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On 29/01/2025 at 1:03 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Finish the Cimbri faction (early Germans)

This need a slight correction. Cimbri were early germanic tribe, not early germans. German country was invented in 1871, after the dissolution of Holy Roman Empire, by Prussia. Germanic tribes predates it by about 2000 years, and a lot of other current and former countries have more claims to be it's successor than germany. Moreover, it's just english that call the current german country german, even they themselves don't call themselves like that (Deutsch), and their neighbors call them Allemani, Niemcy or Tyskland. Please, stop calling them germans. Thank you.

Edited by Lech
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Starts with "Not to be confused with Germans."

Then goes on with suggesting Germani. "The term Germani is generally only used to refer to historical peoples from the 1st to 4th centuries CE"

Something else to consider we also don't group Greeks but have Athens, Macedonians and so forth in game.

All in all I see why lots of people would feel wired about using Germans here.

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7 hours ago, Lech said:


Deutsch, while you're nitpicking, and it wasn't invented in 1871.

7 hours ago, Lech said:

and their neighbors call them Allemani, Niemcy or Tyskland

(Not a complete list.)

13 minutes ago, hyperion said:

Something else to consider we also don't group Greeks

Aren't they grouped as Hellenics?

I haven't fully dived into the subject, but I believe Germanics fit better than Germans.

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And I think for EA not all heroes and references are necessarily from the Cimbri tribe.

12 hours ago, hyperion said:

Starts with "Not to be confused with Germans.

I think the intention is to dissociate the ancient faction from the modern nation.

12 hours ago, hyperion said:

Then goes on with suggesting Germani.

I will suggest to name the faction Germanians.

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5 hours ago, Stan` said:

@Genava55 Any thoughts?

I only gave a quick look to the civilization. But I would hate for it to be a terrible representation of the civ.

The word "Germani" is first popularized by Caesar, he used it to group a large population under one label and he built a narrative with it. There is a debate among scholars to know if Caesar was really the original source, maybe Posidonius of Apameia was the actual original transmitter of the word. But there is no consensus. Furthermore, there is a plausible hypothesis where Posidonius transmitted the named "Germani" to specifically speak about a tribe, not a large group. Tacitus mentioned that the name was originally applied to the Tungri only, then it has been generalized to others. Maybe Tacitus was relying on Posidonius because Caesar doesn't mention the Tungri. Caesar mentions the Aduatuci, the Condrusi, the Eburones, the Caeraesi and the Paemani as being commonly named Germans. Which is interesting because the Tungri could be another name of the Aduatuci. Finally there is something interesting in relation to the Cimbri here: The Aduatuci are a remnant of the Cimbri and Teutones who tried to invade the Belgians and failed. This is explained by Caesar. So the descendants of the Cimbri and Teutones could have been called Germans a few decades after their wandering.

Thus, the Romans did call a large population Germans. German is not a label the tribes used to call themselves, but so do is the name Gaul. The concern with the name Germans and its correspondence with present-day Germans dates back to the Second World War and the Nazis' use of the Germanic theme as an ideological justification. But at no point is anyone going to make the same criticism of the use of the name Greek for the ancient populations of Greece when the Greeks of today bear the same name. The same goes for the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Belgians etc. I don't see why today's Germans should have exclusive use of this name. What's more, the problem only exists with English, and the world does not revolve around Anglo-Saxon countries alone. ‘Deutsch’ in German. ‘Allemands’ in French. ‘Tedeschi’ in Italian. ‘Alemán’ in Spanish.

For me, the only problem with the Cimbri is that they come into conflict with a future faction of the Germans and that they're a single, relatively unknown people. The concept seems interesting, although I haven't tried the faction out yet. If we rename the Cimbri as Germans, it is fine for me. Although it is a bit sad to reduce the Germans to a single tribe.

Edited by Genava55
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1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

Germans would be the most consistent with the other civs.

Like Hellens for example, wait not. It's Athenians, Spartans and Macedonian.

Cimbri would be a good choice, maybe Markomani or Semnones.

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5 hours ago, Stan` said:

I don't imagine there is an equivalent to Celts? Germanic Tribes might work ?

Caesar said the Gauls called themselves Celts. The Celts was the first name reported in the literature, as Keltoi by the Greeks (Herodotus, Hecateus of Miletus, Aristotle). Only later the name Gauls (Galli in Latin and Galatai in Greek) have been popularized. But the Gauls called themselves Celts. We also know a few tribes in Iberia used the name Celtici.

The Britons probably not. In fact all the so-called Celtic people of the British Isles and Ireland, never have been called Celts and never have called themselves Celts in their literature. It is a much later invention when scholars realized the links between the languages (Gaelic, Welsh, Gaulish etc.). And also the mention of druids in both sides. The modern use of the word Celtic is different from the meaning it had during the ancient times.

The same for German and Germanic. Numerous tribes have been called Germanic, but not all. For example the Goths never have been called Germans or Germanic. We know they spoke a Germanic language, but it is a modern view. Not the view they had in the past.

For the Romans, Gauls and Germans are mostly equivalent. The labels are used for a large contiguous population divided in different tribes but occuping approximately the same geographical region. Every outsider from a geographical point of view, like the Britons and the Goths, were not included in the groupings. 

3 hours ago, Lech said:

Like Hellens for example, wait not. It's Athenians, Spartans and Macedonian.

In the first iterations of 0 A.D., they were grouped in a single Greek civ. 

The only reason they are not, is for the gameplay. There is enough material among Greek city-states and Hellenic kingdoms to make several civs with enough diversity.

But the Iberian civ for example is a extreme case of mixing in 0 A.D., like a patch-work of several different cultures.

2 hours ago, Stan` said:

Because those are actually documented. Cimbri -500 0 A.D. are not.

Cimbri are documented, their wandering happened at least between 113-101 BC. Although there is not that much info on them, they are a known people.

They are not the first Germanic population appearing in the historical records, this would be the Bastarnae/Skiri. 

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22 hours ago, Stan` said:

I don't imagine there is an equivalent to Celts? Germanic Tribes might work ?

Another name plausible is Teutones.

The name the Germans gave themselves was probably something like this.

*þeudō in proto-germanic would mean 'people' and its derivations as *þeudiskaz 'from the people' and *ϸeudanōz 'those from the people' would be close to the word Teutones. In Proto-Indo-European, *teutonōs would mean "one from the people".

Deutsch derives from this.



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4 hours ago, Classic-Burger said:

But Han was not the only dynasty, nor were the Maurya the only Indian kingdom.

For the moment, they are the only representatives of these peoples. But potentially, we could have several representatives of certain civilizations. I am thinking in particular of the Romans, the Persians and the Chinese.

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