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===[COMMITTED]=== The next big thing : Helmets


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For some reason, helmet actor hele_su3 doesn't show the variations correctly. It only shows the pilos variants. Same with su2, it only shows the Chalcidean variations.



NINJA EDIT: I found out the problem. All the helmet variants have a frequency of 100. lmao. You need to understand that the frequency tag is a ratio. I've seen in other files where if you have 3 variations, you give them frequencies of 33 in order to get a number close to 100. This is unnecessary. In that case, just have all variations set to 1, so it's a ratio of 1:1:1. 33:33:33 works but is unnecessary. Same with the helmet variant files: a frequency of "1" works just as well as "100" because within the variant file there are no other frequencies against which to ratio. Actually "1" works best in the variant file because the helmet actor loads the variant and if it has 100 then it gives that variant the frequency of 100 against the other helmet variants.  :D

I tested it and setting the frequency to "1" in the variant files works.



Attached are the amended variant files.




hele_helms_ratio_fixed_1_1_201.zipFetching info...

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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1-7 look great. Although, I think for naturalism-sake it would be nice to have variants of the Pilos and Boeotian that are tipped backward slightly on the head, but that's just a minor request. 

11-14 are fine, except the plumes on 12 and 13 are unnaturally stiff. It would be cool to have these animated eventually, but if not, then they need to fall more naturally downward. :)

 8 seems to be either missing or a corrupted file? I can't see it in your latest commits.

15 and its variations need some work, IMHO. With how accurate and awesome your Bearded Phrygian [24] is, I think you are capable of much better and more accurate Corinthian helmets than that! The Corinthian-line of helms are thee classic classical helmet. Let's get these right! :) 

16-18 would be good for the Ptolemaic Agema Cavalry, but the cheek pieces are over the ears and very small. What's up with that? :D Also, they don't sit on the head naturally at all.

19-23, Thracian Cap helmets, they're just weird. Again, the cheek pieces are small and situated over the ears instead of the cheeks. Reworked a bit, I could see these being used for the Thracian civ though.

24 is the Bearded Phrygian and just looks awesome. Great work. It's obvious you like this the best and spent time on it. :thumbsup: 

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