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Posts posted by fcxSanya

  1. On 10.07.2016 at 11:33 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    Unit still will not attack eachh other unit or capture merc camps. It's weird, but they will capture gaia things like the celtic hut... I am lost here.

    I tried 0 A.D. r18523 with Delenda Est 2c70a12 (current master) and was able to attack enemy and capture a neutral merc camp.

    Was the issue resolved or you are still able to reproduce it?

    • Like 3
  2. 17 minutes ago, niektb said:

    I think the Facebook links are not in HTTPS 

    This looks related to

    but I believe in this case Facebook is doing https requests.

    This page: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwildfiregames.com%2Fforum%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F18093-task-seleucid-structures%2F%26page%3D11%23comment-316804 displayed HTTP 400 response code, I tried 'Scrape Again' button and it got HTTP 200 (so now it displays preview for GunChleoc's link fine)


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  3. Hi and welcome to the forums!

    On 27.03.2016 at 2:13 PM, Hermes said:

    It works perfectly but when i launch 0 A.D, the profile is deactivated. When i exit the game, it return to normal.

    As far as I understand this happens with all OpenGL/DirectX applications.

    You can try to change your graphics driver settings as mentioned in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/3tltgc/does_linux_preserve_the_desktop_color_profile_in/cx7jm3t

    Also while googling this I stumbled upon the fact that Witcher 3 has 'Preserve System Gamma' setting (see https://steamcommunity.com/app/292030/discussions/0/451850468372635159/), not sure how widespread it is among other games and how it's implemented.

  4. On 10.03.2016 at 10:02 PM, AtlasMapper said:

    Actualy, I have no idea what the heightmap tool is, I saw it in the Atlas tools, by I wasn't able to find any information about how to use it.

    I created a wiki page (Atlas Manual: Heightmap Import) based on the information in Sander's comments. Any corrections/additions are welcome :) (one thing which is definitely missing is images (source heightmap and resulting map in Atlas), but I don't have decent-enough-looking ones yet)

    • Like 2
  5. 19 hours ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    its can be possibly call from translation string to plane TXT or HTML?

    The comment you are referring to is about extracting translator names from *.po files and adding them into the credits. I don't see how this can be related to the manual. Please clarify the question.

    Edit: maybe you are talking about translating the manual itself in the same way the game is translated (via gettext + Transifex)? In this case I believe this should be possible with any text-based format.

  6. 8 hours ago, AtlasMapper said:

    <...> if I set up only "player 1" and "Gaia" as teams, and "conquer buildings or units" as condition, won't I win at start ?

    I made a quick test and it seems you won't win at start, but you also won't win after capturing/destroying all gaia buildings/units. I believe that's because a 'conquest critical' entities list isn't maintained for gaia.

    I think it should be easy to solve with a trigger, but I expect it to be more interesting and challenging to allow a bot control some of the colonies.

    • Like 1
  7. On 10.03.2016 at 11:54 PM, sideburns said:

    Is there a version of the full manual that they can download (or I can download for them) that they can use off-line?

    I made a simple-formatted PDF version of the manual from the website: 0ad_game_manual_2016-03-12.pdf (LaTeX source is here)

    You can use it or do one of the following:
    a. save or print the manual webpage as is
    b. use browser built-in reader mode (at least Firefox, Chrome and Safari have it) or an extension to remove unnecessary layout and (again) save or print the result
    c. copy-paste the manual text into a word processor (for example LibreOffice Writer) (this preserves the formatting) and save/print or export as PDF

    Note that when printing (in any of the options) you can use not only a physical device but also a virtual PDF printer.

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Navid said:

    i was reading UnitAI.js and unit-action.js .... are they related to each other ? where is the connection ?

    As Sander said "the command comes from the GUI and get passed on to the simulation".
    Engine.PostNetworkCommand call in unit_actions.js (which I linked in my previous comment) performs the transition; you can look at PostNetworkCommand method itself and related code, but it's not necessary to work with scripts, you only need to know that the command shows up on the simulation scripts side in Commands.js and UnitAI methods are called from there.

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  9. On 14.01.2016 at 6:01 PM, feneur said:

    What might be harder is adding things like an inventory system, I have no idea if that's possible using just Javascript or if it would need C++ (i.e. engine) changes as well.

    (hopefully it's ok to answer a more-than-month-old post and use almost-five-years-old quotes for this purpose :D)

    Inventory system should be JS-only and relative easy to do (at least in a basic form), these two quotes (from To what extent is 0ad moddable ? topic) provide a good overview of two possible implementations:

    On 23.07.2011 at 8:08 PM, Zerbob said:

    <...> it looks like basic items (with only passive effects) could be supported by "garrisoning" them in the bearer <...>

    On 23.07.2011 at 10:30 PM, Ykkrosh said:

    It'd probably be better (and maybe easier) to implement a standalone inventory system rather than hacking the garrisoning system to support it - use the GarrisonHolder component as a template to create a new Inventory component or similar, and figure out how to integrate into the GUI (maybe using basically the same code as for displaying garrison status), then remove unneeded functions (ungarrisoning etc) and add whatever's still needed.

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