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I Am Oluseyi

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Thanks for stopping by Oluseyi, and thank you also for taking a look at the ferite language and giving us some impressions you had on that.

Oluseyi is a moderater over at gamedev.net ... I'm not sure which forum.

But, again welcome - maybe we could pick your brian sometime if your not to busy with your responsabilites at gamedev.net :)

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  Wijitmaker said:
Thanks for stopping by Oluseyi, and thank you also for taking a look at the ferite language and giving us some impressions you had on that. 

Oluseyi is a moderater over at gamedev.net ... I'm not sure which forum.

No problem per the ferite review. I no longer moderate any specific forum; I'm what's called a "roving mod" these days. I used to moderate Everything Unix, and I still edit articles submitted to GameDev for grammar, clarity and technical veracity.

I actually sent CheeZy an email (via these forums) with some suggestions on scripting, and an offer to "liase" with your team. I'd like to work on/with a project with potential, and with a well-defined scope of responsibility for myself (in this case, implementing and documenting your scripting/modding system - in Python).

More about me... I'm 23, live in Long Island, NY and attend Stony Brook University. I'm a junior and have just changed my major from Computer Science (my hobby and/or major for the last 10 years) to Cinema and Cultural Studies. I'm a neat-freak grammar nazi and very much about efficiency and productivity; I hardly ever write code in C or C++ anymore, and I abhor Java. I find C# interesting and am learning it, though my surreptitious purpose is simply to port Python to .NET - before Mark Hammond does.

I've been into game programming for 10 years, and I know a ton of weird and increasingly anachronistic things. I took 2 years off from actually doing any game programming myself, but I'm back now (ditching CS has made programming fun again, strangely). My focus is on results - not fancy techniques or technology, not superb code style, not blistering speed from the get-go; results. And fast, too. That means I'm a big advocate of reuse and adaptation over rewriting (there are times when rewriting is the way to go, though).

I'll admit, I haven't been a big Tolkein fan in the past (seems like most RPG/RTS gamers are) - I'm more of an Asimov/Heinlein/sci-fi kinda guy - but watching the LotR movies has given me some incentive to give it another shot.

I think that's quite a bit!

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Excellent, I should actually get you in touch with our lead programming manager - Stuart (aka Acumen). If you still have a copy of what you sent CheeZy, please forward that to stuart@0ad.wildfiregames.com .

True, CheeZy is the guy who coordinates our VIP's but Stuart is the man you want to connect with.

A liasion would be great! We could use all the advice and experiance we can get :)

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