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    • You need to update the 0ad-spirv mod, the latest version is 0.27.22 from January 15, 2024.
    • if bolts had even worse move speed, but no unpack time they whould be balanced i agree, because u can always kill it, they could not be op like slingers, who snipers use hit and run tactics to kill even champs, because they can't retreat if meatshield dies, like slingers, also they whould be a way to counter snipers. i disagree with the last part, because more splash range whould make then too op, since u could just spam meatshield and they whould kill everything, rn they only kill 1 unit and damage 2-3 as u said to me, which is good, but not op o/ and if u increase theyr pop use from 2 to 3, or even 4, with needing p3 etc, they whould be only op in a really late game stage, which everything becomes op if u have enough time, like ecobot for 16 minutes or more scenarios
    • agree with bolts, they are viable for turtle or defence, which is the playstyle of atrik who uses it, atleast against me in tg, but in general they are a very high risk unity for u to bother building siege tower are not ridiculously op, u don't play enough tg or 1v1 chrstgtr, i already tested it with some players and cav counters it, army + ram, champs etc etc etc, everything can become op if u can ecobot for 16 minutes
    • AOE4 has this with the ninjas and they can damage/destroy buildings and drop smokes and run fast. I don't recommend this kind of mechanic. Now, it might be cool for a civ to have a unit equivalent of the scout tower. I think that would be cool for an american civ.
    • The settlers 5 had that too. It would show up as a miner while it was a hero for the other player.
    • So that disqualifies me from making points here? What are you talking about? siege towers can attack while moving. Bolts and catapults cannot. That is a masssssssive difference. This was probably historical accuracy. Also, this would be a very simple fix to make them balanced: Keep the low movement speed, adjust damage and accuracy. challenging for the wrong reason: you have to wait 10 sec + (2 sec prepare time) to shoot. They have never been OP because of their mobility and they wouldn't even if the pack time was removed. A better challenge would be to focus on rewarding manual targeting to make the most of passthrough damage by increasing linear splash and decreasing the single unit damage the same amount.
    • @Atrik both bolts and catapults have been op before, but not because of their pack time. it was because of their damage. What would happen is a ball of 30 or so bolts could be formed that basically became invulnerable but immovable.
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