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Everything posted by fcxSanya

  1. The related ticket for reference: #2451
  2. Indeed, works fine now. Thanks for fixing it!
  3. I have the same issue on Windows with latest autobuild (r16541). It seems to be a different issue than one you fixed yesterday (r16537), at least I believe the error message was different.
  4. Thanks for the clarifications, Sander. Maybe I should have written a more descriptive answer in the first place (but I assummed that it should be clear enough for the author of the message I answered).
  5. How are you trying to open it, are you executing the file itself? If not, try to re-download the file from the website and open it.
  6. Sounds like the file itself was removed and you are clicking on a shortcut. Can you post a screenshot of the message?
  7. Do you mean http://sourceforge.net/projects/zero-ad/ ? Some people reported issues with antivirus programs before: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15984 http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18079 You can try to whitelist the installer somewhere in the antivirus settings.
  8. From the IRC: <fcxSanya> vincent_c, is 0ad a18 going to be included into wheezy-backports or it can't be due to missing dependencies or something? (see http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19744 for the original question)<vincent_c> fcxSanya: it won't be included in wheezy-backports because it can't migrate to jessie during debian's freeze<fcxSanya> vincent_c, should we advise people on wheezy to compile from source or there some other alternative?<vincent_c> tbh, if they care about having up to date software, they should just update to sid<vincent_c> that's generally the most painfree way of getting updated software in debian<vincent_c> but otherwise, yes, they'll have to compile 0ad themselves until the freeze ends and I can upload a18 to jessie-backports<vincent_c> (a18 is already available in sid, if they're willing to run sid...)
  9. Do you know about CameraFollowFPS? Engine.CameraFollowFPS(g_Selection.toList()[0])Not sure if it's available from dev panel/via existing shortcut or something.
  10. If I'm looking at the right place, the latest version present in wheezy-backports is Alpha 17, so you have to wait while it will be updated or compile from source
  11. You can use this PPA (see also http://play0ad.com/download/linux/#Ubuntu )
  12. I believe it's just a mockup (originally posted here).
  13. Are you talking about specifying the entire list in a single JSON array? In this case how we are going to handle mods which concurrently add separate civs? Edit: or about specifiying the group name in each civ's JSON?
  14. The original proposal has the advantage of grouping ethnic groups (Celts, Greeks) using alphabetical sorting, while with your approach they should be explicitly sorted (what requires some additional data, but provides more flexibility).
  15. This seem to be caused by using the SOLID compression option. At least there are some (old) discussions: 1, 2 referring to it. The temp folder is used internally by the installer software (NSIS) rather than controlled by the install script. Maybe the script can temporary override the temp folder location, but this has to be examined and I don't know whether this is a good idea. We also can just warn user that regardles of install location, additional XX GB will be needed on the drive where TEMP dir is located (so he may change the TEMP folder location himself or cleanup some space etc. if needed).
  16. Did you look at the tutorial I linked before: ?
  17. Did you perform the actions described in "Actor file setup" and "Texture creation" sections of Basic3DImplementation?
  18. Nice page I just linked it at the end of Basic3DImplementation
  19. Apparently this validation error is produced by the multiple "polygons" elements inside "mesh":
  20. The error message sounds like your dae file contains multiple objects. Can you attach your (zipped) dae file here?
  21. There are some tutorials in the wiki: * Basic3DImplementation * AnimationExportTutorial
  22. Future Design section of "Build and Deployment Environment" wiki page and the Trac tickets linked in it have some technical details.
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