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Hooray. I went skiing for the first time of my life this MLKJr weekend up in Winterplace, West Virginia. Had a lot of fun, managed to ski pretty well after my rear became aquainted with the snow about 20 times. Ended up going down a few moderates (no black diamonds, thanks).

Here's a picture of me looking goofy with all the snow stuff on.


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Artificial snow, berk! (Clear from the pictures that it was artificial snow!)

Between 12 and 16, I used to ski a lot. It faded with time when my sister switched to snowboard (I was then alone, since I hated snowboard) and when my father switched to snowshoe. I could probably still ski, and I can go on most trails :P

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hate snow. We have snow pretty often where i live, and you really get sick of it after 16 years with snow in 6 of the months ;)

We finally got snow here. I think about a foot fell within 6 hours or so here. And after 17 years of having it, I was missing it for awhile here. ;)

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Eek, looks like you're using snowblades! ;)

I'm strictly a downhill skier - no snowboards, cross country skis.

I used to be a pretty good skier since I took lessons for several years when I was younger. Unfortunately I stopped for some reason and now my skis and boots no longer fit me.

I live so close to so many resorts in NY now too, but I have no time to go :P

I have fond memories of skiing into the snowboard terrain park right next to the snowboarders with my friends and doing the jumps and pipes. Some of the best terrain was always on the edge of the resort, with natural drop-offs and jumps that were quite high.

And skiing down slopes that were so steep as you weave down them you can touch them with your hand ;)

*envies the europeans who can go to the alps*

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