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Everything posted by wraitii

  1. You shouldn't have that setting with the latest patch, are you sure your SVN is properly updated?
  2. I must say, I'd like that. Could allow to set "strategies: all/rusher/boomer/turtler", or whatever.
  3. Okay, I just committed a fix for the GL errors I encountered. Historic_bruno, Atlas updates should now work, I had managed to forget committing the necessary file. Lion_Kanzen, could you retry, I have made the requirements for water different so you should be able to get it to work. I also removed the "3D waviness" setting leaving only "HQ waviness", I felt it was kind of redundant.
  4. Gave it a listen, it's on Alpha 10. Early criticism: the houses are built reaaaaaally slowly (and I must say, I kinda agree). He also seems to believe that villagers are useless, since soldiers do the same and better (I guess it should be more explicit that farming is faster with females). And he really stresses that. He says it's technically more like AoE3, gameplay-wise more like AoE1 (in a good way, mostly). Then he goes on rambling about himself for a while. He says it's a really good game, but it's good drawbacks. Getting wood and building stuff is slow, so he says the early game is really slow. And he says that not needing barracks is both good and bad, for obvious non-rush reasons. He talks about all buildings. He seemed to have not fully understood the market (apparently he didn't notice you can click on other resources to trade with something else than food.) Says you need a powerful graphic card. Overall I'd say it's a pretty favorable review. @Ludo: moi, du coup. J'suis de Tours, mais en prépa ECS à Paris.
  5. Seems like it comes from the game thinking you're in fixed renderpath mode... Could you try setting "renderpath=shader"? or does it crash? (in which case this is intended behavior, though perhaps I should change.)
  6. Okay, I see what you mean now. Would you perhaps have set "renderpath = fixed"? Or does the game do so automatically for you? edit: Plumo, committed the udpated belgian bog, and I just committed a small change to the shader, the water will look more the same even if refraction is deactivated (and furthermore, refraction is now similar between "real depth" and "not real depth", for some reason on "real depth" waves distorted things much less).
  7. You mean the setting window is still the same for you, after having updated to the latest SVN? Plumo: I'm committing a change anytime for the Belgian Bog as a way to test a slight shader change.
  8. It appears you don't have the new settings, have you updated to the latest SVN?
  9. It should require a recompilation, and I believe there has been no automatic build yet.
  10. Okay, so given what I had as feedback, I just pushed a huge commit that basically allows to enable water features individually. It kind of highlights why we need a real settings window, though. You can turn on/off foam, waves, use of "3D" waviness or fake waviness, HQ waviness (cheap, should probably be default actually), reflections and refractions, use of real or fake depth, use of shadows on water or not. The default setting is now a slightly better fancywater. The fixed function is only called if the player set it in the config or if it can't render any better. Disabling reflections is a huge performance boost, though I should ultimately show the sky (for now it reflects the sky color), disabling refractions also improves it slightly. To those who had graphical issues, particularly Lion Kanzen, could you try to check which feature doesn't work/crashes? Again, please report on performance/possible bugs. @Historic_bruno: just did a change with this message, Atlas now only updates on terrain change (and should only update when the terrain has finished changing, but that's a tad buggy). It should be acceptably slow, ie doable. Disabling waves should make it faster, too, so please report.
  11. More of an AI issue than a RM placement issue. With my latest stuffs for Aegis Bot, I believe I could fix that problem. FeXoR: I'll check and commit when i'm over with my water commit.
  12. Huge EV Nova fan for me. There was a weapon called Wraithii.
  13. This one seems to fit your bill.
  14. Well, you should just assure that my fix won't break the bundled version.
  15. Indeed. I update the wiki about that, and made a ticket too explaining slightly. Basically, water color is the color at high depth/murkiness. Tint is the color or the water when it's not fully opaque. I'm not sure this is extremely clear, so I'd advise you to check out thee polynesia map, it shows this nicely. @k776: youre probably right, yes.
  16. Sounds like it tried to do something with a dead unit. I'll give it a look.
  17. Thanks for the reports everybody. I'm going to go through with the afore-mentionned plan, having 5 different levels of details, so that should allow everybody to enjoy the water to its fullest. Fabio: could be related to the FBO used when rendering the shore waves, I'll have to ask you again when the 5 different level of details are done (the latest would only add shore waves).
  18. I guess I could make it run over multiple frames for a small overhead cost, in Atlas. Perhaps I could use another function that would basically be the same code updated to run over multiple turns. There are also likely optimizations, it's not the fastest code since it was not really needed in-game, but it probably can't be made much faster unless I realize my math is completely idiotic. Another solution is to only reload when "MT_TerrainChanged" is no longer being sent, ie when the player releases the mouse in Atlas or something. I'll have to check. Anyway, about the water: right now there are three levels -non-shader. A simple filter, using transparency. Extremely ugly, no fog support. -reflections. Shows real reflections and refractions (very slow. On my computer this is about 80/90% of the time to render water), waves, uses "depth at surface". Supports fog. -advanced. Uses the real depth, shows foam and waves, has "interpolated" wave effects that look nicer. Supports fog too. I'm thinking of switching to: -hypothetically, fixed function, like before, for compatibility mainly. -'lowest': simple shader based stuff. Using transparency instead of refraction, reflecting only the skybox (as a texture), perhaps some basic wave effect, fog support. Since that would not render reflections and refractions, it should allow most users to enjoy a water that's not too ugly, and functional -'low' level: this would have realistic reflections (ie the whole thing, not only the skybox), still use transparency instead of refraction, and use fake "surface" depth along with some semi-nice wave effect. -'medium' would add real refraction and real depth (refractions only if it's not too costly, might swap it with foam or something. ) -'High' would be the whole thing, adding shadows on the water, interpolated waves, foam… (perhaps a 'highest' could be considered, I'd have to check). This would have the benefit of allowing most users to enjoy a water that's not too ugly, at a little cost since refractions/reflections is really slow. Also, I think up to 'medium' ARB support would be possible. After that it may require too many different texture sampling for ARB, which is pretty limited in that aspect. @Fabio: ah, I see. Seems pretty weird, the drop should be between no shader at all and fancywater, not between superfancywater and fancywater. Who knows. As for the black areas, report again whenever you can, as long as it doesn't crash I'm going to say it's not highest priority.
  19. I believe it's because it's DLLLoader.cpp that loads it. It explicitly calls a path, which OSX may consider as an absolute path.
  20. I'm mainly asking or the difference between fancy and superfancy. The reflections/refractions are really causing the lag with the water. Do these black areas move? Are they waviness dependent?
  21. wraitii


    Your second point is "probably not much", HWDetect.cpp basically is the place for that and almost already does it, it checks for a few other stuffs. I think the advanced water might also require such changes, BTW.
  22. Hmpf, I'm getting a segfault on cycaldic archipelago and some other errors (not the ones you have though). Should look into that, might be related to Lion's problems. edit: ah, no, that sounds related to some AI changes. Nevermind. Edit 2: Okay, so I'm getting neither, so this is another hardware problem. I am getting some weird stuffs with the foam and the LOS though, should check that. About the waves: it's also an artifact of the way I generate waves. I'm about 30% happy with it... Fabio: the black areas could be a problem with the depth buffer. How does the fog work for your computer? Edit3: could some testers report on performance, too? On my computer, the difference between superfancywater = false and superfancywater = true is basically 0.2 ms, negligible enough. Mainly, I'm considering making the "normal" water also use the depth buffer for depth, it'd give a much nicer result.
  23. Pretty weird... I'll look into that, I've got something to do atm. I've fixed some errors with shadows being off, I'll commit when I get back (see IRC, FeXoR's having a weird issue). Fabio: it happens on all maps?
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