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    • Hello There!! First of all thanks for all your work, and support.. I'm building a scenario, and I  have a ¿problem?: When i place Metal mine or Stone mine, they are not diggable. I mean, one cannot interact with it. So you cannot mine metal or stone in this map... even I have placed some mines on it. What am I doing wrong? Because I can not find the mines in the Entities tab, just in Actors tab. (see attached)
    • The preplaced buildings probably work because they down change ownership when they are being skirmish replaced.
    • Usually that's why we have a call on Ownershipchanged but maybe there is a message we're not listening to  
    • After testing many things I think that it's true But how this works for the civili-centre (building placed at the beginning of the game) and not for other buildings being constructed during the game ?   And if I can't pick my player from here, how can I do ?
    • The error means it cannot find the owner, (probably cause it doesn't have one) It's this code that fails: const color = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player).GetColor(); cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorr", color.r); cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorg", color.g); cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorb", color.b); You can replace it with const cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); if (cmpPlayer) { const color = cmpPlayer.GetColor(); cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorr", color.r); cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorg", color.g); cmpVisual.SetVariable("colorb", color.b); } but then since it cannot find the player it will not set the color
    • Yes, it's possible. You can make a mod with resized cursor images (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide). Default cursor is at mod/art/textures/cursors/default-arrow.png, in-game cursors are inside public/art/textures/cursors.
    • Can the size and color of the cursor be customized? I have poor vision. Consequently I keep "losing" the cursor. To improve its visibility, I would like to make the cursor bigger and to change its color.
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