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Resource regeneration

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古尔肯汗 于 2021 年 8 月 16 日上午 1:08 说道:

正如 @Stan` 所写,我想这是一个深思熟虑的决定。 一些稀有甚至没有木材的地图有“难以玩”的描述。 有很多地图我根本不玩,因为我不喜欢那些“饥饿游戏”。


Maps without trees are difficult to play. The main reason is that too much wood is consumed. Maybe the wood needed by soldiers should be reduced, and the wood should be mainly used for buildings and ships?

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9 minutes ago, AIEND said:

Maps without trees are difficult to play. The main reason is that too much wood is consumed. Maybe the wood needed by soldiers should be reduced, and the wood should be mainly used for buildings and ships?

Yes, they're the most painful games for me as well. I like how the different biomes make such a difference: There's at least one with barely any wood, and one with so many trees you couldn't run out for hours.

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2 分钟前,MirceaKitsune 说:

是的,它们对我来说也是最痛苦的游戏。 我喜欢不同的生物群落如何产生如此大的差异:至少有一个几乎没有木头,一个有这么多树,你几个小时都用不完。

Sometimes the headache is some oasis maps, where trees and prey are concentrated around the lake - far from your initial location. Then you have to race against your opponent to build a civic center by the lake first, otherwise the opponent will build a civic center first, and then build a few towers on the border, and you will have a headache. The next more headache is that even if a civic center is established at the same time, you and the enemy become neighbors. Whether it is hunting or logging, your workers can always collide and fight together. This kind of map design that lacks buffer between players and enemies Makes me not like it.

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1 hour ago, AIEND said:

Maps without trees are difficult to play. The main reason is that too much wood is consumed. Maybe the wood needed by soldiers should be reduced, and the wood should be mainly used for buildings and ships?

Balancers (some at least) already try hard for all civs to play the same, if all maps play the same as well there is little to look forward to. Except for looks (tho not as bad as it once was) Anatolian Plateau is a great map!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Seems part of this suggestion is coming to 0.26: Fish and fruit trees will now regenerate slightly. I think this makes sense and was a good idea!

I wonder if normal trees should also regenerate very slowly. It would make sense for realism; Any tree that isn't completely cut down will regrow in reality.

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I mean if we are talking about "time realism" - come on... building a house in 30 seconds ingame time sure isn't realistic - if you can build a house, a civic center and a fortress under five minutes a tree could grow in say 4-8 minutes after being planted

Idea - make a tech "forestation" (unlocks the ability for citizens to plant a tree that will "upgrade" itself after 8 minutes - It should cost 50 wood for a 100 wood tree - kinda like corral animals cost food to get you food and if you are really that desperate or the map is so horrific you have that option - and also "Irrigation system" (planted trees get watered to grow) - halves the time of growth to 4 min but costs like 1000 metal to research

On desert maps - you couldn't grow trees without irrigation researched and in winter biome - well you cannot grow them at all since it is winter :D


But idk - don't have too strong opinion on this topic - I would rather have another civilization and a buff for spear cav x3 against other cav then ability to grow trees if I would need to choose one

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Yes: In terms of time 0ad is pretty much accelerated by 1.000 times at the least. But just as you can build a house in 10 seconds instead of 10 weeks, a tree can regrow in a day as much as it normally would in a hundred.

And yeah, same: There are other changes that would be just as interesting. The idea of a way to capture enemy units alive and make them your own has intrigued me for a potential mod I might make sometime. Also 0.26 will have a new Han Chinese faction which is going to make things even more fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Now that regeneration for fruits and fish is implemented, i want to make a proposition for hunting animals. In Empire Earth, a herd of hunting animals reproduce after hunting some members if the herd is not completely wiped out. It can work like this:

A herd can produce juvenile members if a member is killed and there are at least 2 living adult members. The herd cannot produce offspring if the initial herd population is reached. A juveline animal will grow into a fertile adult animal if not hunted for a given amount of time. It may yield a lower amount of food until growing.

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