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Faction : Nomads Xiongnu


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Siberian Hats


photographer Alexander Khimushin has been traveling the world, visiting 84 different countries. Three years ago, inspired by the idea of documenting remote cultures that are slowly disappearing due to globalization, he began his The World in Faces project. Seeking out small, ethnic minority groups around the world, Khimushin shoots incredible portraits that both honor and immortalize their culture.


Over the past 6 months, Khimushin immersed himself in the Siberian landscape, traveling 15,000 miles alone behind the wheel of an SUV to track down, and photograph, the indigenous people of this frozen land. Moving from the shores of Lake Baikal to the coast of the Japan Sea, he visited a variety of ethnic minority tribes, many of whose population is down to several dozen people





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Coming back to the Sogdian-Scythian/Wusun theme.







Afrosiab, Sogdian helmet

Date ca. 700 BCE–ca. 500 BCE




Ab Langereis


MuseumT ashkent, National Museum of Uzbek History




CC0 1.0 Universal




Scythians / Sacae, Sogdians




Sogdian helmets in paintings look rather distinctive. The helmets are spheroconical, often with a scallopped browband, and triangular finial (although other finial shapes are known from surviving Sogdian helmets). One particular feature that seems fairly unique to Sogdiana are the banded cheek plates, which appear on almost every depiction of a Sogdian helmet, but are almost never seen outside Sogdiana.


Simply by looking at the paintings, one can’t really be totally sure of their construction. Banded armour for arms and legs was also known in the area prior to the Sogdian era (more on these later), and banded cheekpieces are also seen much earlier on coins of a local ruler called Tanlis Mardates from Margiana, from the 2nd – 1st Century BC.


Fortunately, a handful of archaeological finds from eastern Europe dated from the 6th Century AD have turned up a number of helmets with “Sogdian” style cheekpieces, showing a very consistent laced construction. Each cheek piece is made up of a number of horizontal plates, each with 3 columns of 3 rows of holes (9 holes per plate, in a 3 x 3 grid).





Edited by Lion.Kanzen
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On 18/02/2022 at 9:44 AM, Lopess said:


Slot for garrisoned units? I can't implement them, I wanted to create a link between a prop and a unit that garrison it, but it doesn't work the way it looks good.


"I want one that is small. And one that serves strong and that in phase 3 Become a normal fortress."

Could you give an example? Could she not move anymore?


On 18/02/2022 at 9:46 AM, Lion.Kanzen said:

@Freagarach We need help with Mobile  Forts  and props.

We need Slots feature for carts then carts must garrison inside a place as prop then  several archers enters inside the carts as prop.

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36 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:


@Freagarach We need help with Mobile  Forts  and props.

We need Slots feature for carts then carts must garrison inside a place as prop then  several archers enters inside the carts as prop.

One can use turret points (see walls as an example), but there is no way to tie turret points to props.

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On 19/02/2022 at 9:28 AM, Lion.Kanzen said:

Huns / Huna / Xiong. 


公元280年,敦煌贵霜僧朱法虎将梵文《如来经》翻译成中文。 在这份文件中,他将梵文“Huna”翻译成“匈奴”。 他在 308 AC 通过翻译“Lalivavistara”再次做到了这一点。 在不远的过去,这些“呼那”将月氏族人从他们祖坟所在的土地上赶走。 朱法虎是苦山人,是月氏的直系后裔。 对于这些“熊奴”是谁,他们的真名是什么,他或许没有怀疑过。




然而,也许“匈奴”永远是一个笼统的名词。 也就是说,如果我们认为“匈奴”是一个印欧语系词,与英语词饥饿和饥饿有关。 那么“匈奴”就只意味着一个人,他们 因为饥饿而抢劫和偷窃。








《魏书》是魏朝的故事。 它是关于 437 AC - 457 AC 的年份。 上曰:“早前,匈奴杀粟特王,夺取土地。‘胡尼王’为第三代君主。”


我们记得盛宝关于佛罗德国王的故事以及丹麦人和匈奴之间的战争。 在这里,他写道:“两年来,“匈奴王”致力于准备他对波罗的海周边国家的战役。”


读到这里,不禁会觉得,把匈奴王称为“匈奴王”太简单了。 一定是什么,老说书人自己加上了,我们不禁想。


但是,正如我们所见,Saxo Grammaticus 消息灵通。 一些匈奴国王实际上被命名为“Huni”或“Hun”。 因此,匈奴人可能只是从他们的国王那里得到了他们的名字。


在古籍《汉书》中,学者严世谷对乌孙的容貌作了评论:“西域的乌孙与‘戎’人(中国各地不同部落和民族的旧称)同名。如今,这些“胡”人, 绿眼,红须 ,形如胡须猴,本属此种。”


张骞代表汉帝西行,为会见豫支,与匈奴结盟。 他又会见了乌孙,报告说:“人民有‘猪头’,狡猾如狼,非常不可靠。他们很容易被掠夺,他们是一个典型的暴力民族。”


中国考古学家得知,乌孙是一个头骨较短的白种人。 根据案件的性质,他们不能说他们眼睛和头发的颜色。


张骞如实报道,乌孙家十二万户,骑兵十八万八千。 这个国家寒冷多雨,但有广阔的牧场。 山上长满了松树林。 乌孙养马。 富人最多可以拥有五千匹马。


乌孙承认匈奴的至高无上,但他们有自己的国王,他的头衔是君莫。 他自称天子。


中国人寻求与乌孙结盟,以对抗匈奴。 为此,公元前107年,中国宫廷派公主从帝都西安长途跋涉到乌孙寒冷多雨的国度。

















新王后被称为kiun-di。 为了她的快乐,在乌孙王的营地里建造了一座中国宫殿。 皇宫是中国人的“红谷宫”。 它离盐湖有一段距离。


伟大的旅行家张骞被匈奴囚禁了10年。 在那里,他听到了关于乌孙的故事:






单于是匈奴王的称号。 他认为这是一个奇迹,在他抚养了这个男孩之后,他让他成为了一名军事领袖,他多次以这种身份脱颖而出。 单于重立其父之民,令其为西营总督。










没有人知道乌孙人后来怎么样了。 公元 630 年,西突厥大汗可以在盐湖畔接见僧侣玄奘,其土耳其语名为“伊西尔库尔”。


在盐湖附近的平原上是石人。 它们可以在中亚的许多地方找到。 其中一些无疑是西方土耳其人所坐的。 其中一些可能也是乌孙来之前居住在那里的人制作的。 一些印欧民族习惯于在勇敢的人身上竖起石头,并用石头创造神和祖先——古希腊人已经完善了这种做法。


中国史学家司马迁在《史记》第110章《史记》中这样描述匈奴:“自王下,皆食牲畜肉,以皮为衣,惟其衣裳。 ……强者吃肥,挑优,老弱者吃喝,所剩无几。强者尊崇,老弱者轻视。”







These should be Sogdians.

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Xiongnu's building system is too complicated, I designed the Mongol faction in an Age of Empires 3 mod. Nomad factions don't need population buildings, they should be the same as the Huns in Age of Empires 2. There is also no need for special barracks, warehouses, and granary buildings, they should be integrated. A two-wheeled bullock cart that can be used as a mobile warehouse is also necessary.

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6 分钟前,Lion.Kanzen 说:

看起来有点现代俄罗斯人。 具体来说,它们看起来像车臣人。



Modern Uzbeks and Tajiks would look a lot like this if they had big beards, but because of Soviet-era secularization, men in Central Asia now shave rather than grow beards.

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14 分钟前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说:


查看 Scythians 在 Delenda Est mod 中

In fact, the model used in the barracks and warehouses is the yurt. Why should the same building be split into three?

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On 02/01/2020 at 2:13 AM, Lion.Kanzen said:



There is a problem, the large yurts that replace the civic center are not arranged like this. He will not be placed directly on the car, but placed on the ground like a smaller yurt. If it needs to be moved elsewhere, it will be disassembled like a small yurt and then transported on a two-wheeled bullock cart.

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7 分钟前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说:


It would be more interesting if the nomadic factions were more unique in their building system. Because there is no farmland, the nomadic faction needs more energy to solve the production of food, and the corresponding reduction in the cost of construction means that the nomadic faction can devote more resources to training the army.

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7 hours ago, AIEND said:

It would be more interesting if the nomadic factions were more unique in their building system. Because there is no farmland, the nomadic faction needs more energy to solve the production of food, and the corresponding reduction in the cost of construction means that the nomadic faction can devote more resources to training the army.

I  would suggest nomadic structures build automatically. Don't need citizens to build them. 

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