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Everything posted by wraitii

  1. I find it fairly intrusive too. Perhaps a simpler solution would be to sort the icons by phase, and then only show a number for the first building in each phase/mark the separation with a line or something. I believe this info should be available without going in a tutorial since with many civs, this gets tedious.
  2. Unless there is a specific civ for which this would mean an overflow, I support the idea.
  3. FYI: using the new xcode 4 projects, SVN compiled nicely without any issue on my repo. The only problem (already there before) is that you have to manually change all the "build schemes" to release if you don't want to play in debug mode.
  4. Just to give another idea: how about a "global experience" sort of mechanism. The more you fight, the stronger all your citizen soldiers are and the slower they gather. This would automatically make the game slow down as time goes by.
  5. I don't mind the slower growth (as long as it doesn't get boring. The beginning is a bit lacking in that aspect. Perhaps scouting could be made more important or something) . It's the fact that it suddenly goes in overdrive (and pureon is right) that's problematic. Perhaps the solution is actually slowing down the late game. Making buildings costlier, units less efficient/costlier/longer to train. Perhaps most tech could lengthen the training time, making for an interesting possibility for tech pairs or something. Perhaps smaller skirmish should be favored in the mid game (15-25 minutes on) before actually breaking out the big siege units and the big walls.
  6. I feel like I agree 200%. The game starts slowly and finishes really fast ( Ai growth for example is basically exponential. At 10 minutes, hardly a village. At 20 minutes, a moderate town. At 30 minutes, the map is covered in TCs. This is a serious issue.) might be the playstyle, as you can still raid quickly, but I always get that feeling, which I did not get in aoe or aom In particular, house building was (still is to an extent) notoriously slow. I also agree about tech pairs, I feel like the choices aren't right. I love the idea of pairs, but I agree that cost vs power usually makes more sense than Melee vs ranged. Though a bit of both would be perfect (to allow more customization in-game. Finally, I wouldn't mind slightly slower battles, really.
  7. Perhaps here could be a combination of both (though then again, perhaps this is not really simpler). Still, I think there should be a maximum armor or something so that catapult hits still feel powerful even against a 90% defense.
  8. Agreed on them being overpowered. I also agree that perhaps wooden palisades would make more sense, in which case they could be closed. (also, it's still noteworthy that aegis currently disbands the walls, keeping only towers)
  9. I tend to support the percent idea since it's fairly simple, very efficient gameplay-wise, and gives usually pretty sane outputs. Perhaps the curve could be non-linear but rather dependent on attack strength, ie you'd get 50% defense against an attack of 10, 60% against an attack of five, but only 10% against an attack of 50, thus maintaining the advantage to a catapult or something. I dunno. Might be interesting. (obviously we'd only show one value, say against an attack of 10) Edit: might just have rephrased what Fexor wrote.
  10. Further information for AI-side optimizations: My API v3 (still not in the game, afaik) will use a shared component and a player-specific component. The architecture would thus be this: C++ Side: AI Manager -> AiWorker (for threading). The AI Worker deals with getting the simulation state (from Ai Manager), running the shared component and sending it to each AI Player script, and runs the AIPlayer (C++ side) which calls the javascript AI. Javascript side: shared component / Ai script. Basically this architecture means that the shared component could probably, for the most part, be ported to C++. I do not believe it should necessarily be too easily moddable since it's only there to do basic, but necessary stuffs: entity filtering (possibly entity collections too, but that might be kept JS side using a clever hierarchical (ie à la octree)). It does map filtering and things like that, which could be ported to C++ efficiently (I believe). AI scripts should however probably remain mostly JS only, for easier moddability. There are areas of improvements there too: detecting what is ran too often and running it less often, optimizing probably in a lot of places, porting some logic to the shared component if it happens to be worthwhile. Furthermore, the JS itself could be faster. About the GC: AIs tend to waste a lot of memories in allocations and deallocation. With a small runtime size (the default 16Mb or the current 24Mb), this means running the GC fairly often. It should be tested wether it's more efficient to run the GC once in a while with a larger runtime (I think we could afford 32Mb), or fairly often with a smaller runtime.
  11. I'm ready to bet there'll be an AoE mod anyway.
  12. Same bug as one that was reported before... I've fixed it in the APi V3 but didn't in the V2, I'll see if I can this week.
  13. I believe those were oriental norias (specifically, big norias here) in Anno 1404. They irrigated surrounding areas to allow farming. Might want that for when we revamp the farming system.
  14. We'd need some source that doesn't come either from anti-right extreme groups about the laws. As for the other countries, indeed, Germany is afaik the only country with such stringent laws..
  15. Arguably, "civilization" encompasses both an actual empire/kingdom/nation and the associated culture. Hence, the game would not really need separate civilizations for every single, say, Persian, entities. Ultimately, this could lead to allowing to have all civilizations that existed in the time-frame and that were different enough to warrant being clearly separate (the difference exists between britons and gauls. But that's probably the lower limit. Furthermore, this is also why there is only one "roman" civilization currently and not a "roman pre 250BC, roman post 250BC" or whatever thing). However, this indeed takes time. Making a civilization is not only actually adding it. It's doing the research, and by that I mean actual usable research about the possible units, buildings, technologies, props, drawbacks, assuming this research even exists in a readable language (if not, one might have to ask a specialist, which will cost time, perhaps money). Once research is done, there is the issue of modeling and texturing, which takes a lot of time and resources. Then you need to add the civilization to the game, to make it balanced (again all other civs, which furthermore increases the complexity exponentially), make it varied enough to be interesting beyond a name. Perhaps add it to a few scenarios or make custom scenarios. It will probably take the team 3 Alphas (6/8 good months) all in all to add the Mauryan civilization, which is pretty well known, and the whole art team is basically focused on that. If we had to add the numerous other possible civs (off the top of my head, at least 3 south american civs, 2 north american civs, a minimum of 3 European civs, 4 Asian, 1/2 indonesian), it would take us literal years. Choices had to be done, and choices had to be logical: thus the focus was set on the mediterranean, center of the "known" antiquity in most of the western world. So if you want to do the research for a civ, do by all means. But remember that it's a long process, somewhat tedious in parts.
  16. I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
  17. Isn't that building a bit high-poly? It looks really nice, but it appears extremely detailed.
  18. To chip in: The game is free, and distribution is basically worldwide through the internet. The target demographic is probably people older than 16, but dare I say even probably people older than 20 (this game, being realistic and as of now fairly slow seems like a "grown-up" game to me). Being free, it also means that if people feel "offended" by whatever, well they just delete it and it cost them nothing. Thus I believe most decisions should be taken in regards to historical accuracy and other "usual" factors, like time/interest. In the case of hindu swastikas, I believe legality should be the only factor. Unless Germany has especially stringent laws about the symbol (which to be honest I kind of doubt in the context of historically accurate literally-older-than-Jesus hindu symbols, though we should definitely stay away from a black swastika over a red background — but that's just asking for trouble ), in which case it would be worth it to remove them, there is no point in investing the time to do so. There might (and I believe, will) be offended people. In all likelihood, they will be trolls, or people that would have found something to be offended by anyway. I do not believe it's worth wasting time "fixing" what ain't broke for that. As for bare breasts, I don't really have a strong opinion on the matter. Historical accuracy would call for bare breasts, but covering them isn't what's going to make or break the game, it doesn't really feel important, and might help avoid unnecessary attention.
  19. I confirm this is because of my setting tweaks: since settings are for the whole maps, to make the river look normal, I had to reduce waviness, hence why the waves look better. Furthermore, indeed the "old" screenshot shows the black posts bug but I believe I fixed that.
  20. The theory behind elevation map is sound, and there are no "problems" in itself with it. However, any map plane must have its own refractions/reflections rendered, which is expensive (refractions might be done in one pass, reflection cannot). Furthermore, the code isn't currently done for it. However, I believe it could be added at some laaaaate point in development.
  21. My internet is giving me a little trouble, could you reupload the image in JPG or something?
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