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Everything posted by wraitii

  1. Some news that, for once, aren't "This failed". So I've switched back to geometry, and to render-to-buffer, which helps nicely against depth problem and conflicts. Here's an early WIP: It looks promising enough that I should be able to get it to work, so that's something.
  2. I figure houses would take basically no time to capture, and capturing doesn't really have a cost (free buildings, yay). So even if they're hard to destroy without siege buildings, I don't think it would be a hassle to take them down by capturing them.
  3. I think that was intended as buildings will be made capturable.
  4. I think citizens are recruited too quickly in the early game. This presses the players to build houses all the time, which makes it a bit boring and makes wood really really important (with Marilyn, I had found that in the early game, optimal resource collecting was about 60%wood/40% food or more for wood depending on the civ). If citizens were recruited slightly slower, the player would have more time to do other stuff than simply building houses. In the late game, technologies could be use to change that.
  5. You could use a specific sky setting for that.
  6. Okay, so I've tried using the ground directions for the wave... And the answer is no, it looks bad. I think I'm going to stop being dumb and start being clever instead, so I'll probably resort to some sort of fancy geometry stuffs that will allow for wave discontinuity, because hey, waves can be. Should work anyway. On the upside, this is really helping me work on my hatred for restarting from scratch.
  7. Na. hadn't noticed that. Isn't there also a matrix multiplication for the shadows, though?
  8. I'm pretty sure this is the problem we discussed, myconid, with the instancing transform.
  9. Did anybody here play the "RPG" multiplayer scenarios in AOE 2? Now that was some serious fun.
  10. Allright, I updated my SVN, cleaned workspaces. So, notwithstanding the crash with spidermonkey, which I simply prevented from recompiling, update-workspaces works fine. Here's my report for the compilation. Start Xcode and the pyrogenesis project: "edit scheme" to put the build configuration to "Release" on every project (activates -O3, for some reason Xcode 4.4 thinks debug is the base configuration for "running"). First compilation: mocks_real fails. Error is invalid setting of BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION. Fix: go to source/lib/pch/pch_boost.h, line 28, #define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION 3 Recompile. Simulation2 fails. Error is "ICmpAIManager.cpp:56:16: No viable conversion from 'const boost::filesystem::path' to 'std::wstring' (aka 'basic_string<wchar_t>')" Fix: change line 56 of ICmpAIManager.cpp to std::wstring dirname = (*it).wstring(); Recompile. Graphics fails. Two errors. the first is "TextureManager.cpp:428:10: Invalid operands to binary expression ('VfsPath' (aka 'Path') and 'const boost::filesystem::path')", the second is the same as in Simulation2. Fix: in TextureManager.cpp, line 428, change to p = p / (*it).wstring(); Line 430, change to return m_TextureConverter.ComputeSettings(srcPath.leaf().wstring(), files); Recompile. Linking failed, mach-o linking errors that all target boost::filesystem Fix: in the project settings, add to "Other Linking Flags / Release" : "-lboost_filesystem-mt" Recompile. Build succeeded. 0 A.D. is up and running. Now trying to compile ActorEditor (and hence also the scenario editor as a side effect). "Edit scheme" to put the build configuration to "Release" (same issue). First compilation: build succeeded. The actor editor starts properly though it's bugged on OS X anyway. Pyrogenesis executable and the scenario editor are up and running. So, apart from the spidermonkey problem (which is not too bad if precompiled libraries can be made available), it's all pretty straightforward, and it seems to work with the boost update. I'm not entirely sure that the fix for line 430 of texturemanager.cpp doesn't break something, but it didn't seem so in-game.
  11. Okay, there's a twist: the update-workspaces script won't work because spidermonkey says the gcc compiler isn't working... Which may be true, Apple doesn't ship gcc on Mountain Lion, so that may have messed up a few stuffs. Apple now ships clang... Trying to get around that for now. Weirdly, Fcollada does compile... Edit: okay so everything but spidermonkey compiles. I'm guessing it's because I had gcc-4.2 previously installed. I'm going to see if I can't change the checking, since it's obviously wrong.
  12. Part of the flickering I got when I tried preferglsl = true was from the normals going all over the place (fixed some time ago, I believe). Is this the same problem?
  13. Yeah, but this is a fairly big constraint. I think a good effect can be achieved by using waves that go only in one direction (that is to say, you'd get breaking waves near some part of the beaches, the rest would get regular ocean stuff). Around small islands, it looks weird to have waves "morphing around" in the obviously wrong direction. On bigger islands, I'd have to check if some system can't be made to sort of follow the slope of the island, but I fear it might be complicated to do efficiently, nicely, and easily enough.
  14. Myconid, I've implemented a way to do waves using render-to-textures. I think for waves I'll focus on using the "wind direction" and all waves will follow that (so I've got to take into account protection from wind. Should be okay.), and I'll use the alpha channel for the foam (which is all-right because it's already only one channel). So that should work. I'll just have to actually go through with it.
  15. I've gotten a problem this morning in the game with libpng, so I've updated everything in macports (took a good 2 hours), tried to compile: failure. Boost filesystem has been updated to version 3, so I had to change a define and add some ".wstring()" where I got errors (iCmpAIManager, line 56 and TextureManager, lines 428/430. I thinks that's it). Then I had to manually add the linking flag "-lboost_filesystem-mt" and it compiled (I was getting linking errors) and started. it worked. The ActorEditor also compiles cleanly, and macports updated some wx stuff so I guess that fixed it. I however get a fatal error at start when tried to actually start the actorEditor. Starting the scenario editor from the executable works. So basically, update everything in macports, fix a few linking troubles/small errors, and it works on 10.8 Do note: with the new security stuffs in OS X Mountain Lion, the system will refuse to start Apps that are not from the mac App Store or identified developers (using code signing in Xcode and probably some stuffs on Apple's side). You might want to consider checking that out, and "code signing" the mac bundle. There's probably some documentation on Apple's website. (This setting can be changed to allow any application to start, but "most people" will probably not change it).
  16. GIven the hole, you might want to make go a bit below the ground, so it can be placed on hills without it looking too weird.
  17. Okay, Alpha 10 bundle seems to work correctly in fullscreen, even when I start the executable directly. The scenario editor requires X11, which is no longer bundled with OS X Mountain Lion, so that might be a problem. However, there's XQuartz that's fairly easy to download and that fixes the problem. Still can't compile the scenario editor myself or have the fullscreen work, though, no particular idea why. The problem on compiling the scenario editor seems linked with some functions not being available in the proper architecture, for some reason.
  18. Does it include some of my portings to ARB? If not, is it a priority that I port this to ARB?
  19. I'll check that. I used macports, I'll check for updates, and report back.
  20. Okay, so I've successfully built and run 0 A.D. on OS X Mountain Lion, compiling with Xcode's 4.4 LLVM 4.0 compiler (ie not GDB). Apart from a few "updates" that Xcode did automatically on each project, I did not encounter problems. However, the fullscreen option bugs, and results to the game reverting to windowed mode but with issues: it's stuck in the bottom left corner and i have no actual window to speak of (no title bar). Edit: ActorEditor fails during linking though, it's apparently linked to wxwidgets.
  21. I've just installed Mountain Lion, will report about SVN buildabilty once I get the latest X-Code.
  22. It's harder to do a lot of small waves properly in some cases. I'll have to give a look at some sort of wind direction. Anyway I'll retry with the mesh thing. Given my current timetable, this would probably push waves to after Alpha 11, though.
  23. The hardest part here is that the geometry must take into account the convexity of the map (to avoid overlapping). If you look at page 6/7 (can't recall which) you'll see I had that for some times, but it felt unsatisfactory. I could retry with your system.
  24. Not much to be done with the current code, as it's all created in the shaders. To do the waves in screen space, I'd need to restart that from scratch (and i'm not really sure how to do it anyway).
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