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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Centurion_13

  1. I'll be continueing on with 0AD if I get any choice (which I certainly should). But what he said is a more detialed version of what I said
  2. in 10 days I have made around 50 posts....im sure I could do better than that... Il have to pick up the pace a bit.
  3. from what I understand. 0ad is to be made first, then once weve made the engine and all that stuff, we hand it over to the tla people who then make their stuff
  4. ha ha ha but wouldn it be pretty cold to be naked up in those areas. maybe only in the warmer months they got naked.
  5. yeah sisters are pains in the @#$%, but hwo can you not like italian food?! I am bewildered by that statement it just seems impossible to me. All my favourite foods are italian
  6. so far 14 dead australians. I think it may have done a bit more damage to australia than I previously thought.
  7. The Tsunami even reached Some parts of Austalia, thankfully they were lower than a metre and the only damage they did was pull a couple of fishing boats off their moorings
  8. I got my mum (my dad is dead) a big red baking dish. its real good and my family loves to cook so it was a great present. it was reduced to about half prices as well so that was great
  9. Maybe, If you become an active member, respect the Code of conduct and contribute positive thigns to out community
  10. yeah it is pretty high I just didnt want to scare him off so he gets lured into the conversion trap! Mwa ha ha ha J/k its all good.
  11. Just wait some new stuff will be coming soon and it made my jaw drop when I saw some of it.
  12. Hi there, its good to see you over here Conser. Enjoy your time. If you like you can go and postin the fun and games forum. Thats where silly stuff goes. THe hall of intelectuals is for any long discussion about anything boring (j/k). Well its actually for intereasteing debates it seems mostly. The computer desk is for anything computer related. These people can help you with practicaly eerythign you want, although they might try and convert you to firefox (you still use IE dont you) and posssibly linux. The last Alliance is for Tolkien related stuff and about a game being made by wildfiregames based on tolkien stuff. I dont really know much about that though. 0ad forums are obviously about the game 0ad. Welcome and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions we will try and asnwer them.
  13. Actually I think it was indepandant of your thread (would have happened anyway) but I am ot sure which thread you mean so I may be wrong. I am pretty sure its because of a thread mythos ruler made
  14. yeah we through that together on christmas day (well it was for me) Rest assured there will be new and better screens comming sometime
  15. how does an onager backfire? I suppose you mean landing on a large group of your own men. (I really hate when that happens in Rome total war)
  16. we could creatre smurf acounts but thats cheating and not encouraged. It might happen but I doubt it
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