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How Norwegians Think About Things...

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Americans: They are rich, always at a party and drives stuff like golfcars ...

French: They are stupid, but nice people. They also have a wierd language

Germans: The most irritating and bad language in the history. Cant think of any language that i worse. (Chinese maybe). Also old guys are mad cause of WW!

Netherlands: Have a long and cool landscapes. Much grass and do some wierd dances...

Great Britains: This is a people I really respect. I think most Norwegians does. I really think that Tony Blair is a great man. But they are eating to much wierd food..

Sweden: I HATE SWEDEN! Sweden sucks. man....

A country you want me to get some Norwegian meenings on? tell me!

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I really think that Tony Blair is a great man

Why the hell is it that people who don't suffer under this loony always have this opinion? The Americans say he'd be a great president and now the Norwegians are backing him up!!!! Blair is an idiot and his tuition fees policy will make me skint for years when I go to university. I can't afford £3,000 a year extra!!!

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Why the hell is it that people who don't suffer under this loony always have this opinion? The Americans say he'd be a great president and now the Norwegians are backing him up!!!! Blair is an idiot and his tuition fees policy will make me skint for years when I go to university. I can't afford £3,000 a year extra!!!

In America tuition isn't controlled by the government, only certain financial aid pieces and many of those only for the state-run schools, so I don't think many Americans could sympathize with you :D

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  chichigrande said:
What about the Canadians, America's little brother, want do you think about them.


Lets take some at the time:

Aldaron: I dont think their stupid... just some wierd guys that is pretty dumb. Check out Taxi 3... :(

Canadians: They live in small ice covered houses. With a lot of fish to eat... :( They are not as rich a the Americans, but they dont need to, they fish all their fish... :D

Tonto icy Tripod: "That's a cultural thing that goes both ways. If you travel to sweden and check what it's like, there's really hardly any difference. Except that everything seems to be cheaper in sweden"

Yes, sometimes. Some stuff... But not mopeds, and motorcycles are cheaper in Norway... And Swedens have to much murders ... and stuff :P

Anyone else?

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Just don't base your opinion on a movie or tv series. Base your opinion on the country's (national and foreign) policy, real life experience with people from there, etc. Even with that you still have to keep in mind that we are all people, so country borders aren't always mentality borders.

My experience with French people, and I have quite a lot of that (been there almost every year in my life, have and had friends there) is that they are very nice and in some cases quite admireable for their courage in the social area. But regionally they differ very much, the south isn't comparable to the north, or the people in the Cévennes for example are also very different compared to the people in Paris.

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I dont call them stupid (im not attend to). Just that its my experience with the 2-3 French i have met in realy life. You guys, and Curufinwe is giving me a new look at French! I did not want anyone to feel bad, or uncomfortable. Just how I!!! look at the different countrys!

More positiv look at France: They speak quickly. They are living in rocks most of them, and they are very loyal. (Have heard that). They are hated by many (NOT ME) in Norway that i know, because of their actions, thinking of Iraq! Many think they should help Bush and Blair !

Klaas: I am 15 years old. Most of my experiences is from Movies. This is not a thread to make anyone feel bad, or starting cry ! I have no idea what some of these really are, but i have told what I!!!! think they are, and what they do. Someone in Norway, most of my friend too, share my view!

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  ZeZar said:
Canadians: They live in small ice covered houses. With a lot of fish to eat... :P They are not as rich a the Americans, but they dont need to, they fish all their fish... :P


*goes fishing*

we have supermarkets here as well ya know :P

I eat fish...uh...maybe once in a week. And I don't go fishing. (Plan to do it one day but well...)

We do live in ice covered houses right now... but they're not small :( and we have 4 seasons anyways with 30°C when it's summer :D

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Americans: They are rich, always at a party and drives stuff like golfcars ...


I love it. I love it. This is by far the funiest and stupidest thing that i have ever heard. Have you even been to half the countries that you are talking about. I think not. (Here is just one counterargument: 1. Our stores are open seven days a week and i mean all of them.) There are only three days in the year that stores usually close. 1. New Years, 2. Christmas Day, and 3. Thanksgiving. That's it. I don't think the tone of this thread is bad enogh that i have to close it. Just watch yourselves though. :(

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Well, Mexiacans are wild people. They use some cool guns, and have NO police in their country! And there are also a lot of Mexicans trying to move to USA, but often they fail! I have also seen on TV that ALL Mexicans use strong and bad drugs! And they never eat :(

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