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  2. The XIII century AD, also known as the 13th century, marked a pivotal period in history characterized by significant events such as the rise of Gothic architecture, the Mongol Empire's expansion, and the beginning of the Renaissance. For a deeper understanding of this era, consider seeking resources or even online assignment help to navigate through its complexities effectively.
  3. This is a good watch for those familiar with the automation debate. Ok so maybe its a different game from 0ad, but many points on automation are valid across RTS games. Maybe the most important is the division of attention between fighting and economy. The controversy of this farm auto-placement puts into start contrast the motion to automize unit and technology production like in proGUI. In 0ad, we already have some things heavily automated like autoqueue. Admittedly, autoqueue is more justified in 0ad given the citizen soldier mechanics, but I heavily advocate against further automation. Some say 0ad is too hard, but I say let it be hard. Learning how to do hard things and winning for your efforts is rewarding and exciting. To improve the experience of new players, focus should instead be placed on improving the ui, ranked games, and matchmaking/finding. Obviously, we don't have any kind of matchmaking, but it is important that new players get a few games with players of roughly equal skill so they can experience more than just village phase. Excessive automation makes RTS games easier sure, but also shallow, and shallow games are not fun for long. One of the main issues with aoe4 is that where aoe2 is deep, aoe4 is shallow (homing bullets, 1-click strategies). We can make 0ad more deep by increasing the amount of player-controlled features, adding more technologies (unique and/or unit-specific), and diversifying unit stats.
  4. not even any links XD. I guess this just an advertisement? It seems like for this game no audience should be left unturned. Its a public nuisance.
  5. What is supposed to block a conquest victory? Is it only builder units/buildings that could spawn those? Because I just spent some time hunting down an elusive minister. He can build and train nothing, so I don't know why a civ isn't defeated if he's the only thing left. On a related note: I don't think I ever saw a Han AI player build a ministry. They probably don't know how to use them. The only benefit they gain would be a small eco boost around where the starting minister stands.
  6. The screenshot of the tutorial , was shown only for general understanding, where the information was taken from while adding the resource to the game. gui/summary is the folders in the mod the full path may look like this: summary.js file /home/.local/share/0ad/mods/Name of your mod/gui/summary/summary.js var g_MaxHeadingTitle = 9; replace the value with 10 (if 1 new resource is added) summary.xml file /home/.local/share/0ad/mods/Name of your mod/gui/summary/summary.xml <repeat var=“x” count=“9”> replace value by 10(if 1 new resource is added) there are 5 such lines in the file
  7. I was seeing coins on Facebook that represent clothing and armor quite well.
  8. Yesterday
  9. Diving deep into Sassanian military stuffs is no easy task, i need some time to explore when a lot of information is contradicting against each other. Sassanians seems to prefer mining and siege towers when they conduct siege warfare, therefore i suggest Delenda Est team to consider sword auxiliary unit. The appearance of this particular troop should have: 1. A helmet (ridge helmet) or mail coif 2. A mail hauberk 3. A wicker shield/buckler.
  10. What about the navy? Siege weapons?
  11. If they come and post Instagram-style photos or stock photos, you can tell it's a bot. And they look more like ( like celebrities) models and they don't look like people like us who aren't, you know, models. Artificial intelligence is not yet capable of doing many things due to Moral limitations. You can ask it to have a coherent conversion or a moral dilemma and with that we already discover if it is a bot
  12. Macedonian shield bears own Spartiate's.... yes spartiates get more lvl 250 vs 220 with their tech, but the extra 3 dmg they get is enough to off set that. Skiri can be OP mid game, if used well... but out side of that, its really brasidas and skrimishers with hoptlite meat shield... I am fine with spartans lacking some of the flexibility of other civs... but at least spartiates should be more effective since they were at the core of spartan life and success
  13. Hi @541ky, welcome to the forums. You do realize this is a FOSS project?
  14. Some more thoughts in this recent thread:
  15. thanks! I just dont know if i can wait that long
  16. Nah it would be good, but I don't know if it can nor how to do it with the current forum software.
  17. It's probably gonna get worse as AI becomes more mainstream.
  18. @Stan` if the bots are becoming like this one, it is going to be tough
  19. First message on the forum, to talk about a pay-to-win mobile game with a suspicious account name and a shutterstock profile picture?
  20. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha27 lots of stuff for sparta including unique techs designed to boost the spartiate's stats. Also they promote into a stronger version called "olympic champion" Also, we made agis a much stronger hero like he used to be but also gave him a passive metal discount for units.
  21. I really like this game. I spend about 6 hours a day playing. I find the game rise of kingdoms quite good and full of strategy
  22. Is my idea bad or impossible to implement?
  23. Does anyone remember the day when sometimes when loading game it would say spartiates the strongest infinitry in the game? THAT is such BS! Now I only tested against mace.... but even with Leonids 50 spartiates lose to 50 of mace spear champs and definitely 50 sword champs. When are spartiates gonna be useful? They should at least do as much dmg as mace spear, or have more armor? Maybe even be as fast as nake fanatics. Spartans are maybe the ONLY civ that dont have useful champs IMO... Way more effieent to go skiri and skrimishers with OP Brasidas. Thoughts? I heard there may be improvements for A27... not sure i can wait that long! What about teaking them in com mod?
  24. Indeed, for there is no longer a "gui/common/setup_resources.xml" file, but an entire folder instead. Just one example. And then, how and what to edit in the listed files? Just says to edit them, but not in what way or which lines.
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