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Everything posted by wraitii

  1. Indeed you can. I intended the player to be a bit atop the hills for easier protection and to avoid naval vessels being too easily capable of taking down your city center in the main game. You just have to explore for on of the beaches and build your dock there.
  2. I think I tried stretching the height range to a maximum because otherwise the mountains looked dumb. But yes, I believe the default range does nothing anyway with the way I make the map.
  3. Since we haven't heard from the original poster in a few weeks (on this post anyway) and I really liked that patch, I've taken the liberty to update it. Some small differences: For units, when you push "shift" it will display accordingly if you an create a batch of 5. The "rediness" of icons will increase slightly as the resources needed increase (I'm not sure if it's useful). It works for technologies too, but I wasn't too sure how to handle paired resources (since they already have a red overlay). They gain an additional faintly red overlay and the tooltip indication. redIcons.patch
  4. Stwf, is there something in particular I should test? I don't feel like trying hundreds of stuffs in a few hours right now. Furthermore, I have no idea of the things that "could" crash. Edit: Just did a little 20 minutes long game on Oasis where I was defeated (well, sort of. Anyway I suck at this game.) Still no errors of any kind.
  5. Applied without troubles, updated workspaces, compiled nicely and without issues on my mac with Xcode 4.4. The game has sounds, left/right panning seems to work, haven't checked other stuffs. The music works, fade-outs seem to work. I tried the combat demo "huge" and it didn't send a thousand death cries at me (though the battle felt a bit empty. I't be good to have some "battle-ish" ambient sound if many units are fighting on screen.) No errors whatsoever. 10/10 would patch again.
  6. I'm with Quantumstate on this one. This would be good to have as an option. Some players like full control. Also: the AI player should not have this functionality. The AI should garrison its unit itself if it wants to, not rely on the unitAI which is much harder to check and might lead to bugs in various forms.
  7. I believe "AI tries to gather from resources near your base" (in the main section) has been mostly fixed. Can Trade with Unfinished Markets seems irrelevant now. I'm not too sure about Units Ignore Orders when Attacked. The "out of memory" error might still happen in some situations, I believe, but not as commonly.
  8. Looks like SVN adds some stuffs in French here and there ("\pas de retour chariot" and some "Modifications de propriétés"). I removed them all by hand, this should work. water.patch In case it didn't, here's the patch without the binaries, and the two texture files separate. water_nobinary.patch BTW, it looks like I could use a 3D texture "fairly" easily for the waves. So if someone wants to create some sort of "breaching" animated texture (in the same style: the wave would not actually "move" on the texture but the normal map would transform to simulate breaching), I might be able to achieve some result.
  9. Actually, that's normal. The map doesn't work in alpha 10 because some stuffs had to be fixed in a few other files. They are in the SVN version, but were not back in alpha 10. I believe if you look at the beginning of the thread, there is a sort of fix. Or wait for Alpha 11, which hopefully won't be in too long.
  10. Hm. That's pretty weird. What happens if you scrap that line? SVN's definitely fairly annoying…
  11. I've got this too sometimes, though not on every map.
  12. All previews are 400x300 right now... I made one at this size. Made the changes you recommanded, Spahbod, and added a few more fishes. I don't believe there is any other problem, so I'm going to go ahead and commit it. edit: and committed with a wrong commit message. Oh well, let's say it's obvious.
  13. I've updated this map to make the mountain range slightly curved, and I removed the climates since I think the game would need the more fancy graphical effects for them to work properly. There's probably a few other modifications... Anything that I should change still? pyrenean_sierra.zip
  14. It appears the latest version hadn't been committed, so since I know can, I committed them (also allowed me to check I did nothing wrong. Which I sort of did since I crushed Spahbod's description in the process to replace it with another. I'll fix that later I guess. edit: done.)
  15. Simple ondulation (to make it dynamic, pretty much) will be fine.
  16. Okay, so I'm creating patches way too fast for anybody to follow, but I figured I was kind of "over" with this whole wave business until some people made remarks, so here is the latest version: foam has been slightly improved iirc, a few other stuffs, and a huge speed improvement (on my computer, RenderWater() has gone from being twice as slow as all other rendering functions to being faster than "RenderReflections" on most maps.) Same thing, just apply the patch and it should work. I've added the test map for those who want to see it, so it's a bit heavier. water.patch
  17. Apple's openGL drivers are notoriously slow. I think you may win some FPS's if you play at the native resolution, though (compared to slightly lower).
  18. Okay, updated patch with the new texture, improved positioning for the waves, some basic foam around the waves. The images should be added by the patch, this time, so nothing else to do. (updated for the latest SVN revision, too). I'm thinking this is the first "working" version. Take a look, report problems or inconsistencies, and suggestions for improving. If all goes well, I might be able to commit it before feature freeze. Should I Trac this in the optic of committing or is it as good in this topic? Edit: for those who feel it is too slow... I've run the Xcode profiler (really awesome stuff there) and found that creating/destroying textures was really inefficient. So I stored those instead to reuse and now the super fancy water shader is basically two times fast. Edit: new patch 3 hours later below.
  19. Looks a lot like what we have now (in the method), actually, which is pretty nice. The difference is that he apparently uses a pretty high-scale texture of the distance to the shore for each shore pixel to have the waves crash nicely, and it seems the terrain in that simulation was more linked to the tiles when in 0 A.D. I figured, while I can't use an actual animated texture to have breaking waves, I could use a 3D texture. Is that supported by the game? Wijitmaker, thanks for the waves. To clarify what I needed, I needed mostly an image like your "wave_17" one. The animation could be used to introduce slight perturbations on that particular image (I don't need the wave to move in the texture, because of the system I use). I can do the conversion to normal myself.
  20. Updated patch (from clean SVN): you'll still need the two textures from above but the rest should work. water.patch
  21. That would probably be too complicated and would most likely not give the best results... I'd need some sort of "cruising" wave, ie no rise, no breaking, just at its crest phase. Only to simulate some sort of movement in the water, it could have some turbulences in the front or something. Animation is therefore mostly a plus, but even a proper normal map and heightmap for a single wave would be very handy.
  22. Thanks for the report. Forgot about those files, that's pretty dumb of me. The "p" stuff didn't bother my compiler so i didn't notice, neither did the "NULL" stuff, that's fixed. Yeah, git is easier for testing but porting the commits to SVN is something I'm really uncomfortable with, so for that it'll be SVN (furthermore, I've had a few problems with git, and my fork is a huge mess right now which I can't bother fixing). I'll try to repost a (slightly newer) a bit later.
  23. Any update? I'd be really happy to finally enjoy the game's soundtrack/sound effects.
  24. Do auroras actually move at any noticeable speed? I've only ever seen pictures and figured they stood still, in which case a simple skybox worked fine enough.
  25. Yeah, I hadn't thought at all of rendering the meshes to texture, but that eliminates quite a few issues. I had code leftovers from my many tries, too, so it took very little time. I've switched working from git to svn because I figured it would be easier in the end, and here's a patch for the current SVN version (12240 I believe). The wave effect is shown, it's not really clear in all orientations because it affects the normals, and not so much the foam (only a little). it's not really synched up or cleaned up, take that as a proof of concept and tell me how it feels. I intend to: make it so the squares are more aligned to the shores, so you won't get waves that start way too early/feel too weird. i'll try to make waves wider too, once that is done. Have some sort of pseudo-wind strength effect affect the amount of foam/waves. I'd need a wave texture (in the same spirit as the one I included, only way nicer. Basically, only one wave and some "blank space"), it should ultimately be animated, it'd be much nicer. Also, I'd need the same texture only in the form of a heightmap to help with the foam. If somebody could do that, it'd come in very handy. edit: patch update below (I'm not sure I can add files to the patch, so I've linked the two textures below. They have to be put in " binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/terrain/types/water/ ") Since it's my first svn patch, it might not work, please report then
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