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Tips and Tricks page

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11 hours ago, Vantha said:

So, as multiplayer tips are added in #7503 (by @ramtzok1) we plan to split all of the existing tips into three categories (which can be switched between on the tips and tricks page)
Here's a first plan to divide them up:

Is there anything you'd change? (I know there might not be much for debate here, but still)

By the way, if some of the competitive mp players wanted to make some tips on their tricks and strategies, now'd be a better time than ever.
I'd be willing to create the images for them. We could add an category "Expert"...  take that as an invitation :)

What are the probability for each category?

I think all single player categories should have an equal probability to be shown during a single player loading and during a multi player game maybe have more chances to be shown towards the multi player tips.

I agree with @Vantha, this is the best time to add more tips for multi player or anything else we are flexible by the categories we can create now.

Edit: I have sorted all the tips but the tip "NOMAD MODE" doesn't belong to any category.


Edited by ramtzok1
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