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Hi guys. I give Gallic Fields and Alpine Valleys a "autumn" skin. Would be cool to be able to "bundle" multuple maps together into one file and they could be randomly chosen on launch (like different variations of the same skirmish map). But that's a idea for another day. :)

In meantime, enjoy screenshots:


Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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For now is impossible, but I want more environment interaction.

with screenshots, some maps have not exactly good screenshot or preview,mint match with the map, I mean the random map generated a type of map but.... Unlike AOM the map presented is very rare to get by random, or never play a map like the preview.

Alpine Valley is one of them, never or rare is snow like the preview. But is very little thing. Is not all maps, but indeed few.

the other matter is some maps with less resources( especially mine type) like Anatolian Plateu, even have poor wood resource.

is a fastest map, easily you defeat enemies ( noobies) 

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  • 3 weeks later...


In Southern Britannia a Roman road bisects the valley, while oak forests and placid lakes dot the landscape.

Like the rest of the temperate biome, this map has a good balance of plentiful resources, with an abundance of trees and farmlands. 

Though tranquil and inviting, the lakes can be treacherous, guarded by Brythonic Celts angry at intruders encroaching on their idyllic homeland.





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You shoudl grab my update to the new autumn oaks too. The red and yellow variations add a lot of color and pizzaz. LOL, if I would "piece out" all the changes I have made there would be about 20 mods worth of stuff.

I would have used some of the "autumn" terrains but many do not have normal map.

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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  • 3 months later...

New map for you Britishers out there!

White Cliffs of Dover (5 players)

It's nomad-style, where players 2-5 start the match with their units garrisoned in warships off the coast. Player 1 starts the match as the native Britons, with two widely-spaced Civic Centers. 



Foreigners are invading Britannia. The native Britons must fight against a massive enemy invasion force to secure their homeland for the next generation!

Player 1 is the Britons. Players 2-5 are the invasion force, garrisoned aboard their stout ships in the channel off the White Cliffs of Dover. 

Teams are set by the map script, but can be altered by the players in setup if they wish to play the map contrary to the scenario defined by the designer. In that case, the game host should set a ceasefire so that the players in the boats can land peacefully and attempt to find a suitable place to plant their first settlements.

Assigned civilizations are merely suggestions, and the host should set starting resources to 1000 so that Civic Centers can be built at the start.




Map preview:

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@niektb, this would work for MAD too.

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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