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Everything posted by fcxSanya

  1. Please make sure first that it will met notability rules in specific language edition where you going to create article. For example in dewiki it was already deleted number of times: Logbuch 0 A.D. (Computerspiel), Logbuch 0 A.D., so it is probably don't make sense to create it there until 0ad will reach beta or even 1.0 release or something.
  2. I played your mod a bit and I like it It looks raw of course, but it is a good start and it is already playable, which is nice. I call this 'mod' rather than 'scenario' because currently it is impossible to embed all this logic into map, and maybe this will be impossible to fit it into scenario even later when pyrogenesis will have triggers support. Btw, pyrogenesis have mods support and you can perform following to run this as mod: 1. create some folder (for example 'towerdefense') in binaries/data/mods folder 2. copy into binaries/data/mods/towerdefense content of archive (art, maps and simulation folders) 3. run "pyrogenesis -mod=towerdefense" Another small note: I can see images from hosting which you use only via proxy.
  3. You can find some useful info about writing components here: How to write components This patch should do this: HelloWorldComponent.patch Edit: And as Kenny said in case if you want to program AI it is probably better to start from learning existing AI code and bots, you can find it here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai Edit 2: After discussion with our more experienced programmers I improved my patch: HelloWorldComponent.patch Now it perform logic in more appropriate moment (when simulation started, so all data loaded). In particular this solves problem with actual number of players, because if you will try to get it in first version of patch, you will get 0, because PlayerManager component has 0 players after it's initialization (see PlayerManager.prototype.Init) and they added later (in Player.js:LoadPlayerSettings)
  4. As I understood from Michael's description, we can just separate logic which check distance between civ centers from territories logic, because this distance is always constant and independently from fact whether you build civ center on your own territory or on neutral one. In this case foundation should not affect territories, but you will not be able to "build a dozen civ center foundations right next to each other". Maybe I'm missed something ?
  5. Yeah, we secretly added an item, that you sell your soul us if you download/use/see this art. Edit: Ah, no, last time it was just note about CGTextures.
  6. It will be great if they will release anything But to really create WWII mod for 0ad (on pyrogenesis engine to be more precise) there should be some interested community, which will actually work on it. As Michael said: so while Wildfire Games team concentrate on 0ad and engine development everyone free to maintain mods and we will be happy to help as much as possible.
  7. Wikipedia claim that it cost US$50,985 in 1945 In 0ad template it has not 'Cost' element, so it inherit it from template_unit: <Cost> <Population>1</Population> <PopulationBonus>0</PopulationBonus> <BuildTime>1</BuildTime> <Resources> <food>0</food> <wood>0</wood> <stone>0</stone> <metal>0</metal> </Resources> </Cost> But as far as I know you can't create them in game
  8. There is their answer on question about relicensing.
  9. Nice video, Pureon Plot is a bit monotonous, but scenery is great
  10. I don't saw our pathfinder code, but from your screenshot it looks like red tiles with only single tree inside can be considered as passable, because indeed unit can move through them. Can our code calculate passable/impassable tiles for long pathfinder more accurate ?
  11. Look at this topic: Michael answered there similar questions, also here is information how to work with COLLADA files in Blender and useful links. Edit: Jeff was faster But maybe my links can help too.
  12. Probably something like this: Engine.PostCommand({"type": "unload", "garrisonHolder": buildingEntity, "entity": unitEntityToUnload}); Engine.PostCommand({"type": "unload-all", "garrisonHolder": buildingEntity});
  13. I think "unload"/"unload-all" commands is that what you need, you can see it here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js
  14. Yes, you can see model from any side.
  15. It works fine in Firefox 4.0.1. I just tried this in IE 9 and it works as you described (but when compatibility mode enabled it works properly).
  16. Some day we will have an entity editor, which should be handy for people, who don't like to edit xml files manually.
  17. Hello. We have the trac ticket for this issue: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/859 , so hopefully this will be fixed before next alpha.
  18. Here is Philip's answer about this: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14725&view=findpost&p=219233 :
  19. There is general build instructions on the wiki for all linux distributions: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Linux. As you can see only thing which is specified for Debian-based distributions, it is the list of packages, which you need to install. Edit: if you want to compile only latest release, instead of using SVN version, you can download archives, mentioned on this page: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/LatestReleaseLinux#CompilingonLinux .
  20. I just tried to execute the same commands, all looks working properly for me.
  21. In the future we will have different game modes (different victory conditions), currently we have only "conquest", which meant that player will be defeated in case if all it's important buildings/units will be destroyed/killed (see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/EndGameManager.js), to mark important buildings/units we have "ConquestCritical" class for Identity component, currently it is added to all units and all buildings. Probably bot should act like human-player in this case, i.e. if human-player is able to proceed game, bot should be able too, if human-player is not able to play later (have no chance to win), we should adjust victory conditions (conquest in this case) to suppose that player defeated in this case.
  22. It looks like "warning MSB8012" is just small bug in VS2010: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/499471/outdir-is-not-properly-rooted-when-it-is-relative and you can either ignore it or fix as Microsoft-guy propose.
  23. I just updated to latest version on Ubuntu, updated workspaces and clean/make project and all looks working properly.
  24. That part of forum is visible only for team members, but there is just the same error: ReferenceError: deepcopy is not defined reported by Pureon.
  25. Hello. Apparently you need to install some libcurl*-dev somehow. What distribution do you use? (Edit: I found it in the topic title) Edit2: maybe you have some other curl package installed, which blocks installation of libcurl4-gnutls-dev and libcurl4-openssl-dev ? Probably this is just warnings, which intended to remind developers that something should be implemented/changed.
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