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Historical Mod


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I know a27 just came out, and everyone likes it :)   But I have been working on a mod (started on a26) that I would love for people to try out and play!  Im not trying to seperate the community at all.  I'm just trying to learn more about modding and dabble around in it.  However, since Petra isn't that strong (and that is way above my pay grade) it would be nice to have people to play with and give suggestions so I can continue to develop my skills :)

The purpose behind the mod was to try and create a little more historical accuracy and difference between the civs. It's been a lot of fun and I've been learning a lot and reading a little! I've had  help from @TheCJ @Atrik@Meister@Friedrich123@real_tabasco_sauce and I'm sure others my old brain is leaving out.  But yeah its really been more of a community project once it got going a little.

Currently I would have to send a zip file... eventually maybe mod.io if I get lucky!



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37 minutes ago, Grautvornix said:

Will you share the zip-file?


Of course! although it will change again soon... Im close to getting back to where we were a26... Once that is complete ill do github or something, and the changes will be much slower just based on feedback from playing expierences!

if you can play Multi let me know :) Leif In game,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Still hopeing to find more people to play around with the mod.   I know everyone is still excited (rightfully so) about A27.  But I'm starting to incorporate units/buildings that are in the templates ie Han Xbow Cav, Range, Persian kardakes_skirmisher, but aren't in the game yet.  Maybe they will be worked in later and you can get a sneak peak :)

Edited by Emacz
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