land much more convenient that doing "make Install" every few days. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  11. I like the Greeks because they admit were they got there ideas. "Thus philosophy, a science of the highest utility, flourished in antiquity among the barbarians, shedding its light over the nations. And afterwards it came to Greece. First in its ranks were the pro-phets of the Egyptians ; and the Chaldeans among the Assyrians ; and the Druids among the Gauls ; and the Samanaeans among the Bactrians; and the philosophers of the Kelts; and the Magi of the Persians." AD 260 - Clement of Alexandria’s Stromala I, xv, 71, 3 1
    1 point
  12. I think the major reason we're holding off on the Germanics until Part 2 is that we can't throw every culture into Part 1. Also, the Germans were such a large part of Rome's eventual fall that they fit thematically better in Part 2. Also, while the Romans and other cultures fought the Germans in Part 1's time frame, their activities in the Part 2 timeframe were so momentous it's just better to have them in Part 2 instead. I think we could have up to 3 Germanics in Part 2, and maybe 1 Celto-Germanic (Belgians would be my pick), like how the Macedonians straddle the Greek and Successors "cultures" in Part 1. So, Belgians would have some textures and models from both the Gauls and Germans art sets and probably share some bonuses from each.
    1 point
  13. In essense, with the "balancing" tag, I`d like to suggest that you guys create a balancing group within the team. This team would have the task of exploring the possibilities of the game with calculated efficiency in order to maximize the pay-off of the balancing effort as opposed to just making changes to things that currently seem unfair, seeing as things like that change as play styles evolve. I believe that 0 AD has great potential in becoming the next top-notch RTS game - I can forsee a huge wave of migration from other RTS games as well as new people diving into the genre if your project succeeds. Long story short, I believe that a project of such a scale requires quality assurance teams from the early stages on. Really looking forward to a reply on the matter.
    1 point
  14. Software is an other category entirely some is covered by patents and copyright because software patents are not enforceable in some counties(specificity forbidden in fact) but the corporations that produce that software are usually from the US where software patents are the norm and a minefield for all developers. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
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