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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Centurion_13

  1. Lorian I doubt you will be able to see the individual houses in the UK. only possible in the US. but you could show us the area.
  2. @ykrosh, if you live in the US, you can switch it to the usgs satalite and get detailed enought to get individual houses, cars (even people although they are just blotches). its almost 1m per pixel quality. I managed to find Mythos_rulers house. and he showed me around his town. @if you see me on msn Ill see if we can get a better picture of your place.. that goes for anyone in the US. as for me, I live here: here (perpindicular) here(angled) here(labeled) Ill get a clearer labeled up one soon but for now the higher red label is my home and the lower red label is my school. And this is where Ill be moving: here(perpindicular) here(angled)
  3. I've been wanting that as a cheat for ages, I plan to get it in even if I have to make it myself (although plans can be squashed sometimes so no guarrentees)
  4. well not every roman shield looked the same, and battledamage certainly isnt the same on everyone's shields.
  5. and people would keep killing off their lower men to have an army of extra strength, anyone who didnt do this would be disadvantagd in battle
  6. My count is down about 150 or so but I dont really care
  7. I hope they dont turn out like cylons
  8. although if you feel that you want yours to be as gorey and disgusting as possible, no one is going to stop you making a mod.
  9. I found my microphone, I am "shan-centurion_13" if anyone cares
  10. Who in all of WFG are the people you would most like to meet? I personaly would most like to meet in no paerticular order micheal (mythosruler), curufinwe, jason, Dnas, Argalius, chris, CheeZy, ZeZar and Paul (paal_101). I would however like to meet all of WFG since this is by far my favourite forum community I have ever been to. that gives me an idea. If I ever make enough money to pay for it, I might organise a wfg reunion of all the WFG forum members. that would be amazing to see you all face to face.
  11. I found my mic, I havent tested it on my new computer but I dont see any forseable problems with it. currently my sister is borrowing it.
  12. I am protestant but still he was a respectable man who did many good things for the world, but he was ill and suffering so it isnt sad that he died; after all, now he can be with the god he loved so much.
  13. My monitor resolution is currently 1600x1024 but I can make it go many time bigger
  14. Well We are still early in devolepment of randomisation of units so hopefully soon your troubles will be over.
  15. although later I want to see sauron as a cheat unit, the cheat could be 'april fools" or something related to this event
  16. remeber that game on a tiny map with 8players. it was chris soggy and one of the other staff members (maybe tim). After I had died I was watching the game and helping lorian keep a lookout for suprise attacks through teamspeak
  17. 3:38am... I really need to go to bed soon
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