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    • Weird that it doesn't work in single player. Did you enter it in gamesetup or after the game started? I'll give it a try later.
    • real_tabasco_sause, I tried this command on the console. It fails on single player mode, so I had to open 2 instances of 0AD, one as host and one as client. As soon as I entered the command on the host machine I got an OOS. And when I tried this command on the client it failed telling me only hosts can enter this command. So apparently both host and client should be patched via mod before the game starts.
    • Can this command be entered during a 4v4 replay? It would be an interesting test to make for sure. But, while testing turn length on a single computer might be interesting, I want to test it on actual multiplayer games from the lobby. Testing it just on my own CPU does not give us the whole picture probably.
    • well looks like you wouldn't even need a mod to do this. You could do the following (and I'd be curious on the results): Set up a match with combat demo huge (in scenarios, demo maps) and choose different values with Engine.SetTurnLength(x); @phosit are the backticks included when typing this in the js console?
    • Regarding these charts: Can someone explain what the x-axis stands for in both left and right charts? The screenshot seems to be cropped just where it is written. I can't understand the meaning of these charts without it. If someone can explain it would be great.   If the turn rate can be changed in JS, then maybe @Atrik idea of doing a quick mod to test it could be worth. The only question would be if there is a way that the host can communicate the selected turn rate every time a new game starts. Else the mod would have a hard coded turn rate, which would not allow us to test different values on different games.
    • What do you mean by that?
    • Discussion about the overkill situation brought me to this vague idea: consider more units at an equal range, so that units spread out their damage a little. Ideally, a target precision value could be stored in the templates (higher for archers, lower for skirms for example) and then used to influence the 'EntityDistanceOrdering' on certain calls to the range manager. (Things like choosing the closest unit don't need to be super precise and maybe shouldn't be wrt overkill). https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/0ad/browse/ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpRangeManager.cpp#:~:text=class EntityDistanceOrdering,}%3B Perhaps some replacement for .CompareLengths() could be used with an optional precision value (0.1,0.5,1,3,5,10). Since stable_sort is used, maybe this would also be faster with more 'equivalent' values?
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