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Civ: Imperial Romans (Principates)


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1-yeah, I'm noob in your mod.

2-Superiority in all way vs all melee units( greek by now)(4 matchs all with or against you new factions)me 3 Romans 1 Thebans vs other Greeks ( 1 Lost).

3-I can try and we can host in transifex

4-the unit, Lanciarus, the only I'm not sure how look like. But I'm not ask mr Google XD yet.

5-but remember they cut wood to make army camps, you can give to them low rate gathering.

Soldiers doing nothing can be dangerous, can kill the emperor( nah is a joke hahaha, this last line)

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Soldiers doing nothing can be dangerous, can kill the emperor( nah is a joke hahaha, this last line)

Would be funny to have Praetorians slowly lose loyalty points and revert to Gaia after 10 mins or so. The traitors can then attack your units.lol

Superiority in all way vs all melee units( greek by now)(4 matchs all with or against you new factions)me 3 Romans 1 Thebans vs other Greeks ( 1 Lost).

Only after research all blacksmith tech. I have not tried much balancing. Also remember swordsman > spearman in most case.

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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Other point( question) some technology are expensive very expensive, is normal in late game but, middle? Roman faction is hungry for Metal.

At some point I will balance tech costs for all civ by counting up all resource count for blacksmith tech by each phase and adjust costs from there. Greek civs suppose d to have cheaper techs than all others, but I have not done this yet. The Greek bonus would be easy to add if the game had tech effect possible to affect other techs (like cost and time). I want this already for Forging (blacksmith techs -50% research time) and Metallurgy (blacksmith techs -25% resource cost) techs for all civ.

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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Octavian was great Orator and propagandistic, give them conversion( when is avaible and/ or cheap imperial buildings)

Trajan was great military even die in campaign by natural reason, was a soldier all his life.but don't was like a Julius Caesar

The first time, I was read about Titus Flavius, he was most loved emperor, more than Octavian, more than Julius Caesar.

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The diffuse texture is relatively flat. You can afford yourselves to add some dirt, cracks and/or grunge...

Other than that it's pretty good :thumbsup:

The problem is the UV map. The model is mapped to a AO map method, so I can only mod AO map texture for diffuse results. Hope that malke sense. Will need a proper uv map and diffuse texture for the onager.

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1 hour ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:


That Italo-Corinthian is cool, i like how your mod avoids the standardized view of Romans.

I found some interesting links on the Manica, perhaps a bit old:







It was riveted and covered the upper half of the arm; there is some debate on which direction it overlapped.

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11 minutes ago, Ultimate Aurelian said:

That Italo-Corinthian is cool, i like how your mod avoids the standardized view of Romans.

I found some interesting links on the Manica, perhaps a bit old:







It was riveted and covered the upper half of the arm; there is some debate on which direction it overlapped.

Con la manica tenemos el problema que como textura queda mal, parece un leggin. Habria que hacerla 3D o modificar el mesh.

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16 minutes ago, Ultimate Aurelian said:

That Italo-Corinthian is cool, i like how your mod avoids the standardized view of Romans.

Thanks! I think they'd have fewer variants per unit than other civs, but they wouldn't be completely uniform as depicted in films and TV.


17 minutes ago, Ultimate Aurelian said:

I found some interesting links on the Manica, perhaps a bit old:







It was riveted and covered the upper half of the arm; there is some debate on which direction it overlapped.

I need help from the resident artists for unit textures and props! The good thing is, anything anyone does for DE's Imperial Romans can easily be put into the core game, either as Atlas units/structures or as a full Imperial Roman civ. I'm slowly inceptioning the idea that Empires Ascendant should cover the entire classical time period instead of stopping at 1 BC (and Imperial Romans should be a separate civ from the Republican Romans; the differences are just too great). 

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6 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Thanks! I think they'd have fewer variants per unit than other civs, but they wouldn't be completely uniform as depicted in films and TV.


I need help from the resident artists for unit textures and props! The good thing is, anything anyone does for DE's Imperial Romans can easily be put into the core game, either as Atlas units/structures or as a full Imperial Roman civ. I'm slowly inceptioning the idea that Empires Ascendant should cover the entire classical time period instead of stopping at 1 BC (and Imperial Romans should be a separate civ from the Republican Romans; the differences are just too great). 

It wouldn't be Empires Acendants anymore, just 0 A.D

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