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Posts posted by fcxSanya

  1. 32 minutes ago, Palaiogos said:

    Off topic: What is an out of sync error? What is an in sync error?

    0 A.D. uses a (typical for RTS as far as I understand) network model where only commands (rather than entire simulation state) are sent between clients, and the simulation state is calculated on each client independently. Normally the calculation result is exactly the same, but if it differs, let's say due to a bug, the game clients aren't "in sync" anymore and you receive an out-of-sync (OOS) error.

  2. 2 hours ago, sphyrth said:

    Cool! This should become a "Request to Change Your Name" thread.

    I think this should be an exception rather than a common practice, since it may be inconvenient for other people (especially when profile image is also changed and there is no signature or other info to identify the person).

    • Like 8
  3. 3 hours ago, vlad1777d said:

    But I cannot find them. Where to find resource subtypes?

    They are stated in the simulation templates like one I linked above (current version has a bit different structure, but resource subtype is still there: [1]), during the game you can see them via gather cursors (a couple of cherries for fruits, a slice of meat for meat etc.), gameplay-wise this affects gathering rate, for example women are better at fruit-gathering and farming, while cavalry is better at meat-gathering. As soon as resources are gathered they are combined by main types (food, wood, metal, stone) since there is no need to distinguish subtypes anymore, the only stat you can see for this stage is the aforementioned vegeratian ratio.

    • Like 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, vlad1777d said:

    It's great. As I understood, this update is not in released build?

    It is, vegeratian ratio is there since the initial summary screen implementation (see [1]), which was first released in Alpha 3, and the resource subtypes themselves were implemented at least since December 2005: [2], so they are present in every release starting from Pre-Alpha 1.

    • Like 1
  5. @Lion.Kanzen @niektb if you are going to proceed, please consider continuing work on the same map, rather than starting a new one. This way, even if you won't finish the map, there still will be a progress in the same direction.

    I've updated the latest version published here: [1] using a18_to_a19.py and replaced missing celt_* entities on @Yodaspirine's part with the correspondingly-looking gaul_ and brit_ ones. Here are the resulting map files: community_map_a20.zip

    The only issue on @Yodaspirine's part I see is the rotary mill which has a different model and obstruction size now.
    Roman camp on @idanwin's part looks the same, gaul buildings are changed (houses can be replaced with brit ones to look like the original ones; I left them as is, since they were initially added as gaul ones, rather than generic celt). Also cage actors are missing in both Alpha 12 and Alpha 20, I guess they are the models from this topic: [2]



    Celts (Alpha 12 / Alpha 20):



    Roman camp (Alpha 12, Alpha 20):





    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, stanislas69 said:

    Isn't it just that he didn't set the civs ?

    That's likely what's happened (CC didn't match the player's civ).

    @RDUN7188 if you are making a skirmish map (as you've said above), you normally should use the "skirmish/structures/default_civil_centre" template (rather than civ-specific ones), the same applies to other starting buildings/units (filter entities by "skirmish" and see what's available).

    • Like 2
  7. On 10/20/2016 at 1:12 AM, jonbaer said:

    <...> but his only reason was that pull requests were easier to manage than manual patches

    Btw, it's possible to clone 0ad repo on github, create a branch for some feature and in any moment have a SVN-compatible patch for these changes.

    I'm currently slowly working on #2305, I initially attached a SVN patch for it, but then realized that I want to do a lot of small incremental updates to it, a final version won't be ready soon and it would be much more convenient to have a git branch for an interim period: the latest version is published as soon as I push a new commit, all changes are visible as separate commits with messages and diffs and the ticket isn't cluttered with a lot of intermediate patches (it's already cluttered enough with all those research results, current state reports and discussions :)).
    'Comparing changes' page allows to see both overall diff and log of all commits present in the branch: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/compare/master...AlexanderOlkhovskiy:stk-stun
    Diff can be downloaded and applied to SVN copy using the same link (with appended '.diff'):

    curl https://github.com/0ad/0ad/compare/master...AlexanderOlkhovskiy:stk-stun.diff | patch -p1


    • Like 1
  8. @jonbaer

    >  <...> and every now and then there is very good re-playable map it generates which I want to save

    I agree that this might be desirable to replay the favorite random map instances, but shouldn't be saving only the seed (+map name) enough to renerate the same instance?

    >  <...> you don't go back to the game setup

    Oh, I didn't try the patch itself and re-reading the topic now I'm not sure where I've got that, probably was confused by last two posts by you and FeXoR where you disussed selecting/saving RMS seeds.

  9. @jonbaer apparently created a ticket after the last message in this topic: #4284 (linking it here for those unaware and for future reference).

    I am not even sure if that is possible (to dump a .pmp/.xml like that)

    Why should you dump the entire map data if you just want to save the seed (+maybe gamesetup settings)?

    BTW I still don't know, are GUI related options like this best done as patches or mods?

    If it's expected to be included into the game (like in this particular case) then a trac ticket + patch (or a link to github branch/compare page) is welcome and desirable. If it's something experimental, then it's better to package as a mod first to gather some feedback and see if there is an interest in the feature.


    On a different note, seeing this topic title (and 'Restart' menu option on the screenshot above) I'd rather expect that it will start a new match (rather than return to gamesetup) with exactly the same settings (random map seed in particular). I'd call the implemented behaviour 'Back to gamesetup' or something (but I can't came up with a better name). Don't take this as a critique, it's just a subjective opinion/expectation. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/07/2016 at 0:33 PM, sanderd17 said:

    Hmm, just tested it, and you can't cycle between more than two markets indeed. I thought someone implemented round-trips in the past. Must be mis-remembering.

    (I planned to answer this a bit earlier but it stuck in my bookmarks)

    Georg implemented it in a patch attached here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1207, but as stated in the ticket description it was "dropped after some discussion (easily exploitable or if that is fixed hard to make obvious to the player)".

  11. On 10/9/2016 at 3:38 AM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    <...> I am not sure of the numbers in the collada file. I am sure they represent position and rotation, but I am not sure which number is which and in what notation they are be used.

    They are a transformation matrix (a 4x4 one), so you have to look at the numbers from your example this way:

     1              1.10134e-13     7.27118e-9       1.13687e-13 
    -1.20792e-13    1               4.02331e-7      -5.96046e-8 
    -7.27115e-9    -4.32134e-7      1                0 
     0              0               0                1

    To understand an existing matrix and construct one with required modifications applied, you have to know how matrixes for specific modification are constructed, this is a standard algebra topic and these matrixes are used in 3d graphics so you may find a lot of tutorials on the subject, one example: http://www.opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/tutorial-3-matrices/ .

    But it may be not very convenient and error-prone to calculate these matrixes manually, so as you already said it may be easier to just use Blender to do modifications and re-export.

  12. 10 hours ago, Flnaders said:

    GetDirectories (wutil.cpp:324)

    Looking at the code, the specified line actually corresponds to the 'my documents' call: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/source/lib/sysdep/os/win/wutil.cpp#L323

    // my documents
    personalPath = GetFolderPath(CSIDL_PERSONAL);

    and 'path' is a buffer for output value, so at the time of crash it probably contains result of the previous (successful) call for localappdata (that's why C:\Users\Flnaders\AppData\Local is there).

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Flnaders said:

        path = "㒐ġC:\Users\Flnaders\AppData\Local"

    There are some strange characters at the start of the path.

    The game stores logs and cache in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local (see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths) and as far as I understand it receives the path via an API method returning an equavalent of  %localappdata% system variable. Maybe there is some issue with it. Can you please copy-paste %localappdata% into the Explorer and make sure it opens C:\Users\Flnaders\AppData\Local ?

  14. Let's try to organize these topics via tags for a start: I marked both topics with the 'replays' tag and added the corresponding game versions into the topic titles. Tag search allows to browse all the replay topics now: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/tags/replays/ , new replays can be posted either into a corresponding common topic ("[a20 replays] Post your replay here!!!" for a20; for a21 we will create a new one) or into separate topics following the same convention ("[a## replays] <some title>" + "replay" tag).

    • Like 4
  15. I didn't find a ticket for the corresponding match setup settings, but we have one for map-specific/Atlas configuration: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1404. It's not completely implemented yet, but it's already possible to set starting/disabled technologies (including phases) in the map files, see example here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/16444#file2 , so you at least can make a map (or a variation of existing one) to playtest this idea.

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